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Psychology - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-03-18 08:26:32 · 4 answers · asked by wally 3

do they believe they will find an answer that will solve an issue in there life, if yes should they rather be asking questions about there life, or have i just read far too much into this and are people asking out or curiosity

2007-03-18 08:23:17 · 6 answers · asked by GilmourFrancis 3

If so, what do you generally like to do for fun???

2007-03-18 08:22:50 · 1 answers · asked by bradxschuman 6

If so, what do you generally like to do for fun???

2007-03-18 08:21:34 · 2 answers · asked by bradxschuman 6

What on earth, or anywhere you'd be allowed to exist, to flow like living venom, do you GAIN, GATHER from your vicious retorts to some of the people's questions who sincerely post worthy, innocent questions?

Do your self exposing answers as well-poisoners, provide you with the ONLY sense of identity you may have left, to fool you further into a living ignominious grave?

GOODNESS, the world, to your sick with weary rabidness, , so often seasoned with self and outwardly projected hate, must truly impress your Kind, but not any other still sentient peoples of our planet.

I happen to often see you comments, so cowardly and harmfully meant raise their ugly heads here and there . . and to my observation toward those who offer themselves as sincere questioners seeking a helpful answer.
To me, I have known, not just by the anonymity this website provides to protect your cowardly sorry-arses from a more substantial action, but also have I known you in Actual Life.

Guess what?
You still = O!

2007-03-18 08:18:17 · 1 answers · asked by skydancerwi 6

Someone I know is suicidal. She plans it months ahead. She begins by giving all her things away, precious valuable collections of her personal stuff. Then she starts to spend all the money in her savings that was meant for her future i.e. maybe retirement, emergencies. Makes sure she spends it on stuff she's been deprived of. To make sure she does not leave anything behind for the damned family.

Breaks a few essential things in the house, then sits on the edge of the balcony on the 20th floor of the apartment.

All of a sudden she climbs back up and decides she's afraid to die, but realises that she has not a penny left to her name.
She did it once. She is on the verge of doing it again. And she has a tendency to do it several more times. Maybe throughout the rest of her adult life, that is if she doesn't take a wrong step soon. We have similar personalities.

2007-03-18 08:14:31 · 9 answers · asked by . 1

or phobias, or do you know of any? anything interesting or weird

2007-03-18 08:10:26 · 5 answers · asked by name 2

your life would be better...I think it might...I have an average size..6 if your wondering..

2007-03-18 08:05:21 · 5 answers · asked by xjim7 2

I just wondering how to persuaded my counselor on letting me having AP class despite that I fall short of their expectation. How can I make them believe that I can do it and give me a chance to do it.

PS: I know my high school counselor follow the rule, but how could I talk to her on doing this?

2007-03-18 08:05:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want it to all end...every goes at once...do you ever feel this way...that you want to see all the scum go into a lake of fire ...bring on the nuceluar holocost I am ready...my spell check is even against me...

2007-03-18 08:03:35 · 7 answers · asked by xjim7 2

against my enemies...they are taking me to court and charging me with two felonies...just because I insulted one of them..whom is a closeted queer..I want revenge it fill my life..I cant stop thinking about it...

2007-03-18 08:01:18 · 9 answers · asked by xjim7 2

I want to run away from it all..why cant I find a nice cult that believes in free love and drugs..and you dont have to work..you know like hippies..with out all the hippie B.S...

2007-03-18 07:59:39 · 3 answers · asked by xjim7 2

2007-03-18 07:46:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I first heard this theory a couple of years ago, I treated it like email detritus or forwarded garbage; I stashed it to the back of my mind where it seldom bothered me.
Alas, it has surfaced quite frequently in the past months: I've seen more than a few articles dealing with the subject in prominent magazines such as Time.
It doesn't keep me up at night, but it does tickle and itch a bit.
And, yes, I'm a little worried.

Can someone care to clear it up for me?
Offer a rebuttal to the scientific theories?
Much appreciated!

