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Religion & Spirituality - 25 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-04-25 02:20:57 · 8 answers · asked by oliver sitting bull 2

So many people keep insisting that the bible says spare the rod, spoil the child. Where does it say this at?? My bible says in proverbs 13:23 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

Have you ever noticed how many kids are said to have A.D.D. I really believe that some of them are that way because of lack of disclipline. My nephew is suppose to have A.D.H.D, but at my house he's perfect because he knows I dont put up with that kind of misbehavior. How can he control himself with me, but not his mother? If you have this disorder then it doesnt who you are around. I might be wrong, but what do you think

2007-04-25 02:20:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do religious people allow science technology in hospitals instead of prayer? Religious people do not accept science as it applies to explaining our origins in terms of evolution and as a result the other explanation is creationism... so why then do religious people put their faith in science to save their loved ones from life threatening illness? Example... at a hospital why not sit around and pray instead of connecting heart monitors and blood tests incorporating science to diagnose and cure disease. Instead of injecting a surgery patient with a pain killer why not just pray to God to take away the pain and if that does not happen isn't the patient not one of God's children?

2007-04-25 02:15:19 · 31 answers · asked by Saint Lucipher 3


Is there a power greater than the human mind?

2007-04-25 02:15:03 · 16 answers · asked by dungpit 1

2007-04-25 02:13:41 · 24 answers · asked by sunlionsroar 2

in islam religion , the god say in quran that this world is like a garden , living and dieing of trees in summer and winter.
our living is emproray we will died and be alive in other world.
we must do god work and help to other people especially childeren with parents and poverty people.
we must do pray , 3 times every day and go to musque 3 times every day and go to mecca 1 times at life.
every thing in this world are going to down.
therfore the people musn't go to sxuality and violence.
we must help to underdog peopleand ....
but what happen in west countries . they are going to sexuality and violence. the god say , it dosn't help and dosn't teach to evil people. they send many sexuality tv channel on sattelite.

2007-04-25 02:12:40 · 12 answers · asked by mohsen 1

I'm not for or against prayer requests in any way and usually I will just ignore them but I do wonder, does it make any difference if 1 christian prays because your cat Mr. Fluffers hurt his paw (or whatever) or 20 christians? What about 2000? 2,000,000,000? Does God listen better when more christians are asking for the same thing?

If that is so why aren't you all praying to God to end hunger, or malaria, or AIDS, or something important rather than the health of your cat or something equally selfish?

If not, why bother with prayer requests at all?

2007-04-25 02:09:11 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-25 02:08:37 · 15 answers · asked by Kain 5

During meditation,they say to concentrate on the tip of the nose.What do they mean by concentrate?Do i have to picture my nose in my mind?Or do i have to look at my nose?What do they mean by concentrate on the nose?Pls help me....

2007-04-25 02:04:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all, only intelligent human's believe in beliefs that are proven...
not like religious beliefs;
NO, religion's Blind Faith is NOT proof !

2007-04-25 02:03:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

when God unleashed his Flood of Mass Destruction, while the sea creatures were spared?

2007-04-25 02:02:46 · 1 answers · asked by Potatoe Plague 2

There are many religions that exist, past and present, all over the world. They all teach very different things. If someone wants me to believe in one of them, don't they have the burden of proof? Asking me to prove that god(s) do not exist seems silly. You're the one who believes in the invisible, magical wheveryoucall it. Shouldn't you have to prove that god/goddess/shiva/hachiman/whatever is real before asking me to beleive. All of you have books to quote from so spare me. What proof do you have? Give me the proof that the is one god and not many or vice versa. What evidence shows that "something" is out there? If a Hindu believes as devoutly in his gods as a Christian does in his god, how am I to judge whih experience is more valid? You say that faith doesn't require proof. Convinient. Faith in what? There are many faiths. How could I chose without proof of some kind? Darwin has his proof, where is yours?

2007-04-25 02:02:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-25 01:57:38 · 17 answers · asked by dana z 1

is erased from our soul. My question is -- can Satan remember our forgiven sins? He thrives on our weaknesses, so once we give into the temptation he sets before us, he continues to throw that sin infront of us. But if we seek forgiveness from God, can Satan still use that against us?

And is there any Biblical reference to this? Thanks!

P.S. Obviously this question is directed to Christians. If you don't believe, please don't give me your opinion. I'd appreciate that for once. Thanks.

2007-04-25 01:57:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I was at primary school (ok, it was 10 years ago so it might have changed) in religion lessons and in assembly, teachers referred to Chrisitanity as fact (e.g. 'Jesus DID such and such, God said don't eat that apple)

but when they taught about other religions they would say 'Hindus believe that.....' 'Jews would say that......'

Shouldn't they teach them all the same? after all they all have the same reason for them being true, because someone SAID it happened and wrote it down in a book

2007-04-25 01:47:43 · 22 answers · asked by zeppelin_roses 4

This question is not meant to be nearly as offensive as it sounds, But I was wondering what it was that makes people think that Jesus is God, rather than an cult leader who claims to be God?

2007-04-25 01:46:51 · 14 answers · asked by eckzl 4

spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets what does that mean?

2007-04-25 01:44:29 · 5 answers · asked by Luv2no is in the house 7

If so, What is the remedy?

2007-04-25 01:39:57 · 14 answers · asked by Ticlesh 4

This is a religious question.

2007-04-25 01:36:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

do folks on this forum continually bring up the fact that if there is no evidence then they do not believe it?

I'm talking about an article I just read in Yahoo news on the new planet they found that just might be able to hold life. Of course I realize they say that about Mars too, only because it is capable of having water ... but my question derived from a paragraph within the article:

"Besides having the right temperature, the new planet is probably full of liquid water, hypothesizes Stephane Udry, the discovery team's lead author and another Geneva astronomer. But that is BASED ON THEORY ABOUT HOW PLANETS FORM, NOT ON ANY EVIDENCE, he said." (emphasis is mine)

So how can they do that? How can they have a theory without any evidence of any kind? Especially since the folks here insist that a theory must have evidence of some kind in order to be valid? Isn't that the whole "God can't exist because there is no evidence?" claim?

2007-04-25 01:35:53 · 13 answers · asked by arewethereyet 7

As a Republican & a Christian, I support the war and President Bush....always have.
But do you think that we will ever fully wipe out extreme terrorists even with Saddam gone?
And what if we catch & kill that other nut-case, Bin Laden? Will it really stop anti-Americans from attempting to penetrate our nation?

As long as we are free....people who are not will hate us.

Your thoughts......

2007-04-25 01:35:15 · 15 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

2007-04-25 01:32:58 · 15 answers · asked by Desiree 4


some one once told me that when they went to see the barn that Jesus was born in is now a Merchandise shop. and the place he was ment to of been Crucified is a hole in the growned that people worship and walk over? how bad is that?

2007-04-25 01:31:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i really screwed up on this one with someone very important to me and now he has given up on me...i don't want God to give up, as well...

2007-04-25 01:22:54 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-25 01:20:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Haven't we tolerated this religious silliness long enough?

2007-04-25 01:15:01 · 17 answers · asked by St. Tom Cruise 3

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