During the late medieval through to pre-industrial era through art and stories inner qualities like kindness, goodness, faith, loyalty, etc. where portrayed through physical beauty and good looks. Hence the hero or heroine of a story was said to be handsome or beautiful, more so than normal.
Our present day society is based on foundations from this era and we have brought many of its ideas and ideals with us from then into our modern day. However as with many long held traditions and customs the meaning of can be lost over time, people just going through the motions and not understanding why.
So my question is, can this artistic cheat explain our society’s current pre-occupation with physical beauty and/or attractiveness? Trying to find the most beautiful but not understanding that that does not guarantee 'inner beauty' as it were?
If so then what does that say for our society and its views on beauty and attraction? What would be a better way to approach the subject?
Please explain your answers.
I thank you in advance.
(P.S. Please do not discuss evolutionary science, survival of the fittest, etc. that is not the point of the question.)
8 answers
asked by
Arthur N