Preacher: Kindly Note.
Dear Sir,
I appreciate your well-intentioned reply and I sincerely thank you. I myself used to believe in the doctrine of the trinity, but I decided not to just go along with the religions of my fore-Fathers but to seek and find answers for myself based on accurate knowledge. The truth, precious one, is that the doctrine of Trinity is founded on paganism and there are many pagan gods with one head and three faces. Like many today, I am sure you would want to go beyond ages of dogmatism and seek out accurate information for yourself. The truth is that the Holy Spirit is God’s active force, a helping force and not a person.. Think of the many hundreds of people that the Holy Spirit was poured on ---in the second chapter of Acts. You would not say that the Holy Spirit multiplied itself into hundreds of invisible persons, would you?
Our creator is our heavenly Father God and Jesus is His begotten son. Jesus never claimed to be equal with God, did he? Also, it is written that “no man has seen God at anytime (John 1:18)”------but has people seen Christ? If Christ was God, then it might have been a crazy God that talked to himself!!!!!!!, asking God to remove the chalice from him, if possible and saying ‘Father, into thy hands, I commit my spirit?’ I know many people get confused with the first verse of John 1, which most bible states “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.” Does that sentence makes sense? Early Christians wrote that text to suit their incorrect dogma of Trinity. Some earlier versions of the bible use the sentence …”the word was a God,” ------“the word was a divine one.” Are you getting the picture and thinking verbal distortions just to advance the dogma of trinity? I am glad to refer you to some resource where you will have an idea of the origin of the trinity dogma. Trinity was never in the Bible. Please at your convenience, do look up TRINITY in The New Encyclopedia Britannica, The New catholic Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia Americana, NouveauDictionnaire Universal, John Mckenzie’s Dictionary of The Bible…etc.
Scripturally, there are many Scriptures that educate us that God and Jesus Christ are not equal and that one is greater than the other. You will find John 14:28, Mathew 24:26, Mathew 16:15-17, Mark 12: 28-30 Mathew 26:39. John 8:17,18, Acts 7:55,( to name a miniscule number of pertinent scriptures) to be very elucidating. Use an open mind, void of pre-formed opinion and you will get a picture more accurate than you currently do on TRINITY. Jehovah, the true God has an orderly arrangement, for he is a God not of disorder and confusion; but of peace (1 Cor 14:33). The head of Jesus Christ is his father, the true God John 5:19,20, John 8:29, 1 Cor 15,27,28. Let’s visit 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 –“But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” You cab see clear distinction here.
I pray that may you have an open mind to seek accurate knowledge and may God sends you His Holy Spirit to further enlighten you, we make this request through God’s son, Jesus Christ.
With God’s love.
7 answers
asked by
WithLove Joe James
Religion & Spirituality