It has been observed that more and more people benefitting from the advances in Medical Science tend to live longer. This is true in the EU, in the Americas, in Japan, and in other countries - including the Philippines. In Metro Manila, many Elderly Senior Citizens (Filipinos & Foreigners) could be left alone in their respective homes while everybody else in the household are out busy earning a living. The few Gov't-owned Homes-for-the-Elderly are presently cramped with overflowing Resident-Elderlies who are considered either "destitute" &/or "abandoned". The old Privately-owned Homes-for-the-Elderly are hardly available in Metro Manila. Some new (but few) privately-owned projects designed as "Retirement Havens" are all located outside of Metro Manila.
I envision setting up a chain of neighborhood-based Homes-for-the-Elderly (with each home accomodating about 10 resident-elderlies) strategically spread around Metro Manila near to Hospitals, to Churches, to Malls, to Greeneries.
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Senior Citizens