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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

How can you tell if some one has a problem that they are ashamed of or want to hide or are just not nice?

And if this question gets removed have the decency to reveal yourself! (The objector I mean!!)

2006-12-20 10:20:34 · 15 answers · asked by kiku 4

& be happy about it

(i'm talking about romance and please leave the work, friends & hobbies out of it)


2006-12-20 10:18:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi I was wondering if anyone can send "good vibes" to my Mum an I or maybe say a little prayer for us. You see my Mum is due to fly to England tommorrow by herself and is she is terrified of flying. She was forced into this flight by other family members and I am hoping that it will snow or be really foggy so that she can't go so if anyone can help that would be great.

2006-12-20 10:07:09 · 9 answers · asked by ariose24 2

Yes. My questions is What!?

I know alot about serial killers
I have been studying them for over
3 years now.

&& After writing lots of reports
about why, how, what.

Why they do it?
What are they thinking?

I had great answers.

But now after
watiching so many
tv shows, & movies.
& Reading so many books.

I think otherwise.

I just want to hear from
different people and what they think..

Like from the ShowTime TvSeries "Dexter"
(Yes I know that "Dexter" isn't even close to the real killer)

But I want to know what you people think!?

About Serial Killers?

Basically everything that can be covered on this topic.

Thank You!

2006-12-20 09:58:24 · 20 answers · asked by dance101rockin 1


Why is it so hard for some people to understand that introverts like to be alone. I enjoy the time by myself but my friends and family think I am anti social.

2006-12-20 09:50:28 · 16 answers · asked by sunnysky4u 3

I usually see the person playing the song. Or I see a situation in my life that relates. How about you guys?

2006-12-20 09:43:09 · 17 answers · asked by Kelly 2

An acquaintance from work, who was a stranger at the time, was introduced to me by a colleague. Now, normally, I'm rather indifferent toward people at work, but I had this visceral reaction of disgust and anger toward this man; he literally made me ill. I noticed a peculiar (unpleasant) body odour, and his appearance in general was repulsive to me. Yet when I chatted about it to a friend who also knows this person, she couldn't understand what I was talking about. She found him good-looking, attractive, and friendly, and though she'd been physically close to him numerous times never noticed any unusual body odour. Now, either I'm hallucinating, or there are some people in this world who, for whatever reason, just clash so much with our own unconscious physiologies that they constitute 'natural enemies'--anyone else ever have such a strange negative reaction to a stranger that they just couldn't logically explain?

2006-12-20 09:35:38 · 21 answers · asked by pat800 1

is this a hormone imbalance as he wants to comit suicide because we will not allow him to see his friend because he is 10 years older than him we are afraid that he wil get into wrong company is this a fase that one goes through will he change his mind and look at women or do i accept this diversity which specialist can i take him to i

2006-12-20 09:32:03 · 36 answers · asked by lucy 1

2006-12-20 09:27:05 · 15 answers · asked by marcoc93 1

While you r driving everyday for the same direction like going to you work or going to home .. sometimes u just think how do i arrived here ? u dont remember how you get here .. specialy when u r thinking for something in ur mind.. so plzz could u tell me what is this ?

2006-12-20 09:14:12 · 6 answers · asked by Rose Bridge 2

do you save them, or do you throw them away, or do you give them away?

2006-12-20 09:12:13 · 13 answers · asked by ms.mesha 1


When a people die but doctors bring them back to life what do they see after they die. Apparently some people died and they all said the same thing.

2006-12-20 09:12:07 · 15 answers · asked by s.harding 2

Or had to go through?
I know the hardest thing I have ever done is childbirth, some women would agree. But I am also talking of mental trials, not just physical. Mentally, the hardest thing for me is the passing of a loved one, or delibrately causing anguish on another in an argument. It hurts all involved, hence the mental stress. I know this is not the best example, that's why I want to know what the hardest thing you have ever had to do is.

2006-12-20 09:11:21 · 12 answers · asked by Whava 3

A golden retrieverand a black one with a gold chest and butt(perhaps a rottweiler?)....they grew into adults almost moments after we took them out of the box?What does this dream mean?

2006-12-20 09:01:09 · 6 answers · asked by Direktor 5

Say, you write something, or paint a picture, or take a photograph, or put some degree of effort into any given project. Something tells you it's "really, really good" and you're bursting with pride, anxious to tell or show someone your 'masterpiece.' Just think of all those sad souls on American Idol. Now, one of two things happen. Either you receive a lukewarm reaction to your masterpiece--not qute what you expected--or, alternatively, when you look at it again a few days later or even the next morning, you've no idea why you thought it was so good to begin with. You see all sorts of mistakes and confusions and errors that, for some remarkable reason, were invisible to you immediately after your creation. It's easy to say we're 'delusional' or 'narcissistic' but I think that's too simple an answer. In my career I work with very talented people who have the same difficulty in distinguishing their best from their worst immediately after completion. Any thoughts or theories on this?

2006-12-20 08:56:37 · 8 answers · asked by pat800 1

Its not that weird....its just i have long hair and I would never think of cutting it or coloring it(virgin hair)....but i had a dream i was in a salon and i was getting my hair highlight and cut into bob.....so what does that mean? I think it doesn't have anything to do with my hair.....what do u guys think?Thankx & happy holidays!!!!

2006-12-20 08:51:39 · 9 answers · asked by aliyah 3

Do you think they are abnormal? Do you have any personal experiences with this yourself?

