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Society & Culture - 8 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

where do Atheists have their funerals? Like every other relgion has it in a church or temple or have some kind of ceremony but...where do you...what do you do? I'm just curious and not trying to shoot anybody down.

2006-12-08 06:12:52 · 30 answers · asked by A. Tarayana 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Im not sure I want to send cards out this year. It doesnt seem like you ever hear from the people you send them to and it also seems, you get a Christmas card from the sender a few days after you sent them theres - in other words - they only sent me one because I sent them one. Any thoughts or opinions?

2006-12-08 06:12:33 · 21 answers · asked by butterflee123 1 in Christmas

In the last couple years, I've had many experiences that would lead me to believe that I've been under spiritual attack. I've prayed through the Blood of Jesus to rebuke any forms of witchcraft and even return it to whoever is responsible. The most difficult thing is not being able to identify the culprit or culprits.

2006-12-08 06:12:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Perhaps it'll help other people who r stuck as to wht to get for their loved ones

2006-12-08 06:11:53 · 31 answers · asked by sassy! 2 in Other - Holidays

I know you are fed up from christianity

Have you tried ISLAM, the only true religion?

2006-12-08 06:10:53 · 29 answers · asked by Mr. Khan 1 in Religion & Spirituality

he said i couldnt get my money back out of the red bucket thing ,but i paid him and i get nothing .stupid me i will never buy something from those people again

2006-12-08 06:10:30 · 16 answers · asked by decorumbak 1 in Christmas

I just ran into some Mormon missionaries. Can anyone tell me more anout them?

2006-12-08 06:08:43 · 12 answers · asked by Chris E 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I know a lot about the history of King Arthur as a character, and the literature that includes him. I believe I know when he might have lived. I'm interested in whether you believe he was a real person, a fiction, some combination, etc. Thanks.

2006-12-08 06:08:06 · 17 answers · asked by matrolph 2 in Mythology & Folklore

garbage bin anyway. How many times do I have to tell him that we recycle in this house and cans are recycleables! Does anyone else have problems convincing others to be more earth-friendly?

2006-12-08 06:06:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

LOL Just a twisted friday survey!

2006-12-08 06:06:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-08 06:06:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Valentine's Day

Ok, I don't know all of the words, but I love this song, and I don't know the title. It's not really one of those happy jolly songs (not to say its a sad song), and it's usually sung by a choir.

The only part I can really understand is the Chorus...it goes...Merry Merry Merry Merry Christmas, Merry Merry Merry Merry Christmas and then in the background they sing....Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong.

What's the name of this song???

2006-12-08 06:05:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

hey ma wats up wut u doing? como estas? nada nuevo o k? well get back at me girl take care

plz n thx.

2006-12-08 06:04:59 · 2 answers · asked by *~sexcii_peruana~* 1 in Languages

Are they just a bag of rotten bones at that point?

2006-12-08 06:04:29 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-08 06:04:15 · 23 answers · asked by jojr 1 in Languages

how do you respond to calling Jesus "jeebus"?

2006-12-08 06:03:51 · 9 answers · asked by //// 3 in Religion & Spirituality

who is it for some one to judge somebody cause they cant spell or read well dose that make them less human i have seen some miss takes in everybodys writting or spelling were dose it give you the right to judge me cause i have a learning problem or cause im disabled & can't do the thing you do cause im inperfect or i dont stand up to your exspections well im sorry im am who i am God made me a little diffrent then most of you .. i cant help it i cant spell , read , write , or do most of the thing everybody els dose or can do ... but i have something that every body has & thats a heart & pride at least you cant take that a way from me .. & after this i will no longer be on yahoo cause mose of the people here are nothing but down grading people that dont care about anybodys feeling but them selves.. i got called stupid & dumb & retared all my life it would be really nice to here a freindy word once in a while but i guess i never will

2006-12-08 06:03:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette


The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building
and improving his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The
grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the
summer away.

Come winter, the squirrel is warm and well fed. The shivering
grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.


The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building
his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks
he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the squirrel is warm and well fed.

A social worker finds the shivering grasshopper, calls a press
conference and demands to know why the squirrel should be allowed
to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate, like the
grasshopper, are cold and starving. The BBC shows up to provide live
coverage of the shivering grasshopper; with cuts to a video of the squirrel
in his comfortable warm home with a table laden with food. The British
inform people that they should be ashamed that in a country of such
wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so while others
have plenty.

