We know what He did on each day. I am willing to believe that the plants and grass He created on the third day didn't need a heat or light source (our sun), simply because God provided that heat and light from His own Self. Yes, it doesn't make logical sense, and it's very unscientific. But God can do anything, so I will assume this until corrected by Him.
That isn't my question, though; that's just an attempt to head off the answers that will attempt to attack my question without even answering the original question.
What if God, since He's always existed, had already made the universe a trillion billion gazillion years ago, and had already filled some of it with life-supporting galaxies? What if He originally made the universe completely void, and one by one created these galaxies that may or may not have had intelligent life on one or more of the planets? It would be sort of like slowly scribbling over a huge blank chalkboard, one square inch at a time.
19 answers
asked by
Iamnotarobot (former believer)