Not to start a debate here, but your post sounds a lot like you are still full of Christian ideas and ideals, but have lost your faith. That is indeed a sad way to be; and that comes from the been there/done that department.
I grew up in a non-practicing Pentecostal family, and had the good fortune to have an older sister who was religious (after a fashion) and dragged me along with her to whatever church her 'best-friend' of the month belonged to.
As young as six, I wanted to believe, but could never bring myself accept a lot of what Christianity taught.
Friend, it was fifty-odd years in the making, but these days I am practicing a self-made form of paganism with a few principles of "pure" philosophy thrown in. And I still find myself living according to a somewhat Christian ethic.
Never give up the search, and never give up the hope that you will find your own little peace with the universe. You will.
Bright blessings to you.
Oh, yeah . . . Bible belt . . . It could be worse, you know. I have relatives in Lynchburg, VA, home of the Falwell empire; and my home is across the creek from Virginia Beach, home of Pat Robertson's lair.
2007-08-20 04:07:32
answer #1
answered by Grey Raven 4
I was raised roman catholic for years. Once my father introduced me to a scientist who actually made a famous discovery. My dad pretty much told me after his name that he was an atheist and since this was a first for me my reply was "really" and he was very nice and said yes I cannot think of a reason to believe in god. Years later I am at that point now and Yes as you say... especially in the bible belt you cannot tell the world you are atheist. It is bad enough if you are mormon or catholic or other and go up against baptist people so how can you turn your back on them if you say you are atheist. and I also lived in the bible belt and as you know, if you do not drink or preach there is nothing left to do there
2007-08-20 03:46:18
answer #2
answered by larry d 2
The thought that life is finite is a scary thing. You're born, live out your life, then die. What's the point? The unknown is a frightening thing, and the truth is no one knows for certain what happens to us when we die. The thought of an afterlife is a comfort; it makes this life seem a little less futile.
2007-08-20 03:54:24
answer #3
answered by Eric C 4
Not really. Oblivion would be nice, at least in comparison to Hell (and even that would be a nice change of pace). As for heaven, I can't say I wouldn't enjoy it, but I don't expect to be lucky enough to get it. But, death is the great unknown. I would be afraid, but I've already come to terms with it, and I will find out eventually, so I guess I just don't care anymore.
2007-08-20 03:41:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
it should scare you! it would scare me too!! okay, i believe in God, and i think that he doesnt want us to be scared!!!, whichi is why he created heaven and hell. im not gunna debate with you, because i already know that im going to heaven, and am 100% sure of it. I also know though, that there is no "end", and that you do not just "die", are "finished", or anything like that.. .cuz mann, thats a creepy thought.. IN reality, you have a choice of where you go once you die, heaven or hell.....and you have to make that decision here, now, while yoiu're still on this earth.
2007-08-20 03:54:43
answer #5
answered by Britta 3
Fear comes out of not knowing, or not accepting something. I don't believe in God, but after death doesn't frighten me in the way you described it, because I've come to terms with it means.
I guess it is a little scary, because it's huge issue to tackle. I think about it this way, you can't stop death, nomatter what, you can't and if there is something after death, great, if there's nothing after you die, then who cares anyways because you won't know.
Still you should come to your own conclusion regarding death and after it. It will make you feel more in control of your life and make it a whole lot less scarier. Things are ALWAYS less scary once you understand them.
2007-08-20 03:48:13
answer #6
answered by must_getno 1
It does not scare me.
I do not look forward to it, I would like to keep on living until a ripe old age. In fact as long as I can keep enjoying life.
When I am old I suspect that when I can no longer rely on my brain or my body, when I am a excessive burden on my children and family rather than a support and mentor - then I suspect I will be happy to die.
I will not be gone for several generations, as my acts and thoughts will be carried on by those who remember me. As I see it, the trick is to have people remember you with fondness and admiration for what you have done.
2007-08-20 03:54:36
answer #7
answered by Simon T 7
I wonder about that alot too. I am a Christian I have no fear of death because I know where I will be. I have no fear when I have to suffer in this life because God is with me suffering with me and I feel it. His loves sustains me when I feel I can't go on. I can't imagine how someone can cope with this world without it. When they have a child in the hospital dying who do they turn to? Does God actually come to their mind and lips? When they grieve what comfort do they get? When they are angry about it who do they scream and wail at? My God let's me do that he understands all that and loves me anyway. I can not imagine it. I was not always a walking Christian but I always believed in God, it really does blow my mind when I try to comprehend it.
2007-08-20 03:54:14
answer #8
answered by Connie D 4
Scary? Compared with a Christian's vision of heaven or hell? Burning in a lake of fire or spending eternity with a bunch of mindless drones worshipping a god?
I'll take oblivion, thank you.
The only thing that should really frighten you is wasting this one life that you have. Make the most of it.
2007-08-20 03:47:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm not scared of anything, except Killer Bee's, but I live in England so they'll all die from the cold.
Anyways being scared of death is pointless as it is the most natural thing around, it also stops you from living your life to the fullest which is a terrible shame.
2007-08-20 03:45:19
answer #10
answered by The Return Of Sexy Thor 5