I would go back to the time when I was a boy of about 12 and visit myself. It isn't a vanity thing at all, I'd just tell him that everything is going to be fine and despite his present circumstances he will one day feel loved and have a happy life. Then I'd go out to the shop where his dad (my dad) is working, hug him, and ask his forgiveness for a lot of things. (Thanks for your question, thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.)
2007-06-29 10:28:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I couldn't make up my mind. Myself being the very curious and eternal student of life, would want to know how real life was for everyone in every era.
But seeing the questions and answers on this section, the FIRST thing I would do, is to go back to just before 1 AD, to find Jesus and find out whether he was for real, or really just a megalomanic schizophreniac. To finish the discussion about Jesus and God for once and for all.
Then I would travel back to this day and age, only a couple monts before, to stop myself from making the only mistake I've ever made in my life.
THEN, I would go back to the beginning of the Universe to see who was right.
2007-06-29 10:24:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Man,that is a tough one....Good Question,by the way...you get a star.....One greedy idea would be to travel back to the time of the first offering of Microsoft shares.
A more noble gesture and desire would be to visit with the Apostle Paul and get clarification on many different issues that are often discussed and personal understanding for my self on other issues.
2007-06-29 10:32:23
answer #3
answered by bonsai bobby 7
I wold travel back to August 24th,1900...
I would visit Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, - on his deathbed,... on the day before he is to die.
I would discuss nothing with him for, at this point, Nietzsche had been catatonic for over a decade, and was gravely ill with pneumonia...
I would only take his hand, - then lean over and whisper into his ear:
..."Ich danke Ihnen"...
...["I thank you"]...
I would then just sit by him, drinking a few beers while I read ECCE HOMO,... and wait for Death to come and mercifully claim one of the greatest human beings that there has ever been, or ever will be...
2007-06-29 11:06:16
answer #4
answered by Saint Christopher Walken 7
I would like to go all the way back billions of years to prebiotic earth and see where life originated. Just pretend with me that the earth was okay for humans at that time. If I saw a deity making stuff, I would admit my error. If I saw the life originate from primordial ooze, I would give myself a pat on the back for guessing correctly.
2007-06-29 10:23:57
answer #5
answered by Graciela, RIRS 6
I would travel to the end of the human race, then choose which chick was the hottest in human history. Then I'd go back to when she lived and park outside her house every night. C'mon, being a time traveller doesn't put me in THAT league.
2007-06-29 10:25:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i would start from the beginning of man.. and make my way up every 200 years. Then I'd want to see every 50 years starting in the 1700s. then i'd live my life from the 1930s - 1950s and just make time stop..
everything went down hill from there
2007-06-29 14:49:35
answer #7
answered by nola_cajun 6
I would go back to the 1848-1855 California Gold Rush. It just seems like a crazy @ss time to've been apart of. That or S.F. in 1968
2007-06-29 10:20:53
answer #8
answered by ramon f 3
I'd go to Salem MA in the summer/fall of 1692.
Who would I see - Giles Corey who is my 11th great grandfather and Sarah Wildes who is my 8x great aunt. Both were accused and killed 'witches'.
What would I discuss - the greed involved in the whole debacle... if one said Yay or Nay to the charge of being a witch their property was seized by the church. Giles Corey refused to give an answer and was pressed to death for it.
2007-06-29 10:30:13
answer #9
answered by genaddt 7
The begining of the United States...I would love to see the founding...The battle that brought us this free country. Its a special moment in history. I would want to see George Washington, Thomas Jefferson..And one of my favorite Presidents Teddy Roosevelt.
I would'nt want to discuss, I would wan to listen and watch everything that they did...=]]]
2007-06-29 10:42:12
answer #10
answered by † God's Kitty † 2