Yes there was. Depending on ones belief tho.
Anyway, Yes there was. If one reads Genesis, ch.1 v 28. God says to man. Be fruitful and mutiply, and replenish the earth.
Now by mans standards, replenish means to "Make full. or complete again." To refill what was emptied,
That, what once was full. To Refill.
So it will be as it was. Again, means: To return back to the orgin, of the beginning, . To redo, a mistake, from a time before.
Now i am not saying God made a mistake.
I am saying man may have overdone themself, So God destroyed,what once was. and re-did it.
Now if you go to chapter 2 you will find, this is a different time table. From Adam & Eve. So there are 2 different, things.
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