i forgave the man who raped me
2007-06-29 10:30:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Although I always wanted to be a mother, I had NO IDEA how much sacrifice of self was involved in that! After having number one, I guess it was a sacrifice of my sanity to go back for 2, 3 and 4. I didn't feel up for the challenge, but I knew it was the right thing to do. How precious are those souls, waiting to receive bodies.
Motherhood is the sacrifice of continual pain and illness, in order to bring new life into this wonderful world.
Other hard sacrifices I have made are
- my anger and mistrust, when my mother betrayed me (I forgave her...and now I feel the love, just as I did before).
- my pride and fears, accepting my husband with all his quirks... and after these 8 years, now I am deeply and lastingly in love with him (reciprocated!)
- my appetite for food... I'm 30kg overweight. I prayed for help, and God is helping me on this one... He gave me excruciating gallstones, LOL, so I've been on rations of carrot and cauliflower soup, some rice (no protein or animal fat) for the last 5 days, and lost 3kg already. My skin is so smooth and my mind so clear... Woohoo! for detox.
All sacrifices give up something base for something better. "Sacrifice" makes sacred.
2007-06-29 18:37:19
answer #2
answered by MumOf5 6
I think for me, it was giving my kidney to my daughter. Although it was an easy decision, as I love my daughter and would lay down my life for hers, it was a very difficult thing to do, physically!
Thanks be to God, kidney transplantation has gotten so much easier than it was ten yrs. ago, when I gave. It was a sacrifice but, I was the only donor and I was not about to back down!
The Lord blessed this act though, as I was told when I awoke, in my room, that my kidney had actually started on the operating table. Cindy, or the first time in months, urinated just as they were finishing up! The transplant nurse said that this was a first! The next day, Cindy was shaving her legs from a sink! LOL!! It was a gift from God to have the opportunity to provide life for my daughter, twice!
The Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you Too!
2007-06-29 18:13:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It didn't seem hard at first to move to the USA and live with my husband after having a 1,5 years of long distance relationship.
Now after 8 months i start to miss my family and all the good food of the Netherlands, that i partially thought I was able to get here ( not!!).
Am happily married though and don't want to be without my husband for anything, i love him loads. !!! :)
2007-06-29 20:23:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Mine is similar. I had to lovingly lead my husband towards Christ, enduring his resistance, stubborn self-will, repulsive attitude, addictions, covert behavior, without getting any genuine love back in return. I *almost* gave up, left emotionally exhausted and spiritually depleted. But Christ did not give up on me nor him. And my husband is more loving than he thought he could ever be, because of the love Christ poured into him to give back to me. As well, some bitterness rooted deep that needs tilling but overall, but the result gave him victory over his past and a revival of our marriage.
What a wonderful, merciful God we serve!
God Bless You always!
2007-06-29 17:26:02
answer #5
answered by Dr. G™ 5
It may sounds funny but my biggest sacrifice was... loving myself again.
I was educated to sacrifice for others all the time, and until 30 years of age I always have blaimed myself if anything goes wrong. I always smiled to others, cared other family members, but was unhappy in regular basis (that made my loved ones suffer in return)
To love myself trully and unconditionally, I needed to give up many demands I had to myself, I needed to accept a lot of bad characters I have, to me it was so hard I can call it sacrifice. I gave up (sacrificed) my old self....uhm, part of it^^
2007-06-29 17:24:42
answer #6
answered by The Catalyst 4
Give up my career to be a caregiver for my Dad.
It started off as the hardest sacrifice, but I still don't understand why I was holding on so hard & tight to something that wasn't as joyful as my own family.
2007-06-29 17:21:53
answer #7
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
A friend of mine (I will call him Bob) was living with his parents and they were abusive and controlling. He finally managed to move out but they manipulated things so he ended up with a roommate as fundamentalist and controlling as they were. His roommate managed to get them evicted.
I had saved up $1000 for the most important item I have ever wanted, an item that would literally be the culmination of my spiritual journey... It had taken years to build that savings.
I gave it to him, bought him a bus ticket, bought him necessary items, and as much as it hurt... shipped him out of state to another friend of mine (I will call Chuck) who had agreed to help my was-to-be-homeless friend.
Bob to this day still has no idea just what it was I gave up for him. Chuck knows, but Chuck has given me his oath that Bob will never find out.
It felt like I had torn half my being out and handed it over to someone else... but... it was the right thing to do... so I did it.
2007-06-29 17:28:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Letting people I love walk out of my life because they cannot accept that I am still an active and believing Catholic Christian.
2007-07-01 14:35:52
answer #9
answered by James O 7
My friend,
To give up self. A continual self awareness quest for its' elimination and removal. I am not that blessed to have reached a truly altruistic high. Always growing, always learning, always seeking.
God Bless
Peace and Love
2007-06-29 17:44:58
answer #10
answered by digilook 2
The hardest thing was sending my children to california with their father because his mother had offered them a place to live and a stable environment. At the time, that wasn't something I could give them.......that was two years ago and now he hasn't let me see them.................But it was better for them to go in the first place.
2007-06-29 17:25:46
answer #11
answered by lupinesidhe 7