The Labour Party, Greenpeace, Animal Rights and The Grasshopper
Council of GB demonstrate in front of the squirrel's house. The BBC,
interrupting a cultural festival special from Notting Hill with
breaking news, broadcasts a multi cultural choir singing "We Shall

Ken Livingstone rants in an interview with Trevor McDonald that the
squirrel got rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an
immediate tax hike on the squirrel to make him pay his "fair
share" and increases the charge for squirrels to enter inner London.

In response to pressure from the media, the Government drafts the
Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti Discrimination Act,
retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The squirrel's taxes are
He is taken to court and fined for failing to hire grasshoppers as builders
for the work he was doing on his home and an additional fine for
contempt when he told the court the grasshopper did not want to work.
The grasshopper is provided with a council house, financial aid to
furnish it and an account with a local taxi firm to ensure he can be
socially mobile. The squirrel's food is seized and re distributed
to the more needy members of society, in this case the grasshopper.

Without enough money to buy more food, to pay the fine and his newly
imposed retroactive taxes, the squirrel has to downsize and start
building a new home. The local authority takes over his old home and
utilises it as a temporary home for asylum seeking cats who had
hijacked a plane to get to Britain as they had to share their country of
origin with mice. On arrival they tried to blow up the airport because of
Britain's apparent love of dogs.

The cats had been arrested for the international offence of hijacking
and attempt bombing but were immediately released because the
police fed them pilchards instead of salmon whilst in custody. Initial
to then return them to their own country were abandoned because it was
feared they would face death by the mice. The cats devise and start a
scam to obtain money from peoples credit cards.

A Panorama special shows the grasshopper finishing up the last of the
squirrel's food, though spring is still months away, while the council
house he is in, crumbles around him because he hasn't bothered to
maintain the house. He is shown to be taking drugs. Inadequate
government funding is blamed for the grasshopper's drug 'illness'. The
cats seek recompense in the British courts for their treatment since
arrival in UK.

The grasshopper gets arrested for stabbing an old dog during a
Burglary to get money for his drugs habit. He is imprisoned but released
immediately because he has been in custody for a few weeks. He is
placed in the care of the probation service to monitor and supervise him.
Within a few weeks he has killed a guinea pig in a botched robbery.

A commission of enquiry, that will eventually cost £10,000,000 and
State the obvious, is set up. Additional money is put into funding a drug
rehabilitation scheme for grasshoppers and legal aid for lawyers
representing asylum seekers is increased. The asylum seeking cats are
praised by the government for enriching Britain's multicultural
diversity and dogs are criticised by the government for failing to
befriend the cats.

The grasshopper dies of a drug overdose. The usual sections of the
Press blame it on the obvious failure of government to address the root
Causes of despair arising from social inequity and his traumatic
experience of prison.

The cats are paid a million pounds each because their rights were
infringed when the government failed to inform them there were mice in
the United Kingdom.

The squirrel, the dogs and the victims of the hijacking, the bombing,
the burglaries and robberies have to pay an additional percentage on
their credit cards to cover losses, their taxes are increased to
pay for law and order and they are told that they will have to work beyond
65 because of a shortfall in government funds.


2006-12-08 06:03:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

i have 2 girls and they are 14 and 8 years old they want a nice christmas and this year is the toughest,my husband works and we are still struggling to pay just the bills, my 14 year old just wants art suplies and bath gels and body sprays and my 8 year old wants carebears and bratz dolls and a chou chou baby doll, i wish i could work but i have had knee surgery and i cant walk yet or stand on it if i could get help this year then next year i might be abel to help someone else THANKS AND GOD BLESS

2006-12-08 06:02:55 · 4 answers · asked by MARIE F 1 in Christmas

Does He care at all? I've tried to see the signs but they remain hidden.

2006-12-08 06:02:30 · 14 answers · asked by Jelmer v 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-08 06:01:43 · 9 answers · asked by nino a. 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I know what they are all about, I am just curious as to what people think about them. Good or bad, straight or gay. Godly or satanic.

2006-12-08 06:01:00 · 20 answers · asked by dopeadevil23 4 in Religion & Spirituality

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