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Society & Culture - 1 September 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I like the concept of Christianity, of being a good person, doing good things and helping other people. Most people that I've met in my life who were really into going to church every Sunday I have found to be very cruel and hypocritical in their actions regardless is they potray by going to chruch. I feel that someone who wants to force you into believing their beliefs, and also by invoking fear is not a Christian belief. My sister is Catholic and married to a drunk abusive husband & won't leave him. My best friend is Catholic and has two children with her partner and are not married. I find the irony hard to handle. I believe that God exists because there cannot be any other reason for the creation of the universe and us on Earth. I despise racism, crime, violence and war. I try and do many things to help people by volunteer work and most recently w/my elderly neighbor who had his electricity shut off. I don't follow any religious rules and feel I am a good person.Who am I?

2006-09-01 19:00:26 · 16 answers · asked by Shannon 2 in Religion & Spirituality

We've all seen the skits, all witnessed the zany attitudes of the uncaring everyday stories about nothing. Is there a guide, pamphlet or reference handbook to follow along with these behavioral attitudes?

2006-09-01 19:00:21 · 8 answers · asked by jeeveswantstoknow 2 in Etiquette

2006-09-01 18:59:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

The insurance firm put a sign in the window saying "HELP WANTED. You
must be a good typist and have good computer skills. Successful
applicant must be bilingual. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer."

A short time later a lovely golden retriever dog trotted up to the
window, saw the sign and went inside. He looked at the receptionist and
wagged his tail, then walked over to the sign, looked at it, whined and
pawed the air.
The receptionist called the office manager. He was surprised to say the
least to see a canine applicant. However, the dog looked determined so
he led him into the office. Inside, the dog jumped up on a chair and
stared at the manager expectantly.

The manager said, "I can't hire you. The sign says you must be able to
The dog jumped down, went to the typewriter and proceeded to quickly
type a perfect business letter. He took out the page with his mouth and
trotted over to the manager, gave it to him, then jumped back up on the
chair wagging his tail.
The manager was stunned, but told the dog, "That was fantastic, but I'm
sorry. The sign clearly says that whomever I hire must have computer
The dog jumped down again, went to the computer and proceeded to
demonstrate his expertise with various programs. He produced a sample
Excel spreadsheet, a sample Power Point presentation, retouched a
picture with Photo shop, and then printed all of them for the manager.

The manager was dumbfounded. He said to the dog, "Listen, I realize
that you are a very intelligent applicant and have fantastic talent,
but you're a dog! There's no way I can hire you!"

The dog jumped down and went to the sign in the window and pointed his
paw at the words, "Equal Opportunity Employer."
The exasperated manager said, "Yes, I know what the sign says. But the
sign also says you have to be bilingual."

The dog looked him straight in the


and said, "Meow."

2006-09-01 18:58:56 · 14 answers · asked by hokie wolf 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I will be attending a pentecostal church on Sunday. My friend and I both feel this is the type of church we want to attend. Of course we are curious about the talking in tongues that goes on there.
For those on here who speak in tongues, how do you do that? Are you just filled with the holy spirit and it just happens? Do you feel different when youre doing it?
Will you be looked upon as possibly less devout if you cant or are unable to to do it?

2006-09-01 18:57:00 · 8 answers · asked by darcys_wifey 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Is Jesus Christ your lord?

Try enjoying somen nice Christian music , and take a break,
dust your feet, leave this battle for a while. Link up to
the URL I'm including. Christ Reigns in my heart and His
beutiful kingdom which we are part of shall reign and bring
salvation to many.

2006-09-01 18:56:24 · 11 answers · asked by interficio_pravus 2 in Religion & Spirituality


I am just curious,
I saw in an X men game that Scarlet Witch practiced something called "Chaos Magic", I thought that it was something made up by the creators of the game, but I saw in Wikipedia an article about it and another in a website.
Just to know, what is chaos magic???
Don't tell me the Wikipedia definition please.

2006-09-01 18:55:39 · 2 answers · asked by ME 2 in Religion & Spirituality

ok.. i dont know a lot about this subject that why i am asking.. i have read alot about it but it quite does not fit in my brain.

in christanity we believe that Jesus is god,and son of god...one person 3 personalities or you can say one soul but three different angles to it. ( no offense i dont kno how to say it)


in Egyption culture Horace was considered God but they said that Pharoh was Horace on earth in the human form so thats why they believed in divine authority of pharoh. Pharoh's word was word of Horace (god of gods)

sounds familiar??
could christianity have evoluved from egyption? because sound almost the same...with diferent names for people but same concept.

2006-09-01 18:54:13 · 14 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

My soulmate, my life and my love, passed on 17 days ago..I've appeared to be a rock, strong, brave and able to go on...but in truth I am missing him so bad that its just about unbearable...I don't know what to do.

