I have learned bigger churches pay this, even mainstream denominations. Many pastors even specifically request a salary of at least $70,000+ I have heard.
In a society with so much poverty, and a difficult economy do pastors really need to be paid this much?
I know of one pastor of a mainstream denominational church in a large city (Southern Baptist I believe it was) that makes over $200,000, and drives a Mercedes-Benz.
Is there something not wrong and materialistic about this? In a society with poverty, in a world where 30,000 children die a DAY from poverty-related conditions (Disease, Starvation, etc.)
For some reason I feel like ministers are particularly accountable for at least trying to be less worldly than others, living by example if they can, am I wrong?
I don't mean to be fake or try to be perfect, but there seems to be something wrong with this.
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Religion & Spirituality