love - i wish i knew....
faith - my belief in God and the church
life - the time i spend with my family and friends
spirituality - the time i spend praying and talking to god
2007-06-29 10:45:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Love to me is total acceptance of a person regardless of all the flaws they possess,seeing an others heart even in the ugly parts,which is in all humanity.forgiveness of all the frailties.Faith to me grows with each challenge life gives,the endless hours of prayer to a God that is seen and unseen,through the acts of humanity that are so frail in comparison to who God says he is.Faith can be gone in a moment to return with great fury,rising up when I thought I had lost all faith.Life sucks,it keeps going even when you don't want it to,life continues to push you,when you don't want it too.Life wakes you to the realities that you are no different then the person that sleeps alone and helpless,life slaps you out and back again.I continue life because of a faith that tomorrow will be better,that I will be better,that others will be better.Spirituality is my intoxication of a creator that is crazy in love with me despite my shitty pants and attitude.He must have some crazy kind of love as I do for my children.Spirituality is realizing it all has a purpose,everyone I meet,and that meets me hopefully I have helped along this journey,and made it a life worth living.When I worship my creator that's when nothing on earth is painful,and I can truly feel free.My wild moments with my God who just wants me no matter my condition.Just as I want my kids.Spirituality touches me all day long when I am willing to touch the hearts of others and the heart of God.Love and peace to you Debra waxing philosophical
2007-06-29 18:42:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wow! This is loaded! Well, I guess I will begin with love!
"Love is patient, love is kind. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails," 1 Cor. 13:4. This scripture best fits my definition.
Faith...It is my belief in the unseen. Taking Christ and all that is written, in the Bible, as the aboslute truth! I do not have to see Him to feel Him and that is more than simple faith.
Life... Is a gift given to us by our creator. I look at it this way...I am a spiritual being in a human experience!
Spirituality... It is the most thing sought after by all! Even though some do not believe in God, they still seek something!! I believe that something is God as their spirits know the creator but, they intellectually do not know Him or, cannot accept Him! Until we connect with the Creator, we do seek! But, when we do connect with HIm, through His Son, Jesus, the intellect cannot conceive the love, the peace and joy which exudes from Him! Thus, it makes it very difficult to explain to unbelievers concerning my spirituality. They want something solid, something they can see, hear or touch! In their way and not in God's! "Ears have not heard, eyes have not seen the glory of His majesty."
I hope that I have answered your questions as I could go on and on with all four topics you addressed, in your question.
Peace be with you Too!
2007-06-29 22:16:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
love -
"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained."
CS Lewis
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Energy flow but in human terms a soul - in animal terms a spirit and in flora and fauna, where energy exchange and transformation occur but without sentience.
A general term used to describe a person as in "having spirituality" has a tendency to first of all recognize and then hold the non physical nature of life and being and place value on these things in excess of material wealth.
2007-06-30 04:39:39
answer #4
answered by pwwatson8888 5
Love - unconditional, unreserved, unlimited, demands nothing, but asks for everything, the greatest gift and the harshest teacher.
Faith - blind, trusting, to believe something without question, without proof.
Life - the great mystery and adventure.
Spirituality - the knowledge that you're a small part of something much bigger than you could possibly comprehend.
That was actually quite hard, life especially, and trying to stop being cynical when it came to defining love. Cheers, I enjoyed that.
2007-06-29 18:21:36
answer #5
answered by Phoenix 3
Love: The most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone.
Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or evidence.
Life: A sexually-transmitted, terminal disease.
Spirituality: Belief in the spirit, soul, often as it relates to religious, sacred, or otherwise noncorporeal matters. A little metaphysics and philosophy are peripherally related as well, as its purpose is to give us perspective on life and what to do with it.
2007-06-29 17:38:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
good to see you again
God is love, also to share of ones self, without selfishness or malice
I can not describe Faith better than in Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Life is the light of how you live
Spirituality is the description of how one lives for God
2007-06-29 17:44:09
answer #7
answered by Noble Angel 6
None of them are mere feelings but commitments that must be acted upon. Before that they are gifts of God's grace.
Faith believes God and acts on that,hope trusts God and acts on it and love loves God self and others and acts on it. as St Paul wrote in 1Cor 13 "and the greatest of these is love"
.I think that Catechism of the Catholic Church says it well in "The Theological Virtues"paras 1812-1829.
I think that real spirituality is also something one lives in relationship to God,to self and to others and it pervades the whole of life and thinking and is not just meditation but also ethics and disciplined awareness. There is always the danger of self delusion and egotism.As GK Chesterton quipped about false mysticism that it "begins with 'mist' is centered on 'I' and ends in 'schism'"
2007-06-29 18:22:00
answer #8
answered by James O 7
is demonstrated by ones actions towards someone else.
its usually putting others interests before your own.
To me is believing in things I can not see, but I know to be true
Is all about relationships and learning how to love others
while putting your own interests aside.
Is what gives me the fuel to do all the above.
2007-06-29 17:45:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Love - wanting to do the best for the other person, being willing to sacrifice part of yourself for them
Faith - the bais of what you believe in your heart and what is the basis for all your decisions.
Life - a gift that means I can do, move, act, love, taste, enjoy, etc.
Spirituality - a sensitivity to the presence of God and other persons' spirits.
2007-06-30 00:21:30
answer #10
answered by Richard of Fort Bend 5
Love is wanting the other person to have the best...before you...
Faith is belief is the unseen
Life...this is it to the, laugh, help others...
Spirituality, is belief in a higher power..
2007-06-29 17:36:42
answer #11
answered by G.C. 5