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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

If.. I'm 16 years old, and within the past 3 weeks I've moved into another school within the city. I have been sexually harassed in many ways; from remarks about my sexuality, to actually being groped and begged of sexual favors.
I quickly called my mother and spoke to a guidance counseler, and an administrator. My counseler merely reacted appauled by what I've told them. However, the administrator belittled everything I had let out.
I'm terribly mortified by this situation. I'm expected to write what you could call a sexual harassment claim, with names - pulling me and every kid who's bothered me, out of class to be confronted. Ive expressed my fear and concern to my parents, and they feel that since this has been an ongoing situation for the past 2 years, that they would prefer having me withdrawn for homeschooling/tutoring.
Which is the better of two evils; writing this sexual harassment statement and shaming myself,& more harassment, or waiting for something that wont come

2006-09-26 12:11:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best friend is pregnant and the father is my ex straight drug addict sick illegal russian boyfriend...?
who's gonna be deported next Thursday...she asked me to get a lawyer for him, but I said no, she said she's gonna kill herself and the baby if he's deported and that I'm a sucking friend...what to do? pls, refer to my previous questions about my ex straight drug addict illegal sick russian boyfriend for the whole story...It seems I just can't get outta it!

2006-09-26 12:05:03 · 9 answers · asked by Fabulous, young and broke! 2

2006-09-26 12:00:21 · 16 answers · asked by Fabulous, young and broke! 2

Don't get all offended I asked this in the hetero section too. Do u feel that it's not all that important or.....? Is it very important to you? I am very curious if I will get answers.

2006-09-26 11:50:24 · 14 answers · asked by mmmk92 2

2006-09-26 11:45:58 · 7 answers · asked by kristin 1

I just found out yesterday that my grandfather has 6 months to live. He has been battling cancer for only 3 months and tumors are spreading all over his body.... Nothing is helping....My grandfather is very supportive of me and use to go to gay bars with me... We watched the 1st season L-Word together... He is just one cool dude my grandmother passed away 2 ½ years ago and he is ready to go see her.... What should I do for him that would be special and a memory that he can take with him and I can have for the rest of my life?

2006-09-26 11:26:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

To my mother I'm still her 8 year old lil boy that she left. When she divorced my dad. I Know she wants to make up for lost time, she tells me she loves me I know she does.

I feel the need to defend her somewhat. In the same sense I didn't hear from her for a long time then I had to magically understand what her being Gay leaving me and my leaving dad was all about.

I get it now the gay part, I don't know if she thinks I feel she failed as a mom becasue she went to be with a woman, or what. I don't think that, I was pissed she was gone , now she is trying to make up for it and force me to respect this other chic she's been with or

You know what I don't get it at all is it possible to love someone and want nothing to do with them.

2006-09-26 11:06:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

So my Mom and I were talking and she felt that if I would have stayed with her and her GF I would be would grown up to be a better guy, and married and have a house and all this crap that I don't even want right now. (I'm 26 Graduated college I have a great job I'm fine)

It like she resents the fact that my dad raised me by himself for 10 years and then got married. He and my step-mom raised me.

I don't think her and her GF could have raised me, especially with me knowing I have a father thats wanted to be in my life. So my Moms GF got on the phone and attacked me telling me, not to disrespect my mom and who she is, by saying I was better off with my dad. I told her GF the same thing.

It just seems like it is becoming harder and harder to connect with my mom cause everytime we talk this Gay issue comes up, I clam up, she gets defensive and here comes her GF to the rescue, it's damaging our relationship I don't know what to do. I really don't like her GF at all.

2006-09-26 10:34:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello!! :o) I hope you're OK. I realize the question sounds confrontational - but it's not meant to be. Although I've been celibate for almost a decade now [because I can't quite figure out what God thinks of me being gay] I've often wondered if my attraction to GUYS has more to do with the fact that I don't like girls - than to anything else. And I don't just mean that I have no sexual interest in them. I honestly don't like girls. I don't trust them at all. And how can anyone feel 'close' to someone they can't trust?! I'm sure there ARE trustworthy girls in this world - but I've never met them. So I ask... are you really gay OR do you just hate girls?! [Or just don't really LIKE girls] Have a great day!! Craig!! :o)

2006-09-26 10:21:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

definition. Do you think that a beautiful flower, for example, would be as beautiful if it lasted forever? or is the fragility and temporary nature of it the most beautiful part of it?

2006-09-26 10:14:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also, if your not getting SRS, how do you go about getting this medication?

2006-09-26 10:05:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say this cuz this so called god is disrespecting us all and some ppl want to believe that he is there for them and this and that,but didnt god something about a man shall not lay with another man,it really doesnt make sense to believe in him then right?

