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Society & Culture - 22 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

"Our God is not only a jealous God (Exod. 20:5); His very name is Jealous (Exod. 34:14)." Since this is what the Bible has to say about God, don't you think we all should cultivate jealousy??!!

2006-10-22 19:26:11 · 8 answers · asked by The Maulvi Who Sold His Maruti 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I already hear the stupidstitious baloney casue I am left handed and lefties are supposedly sinister, but my ex really annoyed me would not stop loeaving rude text mesaages on my phone so I angrily wrote a letter backwards cause I knew his curiosity would make him take the time to hold it up to a mirror to decipher it, but I can read backwards just fine without one so I wrote sa two page letter, and he looked scared after I handed it to him and told a couple people that I am a witch or satan is my father , he was real serious, I am shocked by this level of ignorasnce from an otherwise intelligent person and others say it is evil to. I dont understand , was it the movie the shining that did it all for ya? was redrum that damn traumatic of a symbol for yall? can someone please explain this to me ,thank you

2006-10-22 19:25:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Do you see it as a deep need being shared and met?
Is it spiritual to you?
Do you see it as for procreational puposes only?

What say you?

10 points to the one to tell me the year "Mountain Dew was first introduced.

2006-10-22 19:23:34 · 17 answers · asked by Spookshow Baby 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Would you just think, it is just luck, or just would have happened anyway, or that maybe there was someone bigger than you, being God, that intervened?

2006-10-22 19:23:23 · 17 answers · asked by shardf 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-22 19:21:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-22 19:21:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-22 19:20:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In “Defending a Blurred Line: Is It Spam or Just a Company Marketing by E-Mail?” an article published by Doreen Carvajal...

The question I have is about the question mark and the comma. I am citing the name of a article and in the name it includes a question mark so i assume it has to go there; howeveer, i am not sure if i should put a comma there as well or if the question mark eliminates the need for it. If you know for sure please answer if you are not sure please share thoughts and indicate that it is speculation.

2006-10-22 19:18:51 · 6 answers · asked by jack 2 in Languages

Most of us celebrate April fool day every year and fool each other. But how many of us know the bitter facts hidden behind it. It was around a thousand years ago that Spain was ruled by Muslims. And the Muslim power in Spain was so strong that it couldn't be destroyed. The Christians of the west wished to wipe out Islam from all parts of the world and they did succeed to quite an extent. But when they tried to eliminate Islam in Spain and conquer it, they failed. They tried several times but never succeeded.

The unbelievers then sent their spies in Spain to study the Muslims there and find out what was the power they possessed and they found that their power was TAQWA. The Muslims of Spain were not just Muslims but they were practicing Islam. They not only read the Quran but also acted upon it. When the Christians found the power of the Muslims they started thinking of strategies to break this power. So they started sending alcohol and cigarettes to Spain free of cost. This technique of the west worked out and it started weakening the faith of the Muslims in particular the young generation of Spain.

The result was that the Catholics of the west wiped out Islam and conquered the entire Spain bringing an end to the EIGHT HUNDRED LONG YEARS' RULE OF THE MUSLIMS in Spain. The last fort of the Muslims to fall was Grenada (Gharnatah), which was on the 1st of April. From that year onwards, every year they celebrate April fools day on the 1st of April, celebrating the day, they made a fool of the Muslims. They did not make a fool of the Muslim army at Gharnatah only, but of the whole Muslim Ummah.

2006-10-22 19:17:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-22 19:15:58 · 10 answers · asked by karson o 2 in Mythology & Folklore

To where you knew you were experiencing Cosmic Consciousness, and how did it happen?

2006-10-22 19:15:20 · 9 answers · asked by Rose of the Valley 2 in Religion & Spirituality

me and my friend are thinking about dressing up as the olsen twins for halloween this year. only thing is we have no idea were to start... ashley has blonde hair and mary-kate has brownish hair but what else could we do to so our costumes actually turn out great... ? any other costume ideas are welcomed as well... we're 20yrs old and are pretty much open to anything :)

2006-10-22 19:15:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Halloween

People only hate each other because of their insecurities (unless they're insane). You can't help it if you're insecure!

