An acquaintance from work, who was a stranger at the time, was introduced to me by a colleague. Now, normally, I'm rather indifferent toward people at work, but I had this visceral reaction of disgust and anger toward this man; he literally made me ill. I noticed a peculiar (unpleasant) body odour, and his appearance in general was repulsive to me. Yet when I chatted about it to a friend who also knows this person, she couldn't understand what I was talking about. She found him good-looking, attractive, and friendly, and though she'd been physically close to him numerous times never noticed any unusual body odour. Now, either I'm hallucinating, or there are some people in this world who, for whatever reason, just clash so much with our own unconscious physiologies that they constitute 'natural enemies'--anyone else ever have such a strange negative reaction to a stranger that they just couldn't logically explain?
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