The Innocent Deaths...
The Abused Children...
The Starving Masses...
The Penniless...
The Hopeless...
It's time to stop praying...
... And it's time to start acting.
Prayers are well wishes. But what if YOU actually did something to try to fix any of those problems? Instead of telling the man who's trying to build a house "Good luck", actually helping?
I always hear about how we should pray for this group of people, pray for that group of people. I think that prayers can be strong things, don't get me wrong.
But it won't put food in a starving man's stomach.
It won't clothe a woman in poverty.
It won't even aide to close the wounds of abused children.
I say it's time to stop standing on the side-lines. Get active in the Global Community. Go to New Orleans, Solomon Islands, ANYWHERE hit by ANY disaster to help them rebuild.
Give your old clothes away.
Adopt a child. If not, soothe a child you know who's been abused. Give toys to an orphanage.
23 answers
asked by
Lady Myrkr