2006-09-01 18:53:45 · 19 answers · asked by herenthere 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm a blonde babe with a big mouth. And so sometimes I open my mouth too much. LOL. Sometimes I wonder if God will strike me down for the things I say. But then I think..... NO....God loves the idea of FREEDOM OF SPEECH! God likes the fact that I'm a little bit goofy!

Do you believe in freedom of speech? Does God believe in freedom of speech?

2006-09-01 18:52:38 · 18 answers · asked by Ask Donna 3 in Religion & Spirituality

After all, under the tenets of Judaism, Jews are a chosen race. Furthermore, the Torah commands Jews to treat each other better than those of different races.

How is this different from what Adolf Hitler, David Duke, and Louis Farrakhan preach?

2006-09-01 18:52:30 · 8 answers · asked by sam 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

and agree that we're all worshiping the same lovable big guy in the sky? I think Reginald Denny may have been onto something...

2006-09-01 18:49:42 · 13 answers · asked by Dave 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-09-01 18:48:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

i recently read a book and it had these words in what does it mean

2006-09-01 18:47:00 · 15 answers · asked by hauntingdream29 1 in Mythology & Folklore

why is it that you tell people dont accept the whole of the bible?what is this stuff about out with the old test. in with the new?christians tell me to follow the new test. and dont bother with the old.why?is it no longer a part the bible?and on whos authority do you put the old testament behind your back? gimme the verse please if you will. i swear sometimes i think they are trying to misguide me on purpose.

2006-09-01 18:46:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If god knows all then he KNEW the serpent woud tempt Eve. Therefor the serpent is more powerful than god.

2006-09-01 18:45:50 · 19 answers · asked by Atheist 2 in Religion & Spirituality

1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

2006-09-01 18:45:17 · 9 answers · asked by Toronto 3 in Religion & Spirituality

1. Fairy tales are fun.

2. Talking to Christians is like talking to kids about Santa Clause

3. You remind me that I caught sooooo much bullshit that you missed. That's makes me feel proud

4. It fascinates me to witness people actually believing in the

2006-09-01 18:43:35 · 22 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Marion Barry or Kwame M. Kilpatrick, Auto workers, soccer moms, hockey fans, the French?

2006-09-01 18:42:34 · 7 answers · asked by Big Brother 3 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-09-01 18:42:02 · 12 answers · asked by demon l 1 in Languages

Hebrews 2:9, 14.

2006-09-01 18:41:29 · 18 answers · asked by Wayne S 3 in Religion & Spirituality

To hurt people by telling them their ugly, stupid, or fat? Why is it necessary to gossip about someone and spread untruths? Why is it necessary to think badly about ourselves thus spiraling into depression, drug use and thoughts of suicide? Why is it necessary for parents to hate their kids, beat them, tell them lies to make them fill terrible about themselves only to become unproductive citizens in our society? Why is it necessary to kill just for a pair of sneakers or for a few dollars? Why is it necessary to have sex to fill the void in our spirits and to feel loved and wanted? Why is it necessary to steal when we really don't have a need for what we take, hate our brother, lie to our mothers simply because we're too afraid to tell the truth? Why is it necessary to deny that God so loves us, when we don't even love ourselves, and gave his son Jesus so that we wouldn't have to feel alone, and that when we die, we would know without a doubt that we would have a place in heaven?

2006-09-01 18:41:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-09-01 18:40:30 · 2 answers · asked by sllyjo 5 in Other - Society & Culture

God is omniscient. When he created the universe, he saw the sufferings which humans would endure as a result of the sin of those original humans. He heard the screams of the damned. Surely he would have known that it would have been better for those humans to never have been born (in fact, the Bible says this very thing), and surely this all-compassionate deity would have foregone the creation of a universe destined to imperfection in which many of the humans were doomed to eternal suffering. A perfectly compassionate being who creates beings which he knows are doomed to suffer is impossible.

2006-09-01 18:40:16 · 16 answers · asked by Atheist 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Hello All =)
How are you?

well i was just wondering how i could open up and make new friends at school. im really really shy and i keep to myself and the thought of talking to someone i dont know freaks me out. but i really want to meet knew people and open up but i dont know how to. can you help?

thanks so much! =)

2006-09-01 18:39:48 · 10 answers · asked by ..... 2 in Etiquette

Do you think We as African-Americans Should celebrate the for of July 4th. We where not free.

2006-09-01 18:38:56 · 11 answers · asked by Kia E 3 in Independence Day

I mean, what kind of a cruel joke is it to make food that is good for you taste like crap and food that is bad for you taste so good?

2006-09-01 18:38:22 · 23 answers · asked by Dave 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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