"One of the most well known examples of megalomania in modern history was Adolf Hitler. A street waif, Hitler wasn't content rising through the ranks to become the military leader of Germany. His megalomania drove him to aspire to conquer the entire world. Being born into a "superior race" also wasn't enough for the mentally ill Hitler. Instead he wanted to wipe out all other races. This need to destroy everything outside of what he perceived as an extension of himself is a classic though horrifically illustrated example of megalomania. Paradoxically, a person who exhibits such tremendous ego and self-confidence in reality has such low self-esteem and such a fragile ego that he cannot abide any expression other than his own, for fear of annihilation of the self. Therefore everything that is not under his control is perceived as a threat."

2006-10-22 19:13:08 · 15 answers · asked by Shal 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I think there are two reasons only, in self defence when she's hit him with something that could potentially kill him, and if he finds her in his bed with his best friend. What about you?

2006-10-22 19:10:57 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Let's see if the humanists among us can prove man's supreme will with this question.

2006-10-22 19:09:37 · 16 answers · asked by Rabid 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Jesus is King and his King James Version is Perfect.

2006-10-22 19:08:31 · 21 answers · asked by John G 5 in Religion & Spirituality

are you satisfied with the life with you parter .i dropped into the trap of the two lover lived together

2006-10-22 19:07:32 · 7 answers · asked by ronghua y 1 in Etiquette

If you are a religious person and believe in creationism or intelligent design (because you cannot fathom a world such as this comming together by chance, etc.), have you ever read a book on evolution, or studied it carefully? I have to say that I have read books on evolution as well as the Bible and the Qur'an, and I am still convinced that evolution is the most likely explanation for life on this earth. Also, evolution does not imply that we were all created by chance; it is far more complex than that. I do not mean it as a rude question. I just wondered how many others have researched both sides of the arguement, and come to the opposite conclusion as I have.

2006-10-22 19:05:25 · 22 answers · asked by AM 4 in Religion & Spirituality

some gurus say, it can b attained by a lot of meditation, but 1 religios guru, AMMA- BHAGVAN, they claim to give u enlightenment as BUDDHA gave, bt buddha gave it to few people but he is givin to thousands

2006-10-22 19:04:47 · 13 answers · asked by ashutoshm84 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Or is it just christians vs. atheists in a pissing contest.

Also, 10 points to the first one who can tell me the proper definition of a "corpse grinder"

2006-10-22 19:04:23 · 10 answers · asked by Spookshow Baby 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Anyone know of a free website that matches a person's beliefs with a religion? I have tried tickle, but they want money for a full report. I am in the preliminary stages of religious discovery, so web sites are what I am comfortable with for now. Please do not espouse your beliefs upon me when you provide your suggestions.Thanks for your suggestions.

2006-10-22 19:04:15 · 8 answers · asked by LFM 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-22 19:02:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

If Yes..Good.Use it alone.If No..Read your fate(Luke 16:19-31)God bless.

2006-10-22 19:02:50 · 14 answers · asked by John G 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-22 19:02:25 · 21 answers · asked by TAMUGMAN 1 in Etiquette

I apologize for the way John is behaving. I promise to you that not all Christians are like that. I am not close-minded like that, and I just want to say I'm sorry on behalf of all Christians. Our reputation is ruined when people like John force religion down people's throat instead of just showing God's love...

2006-10-22 19:01:49 · 19 answers · asked by Courtney B 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If god wanted to, could he remove all evil from this world?
If he is incapable of doing so, he is not all powerfull.
If he is capable of doing so and does not he is a sadist.

2006-10-22 19:00:56 · 26 answers · asked by potential tourist 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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