A) Joseph Smith claiming to know by the power of God that the Kinderhook Plates were ancient scripture from a descendent of Pharoah, only to be shown up by the men who created the plates.
B) Joseph Smith translated 80% of the Book of Mormon by looking at a rock inside of a hat.
C) Kolob
D) Mark Hoffman tricked the Church into buying documents (which the 1st Presidency thought were authentic) showing Joseph Smith was a false prophet, only to have his fraud publicly uncovered and the Church leadership ridiculed in national press
E) Black (African) & red (American Indian) skin are a curse of God, white skin is "pure & delightsome" yet there is no stance on yellow (Eastern Asian) skin
F) The Book of Abraham papyri were found over 40 years ago, yet the PoGP still says they were burned in a fire. Translations of these papyri, certified as authentic by historians both inside and outside the Church, bear absolutely no resemblance (and I mean zero) to Joseph Smith's "Divine Translation."
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Religion & Spirituality