2006-09-26 09:57:58 · 25 answers · asked by not_a_girly_girl93 1

If you believe the fallacy of an argument that homosexuality is not a choice, wouldn't it be logical for you to conclude that what you prejudice isn't a choice either?

I see peolpe racist, or prejudice against other lifestyles, etc all the time who are perfectly decent human beings until you bring up such subjects. If you don't want to be judged harshly for being a homosexual, it would help if you were a litte bit more understanding of the point of view of others who don't think exactly like you, especially if that's what you would want/expect others to do for you.

2006-09-26 09:57:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-26 09:52:28 · 9 answers · asked by MЯ BAIT™ 6

In recent months, I have discovered that my [gay] partner of 5 years has a compulsive habit of buying porn, then lying about it.

Last night, I opened up a credit card statement and saw $300 in charges from a live sex website. He didn't lie this time, but I was still furious. We are in a huge financial crunch, and he was selfish enough to go blow that much money on porn when we are hardly making ends meet!

The issue here is not porn... it is lying, and deceit, and wasting our money. I just don't know if I can do this anymore.

The thought of ending things just makes me sick. We made a lifelong commitment to each other. And financially, this would break us. We just bought a house last May.

I look at couples who've been together 40 years. I tell myself this is not a big deal. I feel couples give up too easily. But I don't know how I can still trust or respect him.

He says he is going to get counseling for his lying. Can counseling help? Why does he make such stupid mistakes?

2006-09-26 09:17:18 · 17 answers · asked by Kevin 3

He lives 800 miles away and the next time I get to see him is in November! He is not able to call as he is not out to his Aunt and uncles which he is visiting with his parents on a 4 state car trip. How am I going to deal with out talking to him? What do you guys do when you are forced to not have contact with your loved ones?
I think I am going to go mad!
Help me deal with this please!
Any haters go ahead kick me while I am down. You will get massive doses of bad Karma from it so my revenge is already in place.
Or more commonly: Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

2006-09-26 07:58:24 · 16 answers · asked by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6

I am a crossdresser and I want to dress up as a girl for Halloween. What should I wear?

2006-09-26 07:23:39 · 15 answers · asked by girlieboi1 1

Have you ever been forced to wear panties? By who? How did you feel? Do you still wear them?

2006-09-26 07:20:34 · 15 answers · asked by girlieboi1 1

Is it harder on a gay relationship to have more straight friends or more gay friends? I'm asking because me and my partner have a LOT of straight friends and very little gay friends. It seems we spend more time hanging in the straight bars ... don't get me wrong, I love it, but I miss the gay night life that I once used to be a part of. I do want more gay friends, how do I bring this up to my partner without him feeling I'm "searching" for somebody new?

2006-09-26 07:16:05 · 16 answers · asked by spartexcites 4

2006-09-26 06:48:56 · 20 answers · asked by Jamaican Dime 1

If someone were to open a gay& Transgender day spa would you feel comfortable going. As I know most Transgenders dont frequent spas.

2006-09-26 05:31:04 · 7 answers · asked by slender1 2

I've known my husband is bi and it really never bothered me but latly he has been acting more gay we used to have sex every day and he touched me and kissed me just like a loving husband would. but NOW he doesn't it's been a week i starting to feel alone in this marriage i love him so much and can't imagin leaving him but i think he wants to be with a man more even though he says he doesn't want to leave me i know somethings not the same any more .... PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS THOUGHTS ON THIS NO RUDE AND INSULTING OPINONS>>>

2006-09-26 05:29:44 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are some aspects that make him that way for example he kept touching me while we were asleep...and sometimes keeps staring and touching himself..but he had a girlfriend and sometimes sais something like ...wow that`s a nice one. But sometimes I think that he is making this just to convince others that he isn`t gay... i think dunno what to do... I`d add more info just ask ...

2006-09-26 05:23:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do I come out to my friends and family, my friends would probley accept it but my brothers and dad are homophobic please help!

2006-09-26 05:03:57 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone is using my avatar and name going around anwsering my questions?How can she do that?I know it's you rudecat and it is because i told you i like you,but doesn't help i still like you.
Why not become a lesbian and jion me?

2006-09-26 04:58:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I rally round, trying to start some kind of charity to raise money for a cure to being gay and they throw it back in my face.
Anyone would think that you didn't want to be cured.
I'll concentrate on trying to help gingers instead then shall I?

2006-09-26 04:58:29 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

For being gay.
Can one be found?
Should we invest more money in trying to find a cure?
Should there be gay cure research charities?
Just wondering.

2006-09-26 04:47:21 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it Eyes open ?
or is Eyes closed ?

2006-09-26 04:46:56 · 12 answers · asked by Markin Gomez 3

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