So. This is a follow up on my other questions in this section, usually about my family. Again. This is about my family.
My sister Dorothy (refer to other questions to find out who she is) is currently in the hospital for heart problems. Before she went, she went with her boyfriend Robert to get housing from Social Services or the Department of Homeless or whoever they were.
They denied her any aide at all, and refuse to let her into a shelter.
So. Yeah. Her boyfriend left her, and, last night, we found out from my sister Margaret that she had accused my Step-father, my uncle, and MYSELF of raping her.
We also found out that Dorothy (20 yo) dealt drugs when she was with my sister Margie and her family in Buffalo. Mind you, Dorothy's husband and children still live in the apartment with me and my Step-father. And that she was flirting with my nephew Angel's friends (He's about 14 or 15, his friends range from ages 12 - 16) and gave them drugs as well.
My Step-father yelle-
8 answers
asked by
Lady Myrkr
Other - Society & Culture