My son's teacher gave me a pamplet about Asperger's syndrome. I have not taken him for a diagnosis yet, and frankly, I am a bit scared of doing it.
Brantley is extremely intellegent. He is 9 years old with a big heart and terrible social skills. He has already been labeled as ADHD although I have not medicated him.
He speaks with an astonishingly good vocabulary, and he reads on a high school level.
When he gets frustrated (really frustrated), he has emotional outbursts. He cries easily, and he gets bullied a lot, although sometimes, he almost brings it on himself.
His motor skills are terrible. He is very uncoordinated with sports, running, and physical activities. He has trouble interacting with peers and would rather be reading, playing video games, etc.
It is strange that Brantley often doesn't do his work at school and is instead reading a book of his choice.
Am I an awful mom for not wanting to get him diagnosed? I want to believe Brantley is normal.
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