It was a bright sunny day ,his father and a few friends were there. he dove out into the water.He could see the underwater life swimming around him.Then all of a sudden the wheather changed,the water became rough and it was hard for him to swim and stay a flot.His father came out in a boat and threw him a line,but he was holdingg onto a rock and wouldnt reach for it.He made it to shore on his own,but when he looked around everything seemed the same ,but the brightness of the day had vanished and was dim...This dream ended and another he was in a building with his farther,and his father became his uncle(fathers brother) he went to the window and looked over the ledge.There were others in the room,anyway he went out to the ledge and jumped,falling,then he woke up.He asked me for an interpetation,Im asking you.I have my thoughts .I want to see if anyones thoughts are similar to mine.I asked him if I could put it on line,he said yes,he will probaly read the answer himself.
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