If a male says ‘Buonasera, Michael. Come stai?’ and the reply is ‘Non c’è male. Vorrei presentala a Lily.' how different would this be in Sicilian?
'Piacere. Lieto di conoscerla. I am pleased to meet you'. - is this correct? Would this be different in Sicilian also?
How would you write the following in Sicilian:
Bellissima (beautiful)
Zio (uncle - but really wanting the honorific title given to a good family friend here)
Padre e Madre (Mother and Father)
Mi Scusi (excuse me)
Grazie (thank you)
Buonanotte, bella (Goodnight, beautiful)
Buonasera (good evening)
mi amore (my love - male saying to female)
la mia moglie (if a male is saying this to his wife using an affectionate term would he say it this way? Do you need to include 'la' or is it ok to say just 'mia moglie'? or whatever the equivalent is in Sicilian.
Thank you for your reply - need correct spellings please.
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