I was thinking....how many truly commited people ( I mean 100%) are there? G-d doesn't need many. The lady at the well (John 4) was one person, she shook a city. Jesus came as one person with the full measure of the Holy Ghost...changed the world.
Peter walked with HIm 3.5 years...one of the last things Jesus said to Him is "When thou art converted" so we can be with HIm, but not 100% surrendered to His will and spirit. Then, Peter was touched and changed and allowed the spirit to burn on the inside of him and do a great work.
Jesus was recorded as multitudes, ands thousands following Him. When it was over (acts 2) He had 120 commited people.
Thoughts on this stuff? Know any TRUE disciples. I think I know 1.
ANYHOW...I'm off to bed. If you see another David T from here, its one of my several clones, that G-d loves as much as you or I. Treat all with love. 1 Peter 4 has been on my heart, encourage you all to read it.
Many Blessings!
Shabbat Shalom!
David T
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Religion & Spirituality