was flat. why do people choose to believe in some fictional character in a book called "god"?
18 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
no mrs. i do think jesus is real he is just some kid whos mom said hey he is gods son im really a virgin so no one cared that she had sex before merriage
10:17:43 ·
update #1
no shirley beause god never said any thing
10:20:59 ·
update #2
we will all end up in the same place...
the ground!
10:21:45 ·
update #3
i do believe jesus and god are a good thing to believe in and the belief that there is something better has helped a lot of people. i was just wondering why people believe
10:50:25 ·
update #4
Why is it so important for you to know that ? Haven't you ever heard the saying "live and let live"? It's people like you who are dangerous to this world.
2007-06-29 10:19:28
answer #1
answered by ? 3
The main reason I think that people do this is that they need to understand or explain the unknown. Humans want to know, it is natural - like what happens after death? We don't know but we would like to think there is a heaven or we are reincarnated (Buddism).
The other thing is that people need something to help when something goes wrong. Belief and religion is also a crutch to help them through a tough situation (i.e. it's god's or allah's will). The books (torah, bible or koran) are the rationalisation of people's beliefs over time to try and explain what God or Allah is and why he/she/it acts in this manner.
Whilst people cannot agree on a particular religion, there should be acceptance of the diversity. Buddism I believe has the best philisophical answer and that is that it can take many paths to reach a destination.
You will receive (for this question) heaps of people telling you that one religion is best or the true religion or judging you on your question. What you believe is your choice and others have chosen to believe what is written in the holy books I mentioned before.
I personally believe there is a higher power we call God. I don't believe however, any religion that I have seen can provide the answers I am looking for and I don't believe knelling every day asking for favours works either. We make our own destiny but every now and then destiny helps us. I hope this helps.
2007-06-29 17:24:45
answer #2
answered by Machine 1
I was born again and my life totally changed in a way I didn't know was possible and at a time when I least expected it. I was instantly delivered from a foul mouth, chronic stealing and lying and set free from many fears, anxieties, and a host of things I will not go into.
One year later, I was reading the Bible, and found in John's Gospel, chapter three, that what I had experienced was in the Bible all along. Since then I have simply accepted it for what it claims to be, the Word of God, and I have lived in the grace of God now for many years.
2007-06-29 17:47:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The bible was written by over 40 authors over 1,500 years. Can you prove that all of them thought the world was flat? No. But who cares anyways, it is not a book of astronomy, it is about the human condition and God's dealings with man. That is the purpose of the book, not astronomy. Why do people believe in it? Because God is real and people want to read about him.
2007-06-29 19:32:30
answer #4
answered by Someone who cares 7
My goodness where do you pll get these questions? God never said the world was flat, did HE?? There are a lot of ppl in every generation with much truth and much lies> thats not about GOd, God knows truths and we bleieve Him, He told the ppl what He wanted in the Bible, it is the inspired word of God written by man as He instructed them to do.
Does that mean I cant beieve anything today, when there are ppl thining Hare Krishna is God? SO if one person believe falsely, we cant learn from others or from God.
Ludicrous question. It never ceases to amaze me what ppl will say to get us to question our faith in God.
Doesnt work tho. May you find Jesus soon. and He is alwasys eager to forgive.
2007-06-29 17:17:00
answer #5
answered by full gospel shirley 6
Since the Bible says the world is round... you might want to think of another example ;)
A better question would be, why do people believe whats written in a science book that disagrees with one written 10 years ago and will be obsolete in another 5? Pluto was a planet for how long?
2007-06-29 17:14:55
answer #6
answered by impossble_dream 6
Because that "book" brings life and healing for hearts, souls and minds, it brings wholeness to broken people and physical health to others. It brings love and forgiveness and power to change the evils of the world to those who accept it.
2007-06-29 17:16:47
answer #7
answered by Makemeaspark 7
Actually the bible is real, if u ever have a chance to read it do so. u will c that some of the things written in there are happening now so if that's true I'm sure the rest of it is true.
2007-06-29 17:24:10
answer #8
answered by ~*~MECR~*~ 2
How do you explain literally hundreds of fulfilled Bible prophecies?
Did you know the Bible predicted the Jews would be regathered into their homeland after being scattered for almost 2000 years?
2007-06-29 17:41:29
answer #9
answered by William F 7
Until you come to know God you can't possibly understand any answer given to you. Also the ancient Jews knew the earth was round. Read the bible!
2007-06-29 17:15:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous