Look,the last months i've been having a series of dreams,i already posted one here before :
and here is the 2nd second dream
The dream:
I am in a temple with my sister,there were also other few people there,i think i know some of them. the temple was quite,not crowded,not much illuminated (opposing what i expected),but anyway still peaceful. there was also a swimming pool there.
and suddenly air attacks took place.
rockets started to attack different parts of the temple,specially areas that i was standing. then i ran to other different areas and the rockets chased me there, and i always survive,then i took my sister and ran into a factory with mechanical machines. then three rockets came from three different directions, so i said noway!,we're dead for sure. then time moved in slow motion and then we saw the rockets so close,gently touched a glass window. and nothing happened! :), ?
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Hamdi 2007