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So. This is a follow up on my other questions in this section, usually about my family. Again. This is about my family.

My sister Dorothy (refer to other questions to find out who she is) is currently in the hospital for heart problems. Before she went, she went with her boyfriend Robert to get housing from Social Services or the Department of Homeless or whoever they were.

They denied her any aide at all, and refuse to let her into a shelter.

So. Yeah. Her boyfriend left her, and, last night, we found out from my sister Margaret that she had accused my Step-father, my uncle, and MYSELF of raping her.

We also found out that Dorothy (20 yo) dealt drugs when she was with my sister Margie and her family in Buffalo. Mind you, Dorothy's husband and children still live in the apartment with me and my Step-father. And that she was flirting with my nephew Angel's friends (He's about 14 or 15, his friends range from ages 12 - 16) and gave them drugs as well.

My Step-father yelle-

2006-10-17 05:56:55 · 8 answers · asked by Lady Myrkr 6 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

-d at me and told me to be more understanding of her situation, instead of being angry at her.

Is my anger towards her really unjustified?

She got pregnant to get out of a residential school, did drugs meanwhile, so her daughter Samantha is autistic, and then she got married so she could get money from the bridal shower, and then she had a second child with some other man while doing drugs, so her son Xavier is severely autistic. And then she left the family. And accused ME of raping her.

... gah. How would you respond to all this?

2006-10-17 05:58:38 · update #1

8 answers

Be comforted by one thing; this nation is abounding with people making false accusations of abuse. It relieves the person from feeling responsible for their own behavior. Usually the courts throw them out.

It sounds like you really need to talk to somebody professional; perhaps a counselor at school? I will pray for you.

2006-10-17 06:11:52 · answer #1 · answered by Brigid O' Somebody 7 · 1 1

I'm so sorry that all this is going on. I would probably have a whole range of emotions if that were me, from anger to depression, to anxiety and pity for her. Not that one must react in any of those ways. But we are only human, and it would be natural to have a negative reaction. Ideally, one would be concerned for her and pray for her to get her life straightened out and all. But if you are angry, I think that is certainly understandable. I'm sure I would be too.

She is endangering her children and acting so irresponsible. But she is obviously in need of help if she is doing drugs and stuff like that. I would pray for patience in dealing with her, and to know what to do or say (if anything) and I would pray that she get her life straightened out.

But since she is harming others - giving them drugs and stuff - you might see what the police can do. They may be able to get her in rehab or something, and keep her from giving out any more drugs, or causing harm to anyone else. Her problems go very very deep, or she wouldn't be making such terrible choices. She really needs help.

You might want to see about calling one of those agencies for help. For example, in my area, we have a counselling center that you can call 24 hours a day, and they will guide you to the help you need, whatever it may be. One time I called them when an ex-boyfriend of mine was threatening suicide, and they contacted him. This made me feel better because now I knew that professionals were handling it, and it wasn't all on my shoulders. And I could feel free to leave him and not let him use his threats as a way to manipulate me. I just "gave him over to" the professionals, and they took care of everything. If I were you, I'd look in the phone book and see if there is a hotline like that where you can call for advice.

All the best to you.

2006-10-17 06:27:09 · answer #2 · answered by Heron By The Sea 7 · 1 0

The saying must've originated from people's belief in the ancient times who believed in religious ideologies.They say that if you do a good Karma or work you will be rewarded with the same.Though the saying is right i dont agree with that,you are right the truth in today's world those who bad things keep progressing while the ones doing good suffer so much.That itself makes us question the existence of God?.

2016-05-22 08:51:25 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


The "Invisable Power" the Underpaid has, is to Speak out and tell Americans How UnAmerican the system is-Just the way you have. Us at the ecomonic bottom has the power to make things better.

I know not which state you or your sister dorthy is in. I reside in Maine since 1974. I am also an unpaid staff person staffing the Homeless Crisis Hotline. You got me on one of my hot topics.

Everyday I hear from people who in fact qualify for General Assistance, the term in Maine or town welfare the term in NH, and General Relief the form of aid in Mass. denied aid. This happens as trusted town officials TWIST and Reinvent laws governing who is eligible. Bad implementation of Laws is UnAmerican, as it voilates our constitutional rights to fair laws APPLIED Fairly.

I am currently Suing the State of Maine for allowing bad application of good General Assistance laws.

Because of you sister's 20 year old drug record she can be denied HUD housing. This is as Arbitrary as today we help those with blue eyes. It could also be Unconstitutional as it is arbitrary.

Thank for posting for the 1,000 or ten of thousands of people each day who are WRONGFULLY turned away from help. When enough of us without anything, speak out Things WILL Get Better.


2006-10-17 06:21:19 · answer #4 · answered by janshouse justice for all 2 · 2 0

Wow your family is a mess. And thank God you can see it. Speaking of God, I know this will probably make you angry but, you and your family need Him. Get a Bible. Start by reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament. You will learn about Jesus. Sure, things can get better. He can change your life and then the lives of your family. Jesus and His teachings of love is what you all need.

You can listen to me or not. It is your choice whether to help your family or not . I am praying for you anyway

2006-10-17 06:14:38 · answer #5 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 1 1

wow your family sounds as complex as mine if I had been acused like you I`d be fighting with the person all day everyday until they admited they had lied about me I hate people who cry wolf all the time why do they get away with it?

2006-10-17 12:06:44 · answer #6 · answered by Hitman 4 · 2 0

I am sorry, it sounds as if you need more professional help than you can get on this forum

2006-10-17 06:06:07 · answer #7 · answered by Bladerunner (Dave) 5 · 0 2

looks like you need God my friend... He's your only hope.

2006-10-17 06:37:25 · answer #8 · answered by lily 5 · 0 2

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