I, myself, used to have 6 imaginary friends. They even had names, 3 girls and 3 boys! My siblings used to make a lot of fun of my but my parents thought it was very fascinating how a child's mind worked in such a manner.

2006-12-20 08:40:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

FYI Chad is my boyfriend...
As I lay on the couch last night, drifting in and out of sleep, I had a series of unusual dreams. the first one starts and a friend or family members(of Chads) house. Many people were there, many I did not know. Although i was not drinking in the dream, I still manage to fall and hit my head on the wall or a chair...I can't recall. I get up and as I am wandering through I start to see the people I do know (that Chad has introduced me to) and then i see my Dad. Then chad tells me my mom is there and I see my brother...and just about everyone I know comes out the wood work. So in the mean time chad avoids me at all costs, but everytime i see him he kinda laughs at me...then I woke up.
I cannot remember the specific order of the next few dreams but i think it went like this...I was (dreaming) i was sleeping on the couch. you know one of those "did this really just happen" things. There was a knock at the door. more to come

2006-12-20 08:35:30 · 4 answers · asked by ladyjno7 4

So, how's it going? Are you living up to the expectations you have of yourself? Your parents? Your significant other?

2006-12-20 08:28:33 · 6 answers · asked by 2Bs 3

hi i am an exchange student and i live in a house with a nice family and i am leaving soon anyways, but the nana never makes my bed, serves me, cleans my room(she´s supposed to)and constantly yells at me...i will be sitting watching a video on the computer and she will come in and turn on the tv and yell at me and yells at me for everything..and is always telling me to buy her stuff and to do her work for her and will insult me a lot...although i know what she says is obviously not true (like she tells me i´m fat and stuff)
she is a grown adult and will throw tantrums and sometimes ignore me for no reason
should i stilll give her a christmas present?

2006-12-20 08:23:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

In high school I would always get told I looked like her, should become an impersonator, blah, blah, blah. Well, I graudated five years ago but still feel the need to live up to that. I hate it. We are definitely not identical, but there are some similiarities. My problem, however, is my nose. I have a tiny little bump in the middle of it and it totally ruins my self-confidence. Everytime someone mentions our resembelance, I feel like hiding my nose! Help!! How can I just forget about it?

2006-12-20 08:19:35 · 27 answers · asked by bethysethy 1


I have a trust issue. I tend to be skeptical of people. Anyone who I've ever trusted has screwed me over. Recently, I've trusted someone and found out that she had a "falling out" with another friend because she told her mother that girl's secrets. Since I've found that out, I've been paranoid that she's gonna tell the whole world my secrets too. What can I do to trust people without hesitation?

2006-12-20 08:15:53 · 3 answers · asked by I scream for ICE CREAM!! 3

I have dreams of trying to run away, but failing. Trying to escape, but being caught and dragged back to the place I so desperately want to get away from.
All the deffs for running are either about competitive running *wtf? who thinks race and run should be considered the same? i don't* or running away and getting away.
I want to know what trying and failing to leave could mean.
And to answer the "have you had an experience where you couldn't get away in life?" questions, YES. From an ex not taking "it's over" for an answer and literaly clinging to me to a "friend" not taking "i'm not gonna hit you" for an answer to a thing with school where they wouldn't let me leave but wouldn't deal with me either. Yes, there are things from real life, but I don't assotiate the situations in the dreams to the ones of real life.
Anyone got anything that ight help?

2006-12-20 08:13:08 · 6 answers · asked by mandy 3

I don't mean transient, ho-hum, laziness, I'm talking about deep, personality-trait laziness.

2006-12-20 08:06:37 · 21 answers · asked by 2Bs 3

All my life I've had dreams of certain places *this zoo, snow globe, house that the interior changes from time to time but when I walk outside it's the same place* most of which I've never been to. Along with places, there's usually the same situation. With my house, I'm trying to get away from a party but keep getting caught. The zoo there's nearly allways animals escaping. The snow globe there was a snow queen that took me to visit santa and such *they go back as far as I remember, but stopped before I was six*
Is there something to the setting of a dream, and is it more important if it is exactly the same setting revisited with different people both from past and present? I still can't find a dream interpreter *online thing, you type in dream, it spits out interpretations of phrases, not just simple words like all the dictionaries availible that have proven useless. the symolism of the word "flying" isn't going to help you when you're surounded by flying birds in your dream*

2006-12-20 07:55:34 · 7 answers · asked by mandy 3

So im at work, except im in my underwear. I know i'm in my underwear, but for some reason i'm not embarrased. I'm trying to get the changing rooms to change in to my uniform thats there waiting for me, only trouble is i can't go until my supervisor will let me, and when she does i race there but i get stopped by people who want to know where stuff is ( i work in a supermarket).

When i finanlly do get to the changing rooms, get my uniform on and walk back out everyone else is in their underwear!

2006-12-20 07:44:11 · 15 answers · asked by IshotJR 2

People are always telling me that I look sad or depressed or they ask if i'm okay (with a concerned tone). I think i'm just looking like me, but I have looked in the mirror and caught myself off gaurd looking quite, well sad. I am a little depressed but not really like clinically or anything, at least I don't think so. Anyway I really want to look happy but how do I do that. How can I truly be happy.

2006-12-20 07:36:03 · 13 answers · asked by rhi(09)ler 3

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