In another forum, a Christian wrote to me: "I am the church... . All beleivers in Christ ARE the church, Christ's body, so in fact I AM a member of their church... ," to which I replied:
This is an interesting point of view, but this eternal skeptic would like to test it. Christians on this forum, I'd like your views on these points:
1. Does everyone who professes Christianity embody the Church so that every Christian is a member of every church?
2. As such, do you believe that your local church is answerable to every Christian everywhere for its ministerial priorities and decisions?
In other words, to what extent do you believe that has a right and a duty to chastise a church with which he has had no previous contact and to lay down rules for the conduct of their ministry when he gets upset over a news item. By the way, keep up all of your good works. Even if I can no longer believe, I am happy for those who do and celebrate their acts of kindness.
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Religion & Spirituality