2007-03-18 07:41:47 · 9 answers · asked by frosting 1

I had a dream last night that I was feeding 2 kittens from my hand where my hand fingers from the inside leak milk, & they were drinking from my hand. I thought this was very weird. Anyone knows anything about dream interpretation please explain it if you can. If you have no idea just make one up ;) Thanks.

2007-03-18 07:36:08 · 6 answers · asked by giggsmania 3

How has it honed you, by being on this website - to become stronger, more enlightened of thinking, LESS prejudicial, or ignorantly judgmental, or LESS ignorant of view or opinion, or stereotyping you may have previously acted upon?
Has it improved your innate Humanity, so often anymore, set aside as a joke? Or "what the Hell do I care" issue of influence or importance?
How has it helped in your own private lives - to better the quality of it?
How has it made you respond, if only silently, or by the raising of your protests, to the hard core cynics who are nothing more than mind predators?
How has it made you respond silently or by raising your voice to the people, so obviously of good heart. who hold the key to the continuance of our species, NOW, so deeply in jeopardy?
If this website has helped you become a better person in our society, world, if it has made you more aware, STRONGER, far as personal integrity goes: Please let it be known by answering this question!
Influence is yours

2007-03-18 07:32:43 · 2 answers · asked by skydancerwi 6

So the other day I went to a movie with this girl I really like and a friend. Me and this girl kinda held hands through most of the movie and my friend said I should ask her out. On the way home we kinda had a talk, and pretty much decided she likes me but not really enough to go into a serious relationship with me yet. When I got home I was talking to my friend and he was saying now, that I should just try to be her friend for now.. which I thought was kinda strange since he had a total change of mind, but I knew he had been talking to her. Last night I noticed this girl had a message on her msn saying a quote from my friend "doesnt it make you wonder why hed like a girl like you?" or something. Plus theres a strange comment on his myspace about him calling her a liar. Hes obviously not telling me everything he knows and Id never to that with the girl he likes and is kinda seeing but not really. Do you guys think I should ask him about it or is that none of my buisness...

2007-03-18 07:32:37 · 1 answers · asked by teh_masta_of_all 2

I am 20 years old and I am finishing my bachelor degree in science. I want to move to another state just to Independence myself from my parents, get a better job and other interests I have in mind.

But my mother has gotten very annoying to me because of this. I don't want to pursue a doctorate degree anymore because I am TIRED of studying I want to pursue a shorter career, and is like she wants me to do what she wants, even though she denies it I can see it in her eyes and facial expression that she wants me to stay with them 4 years more without having any Independence.

They can't understand that my studies are making me depressed and I have other interests in mind like having a family and I also do it because they have invested so muuuuch on me and I want them to rest and pay more attention to my little sister.

Is it normal for me to feel this way, and is it right for me to leave at this age 20-21?? What's wrong with my parents, I am going to do whatever it takes to be fine.

2007-03-18 07:30:39 · 8 answers · asked by Jamie 2


what happens when you have dream's of your tatoo coming to life and cutting you and when you wake up you have scars on your hands and stuff????

2007-03-18 07:20:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-18 07:14:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-18 07:12:42 · 3 answers · asked by maher_abusarah 1

I have these dreams about being naked way too and in my dreams, i always turn naked when my family members come for a visit or i am in a a public place, school, when my friends are arond, ect.
What does this mean!

2007-03-18 07:11:04 · 14 answers · asked by raneygirlz 1

I am writing a story and need to get inside the mind of a rapist for one of the characters so i want to ask can anyone give me some ideas of why a man would rape a woman...........all are welcome.

2007-03-18 07:00:26 · 4 answers · asked by exceptionallyexceptional 2

I am a 15 year old freshman in high school and i am kind of a shy and quiet boy. Can you change your personality because if i am myself it doasen't work because i am a quiet person. I want to be more talkable is that possible?

2007-03-18 06:49:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-18 06:49:07 · 13 answers · asked by Dreamy 1

2007-03-18 06:46:53 · 3 answers · asked by Vongjen I 1

do it cos they feel rejection can you explain this cos i dont, understand fully

2007-03-18 06:39:10 · 23 answers · asked by denny 2

like some do and why

2007-03-18 06:37:20 · 13 answers · asked by denny 2

fedest.com, questions and answers