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Society & Culture - 4 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

*After Vatican II.

2007-07-04 14:12:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

do you know who paul revere actualy is and what he actualy did,well the true histiry is he was a...........?i know,you have to look it up,and NO he was no real hero,he only went so far,who was the real hero who warned the people.......................i know do YOU?

2007-07-04 14:11:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

How about a Tongues to English dictionary?

2007-07-04 14:10:06 · 16 answers · asked by Biggest Douche in the Universe 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I need a sponsor. A friend, someone I can talk to, someone that doesn't use drugs or drink. Someone that is not left handed.....

2007-07-04 14:08:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Another quote for your consideration.

"Think not distainfully of death, but look on it with favor, for even death is one of the things nature wills. "

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


2007-07-04 14:07:52 · 20 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I just asked a question on stories of the bible and someones answer about KJV having nothing changed or taken out got me to thinking.....................................................KJV can be quite hard to understand with all the old words that it makes it sometimes difficult to comprehend.
What is your opinion on today's edited bibles, some i find are really easy to read and completely understand, yet some seem so different from the original. Do you agree with KJV being edited?

2007-07-04 14:07:16 · 11 answers · asked by 8 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Since people are SO convinced that that's where I'm going to be sent then I might as well make the best of it. Are there any boating laws in hell? Can you drink and boat?

2007-07-04 14:06:41 · 17 answers · asked by Biggest Douche in the Universe 3 in Religion & Spirituality

i think it's called reincarnation. anyways if you are born again once you die are you in the same time period when you died? do you remember anything about your last life. if you were born with a missing arm or leg are chances that once you are born again you will have a missing arm or leg. also what happens when all species on the planet are extinct. will we have to move on to being reincarnated to aliens or something else or once we humans are extinct and we die for the last time ever do we go to heaven forever and live peacefully. i am so confused. tell me is reincarnation just a bunch of crap or does it really happen?

2007-07-04 14:06:02 · 21 answers · asked by Hunny b 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-04 14:05:00 · 6 answers · asked by steven25t 7 in Other - Society & Culture

Is 4th of July a family day in the US?

2007-07-04 14:04:21 · 8 answers · asked by all.i.need 2 in Independence Day

St Patricks Day is just whites. Stop misusing the term black Irish to fit what you want it to mean. It doesnt mean black people it means white Irish people with dark hair, so get it right. There are no black irish people. I know you are all desperate to be white and St Patricks day is the one day you can shine in that one brief moment and pretend to be white but guess what your not. You black people have Martin Luther King Day

2007-07-04 14:04:14 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

what does that combination say about me? name:Fuhai Xiao
birth date: 1/17/1979

2007-07-04 14:03:47 · 2 answers · asked by fuhai_xiao 1 in Mythology & Folklore

If you created me and (all) that means you also gave me a gift...My Holy Book!.. sorry! I love it! but, i don't take the time to read it - because people tell me it is dangerous.. so, it scares me!

Should i stay with my Holy Book or would i be allowed to meditate instead?

any suggestions please!

NO offence meant to anyone!!! .. before ya start!!

2007-07-04 14:02:50 · 15 answers · asked by *~☺~* 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Every woman I've ever met I've said 'Hey missy, you get in that kitchen and you bake me some pie.'
For some reason women just don't submit like St Paul claims they should.

2007-07-04 14:01:53 · 20 answers · asked by Biggest Douche in the Universe 3 in Religion & Spirituality

even USA is rich country, what can we do about. Does it mean that for some people its better to be rich than to have education?

2007-07-04 14:01:29 · 5 answers · asked by steven25t 7 in Other - Society & Culture

Most Africans are see have flat noses and big lips, most African Americans do as well. But I saw a real DARK Black woman with a sharp nose and average size lips and she was actually pretty was she mixed?

2007-07-04 14:01:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Also, how do I stop thinking "dirty" thoughts and stop masturbating? Please note: I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (LDS) (Mormon)

2007-07-04 14:00:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-04 14:00:10 · 17 answers · asked by CantGetThereFromHere 5 in Languages

the reply(ies) give them a thumbs down. I seem to get a lot where the only possibly reason for it is their english is so basic they don't understand my reply. Am I really that obscure ?

2007-07-04 13:57:43 · 10 answers · asked by scrambulls 5 in Languages

2007-07-04 13:56:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Thanksgiving

If I swore in front of God to honour and obey my husband should I do as he asks in this matter?

2007-07-04 13:55:00 · 57 answers · asked by SonoranDesertGirl 3 in Religion & Spirituality

really how can you say he doesn't exist? No REALLY HOW CAN YOU SAY HE DOESN'T EXSIST? No really I mean it, seriously.

There is plenty of proof that "WE DON'T KNOW IF GOD EXIST OR NOT" But nothing that says it is impossible for him to exist.

I repeat there is nothing that we know today that says that the exsistance of God is an impossability. One more time. NO EVIDENCE POINT TOWARD GOD AS AN IMPOSSABILITY.

As an atheist I am wondering why so many make the assumption that God doesn't exist for certain, for me it's an assumption, but other act as if they have irrefutable proof and I would like to see this irrefutable proof.

2007-07-04 13:54:58 · 33 answers · asked by sunscour 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I notice many Y/A where a person claims to be a Christian and in most cases they give very sound and accurate truth from the Bible however their avatar or name contradicts this title they bear of a Christian.

For instance they have pictures of seductive women, multicolored hair and facial piercing, a mean/angry expression, names that totally contradict their faith, just to name a few.

Doesn't it appear like a contradiction to you? It's like saying: I am a pure prostitute, or an honest thief. It just doesn't make sense.

I would imagine if you had an encounter with Jesus Christ you must have had some sort of change in your life, but words without action is dead

2007-07-04 13:54:36 · 16 answers · asked by Sweet n Sour 4 in Religion & Spirituality

time I have ever been involved anything like this. I'm from northern US and recently moved to the southeast where my coworkers have worned me this might happen and within a month it seems to have. This has just been a major culture shock. This person was supposably my friend, I have other black friends, and black family members, I am not racist. And I don't feel that I owe this woman an apology for her going to my boss and accusing me of being racist. What in the world would I owe her an apology for? There was no slander, no name calling nothing, just a disagreement!

2007-07-04 13:53:38 · 8 answers · asked by madam 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

People are always bashing the "homosexual lifestyle" but what IS the "homosexual lifestyle?" What makes homosexuality so immoral? They eat like straight people, they breathe the same air as straight people, they have jobs like straight people, but one thing is different...they love the same sex. They aren't having sexual intercourse in public, they don't go around asking people if they would like to join them in their sex life. So what makes homosexuality so immoral? I was raised to be Catholic and I believe I have a good understanding about morality. I can see why killing is immoral, I can see why stealing is immoral, I can see why harming anyone else is immoral (I've begun to see a pattern that most immoral things harm of others), but I just don’t see why someone’s sexual orientation is harming anyone else in any way. Is there anything in the Bible that talks about homosexuality? I have started to read it, but have not found anything yet. Please, tell me your thoughts.

2007-07-04 13:50:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

If NASA finds evidence of life on Mars will you accept the evidence and say that god created life on Mars too or will you pretend the evidence does not exist?

2007-07-04 13:50:33 · 16 answers · asked by Herschel Krustofski 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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