I've read a lot here on R&S about how cristhian apologetics are not credible.
One argument that got my attention was the one about Lee Strobel. He is suposably not credible because he is vey partial in his books and never interviews anyone who disagrees with him.
Is that good enough for all of his books to be discredited? I mean, he does interview only authorities on the subject. Also if the answer to the question is yes, than i can easily just toss all of Dawkins arguments in the trash either: He is partial, his books are clearly biased and he does not present alternatives points of view in them.
Personaly, i believe Dawkins has great arguments, he is a great scientist.
So i don't believe just denying what Christian apologetics write is a good or valid counter argument or a rational point of view.
I'm very interested in all opinions!
Please try not insulting anyone, insulting only shows ignorance ok?
Paz de Cristo
4 answers
asked by
Emiliano M.
Religion & Spirituality