Atheists will commonly refer to God as the "God of gaps" when it comes to science. It seems common that when we can't totally explain the big questions, the beginnings of life and the universe, then theists will jump in with God. If we adopted that point of view, then wouldn't it follow that anytime we can't explain something, we should jump to God? Take lightning or plate tectonics, there's a lot of stuff we do not know about them, so why shouldn't we attribute them to God? Why just stop at life and the universe? What I'm trying to get you to see is that "God did it" is not a valid answer because of the above points.
I can think of one objection...
Life and the universe are exclusively of God and the other things while coming from God, are not actively controlled by him.
The only thing I can say is that unless he specifically said that I do not actively control these things, then isn't it an assumption on your part that he doesn't?
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