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Social Science - 13 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

I need to say what it is, what it looks like, and why it's important.

2007-03-13 14:03:58 · 8 answers · asked by skybluu 2 in Sociology

My mom told me that when I was three, I recited an old poem that was considered advanced and long in length by the people around the region where I live in. Then throughout elementary school I always got straight A's. I took Pre-Algebra in the sixth grade, English Honors in the sixth grade as well, and was often invited to above average performance meetings. I even was invited to take a state exam (not the school one). But in eighth grade, my teacher told me that I didn't have to do homework because I was smart. I think that sparked the fire which is the rapid downward curve of my performance. In addition, during eighth grade summer I felt good not doing any work. I didn't read, didn't pick up a pencil, or do anything school-related. Before high school started, my mom had me take an intelligence test. My old score was 1689 out of 1900 but the new test said I had 210 out of 1400! Now, I'm a freshman in high school.

2007-03-13 14:02:49 · 6 answers · asked by jake s 4 in Psychology

my exboyfriend & i broke up over a month ago, but we were together for 2 years & i cant seem to get over him.. were both 18 and during our 2 year relationship he was severely depressed for about a year & a half.throughout that time, i have done nothing but be supportive & help him cope through it & was literally his best friend, even when his other friends stopped hanging out with him. he was put on antidepressants 2 weeks before we broke up and now everyone is suspecting he is bipolar and that the meds stimulated his depression to switch to mania. he broke up w. me impulsively & then asked me back out 2 days later then broke up w. me 3 days after that..so as u can see its just weird?since the break up he has been OVERLY sexual active (hooking up with 4 dif. girls in 4 weeks) & then all of a sudden he just stopped.after he began taking the meds, his personality did a 180, we no longer talk, but i wonder if he is over me, & if he isnt is it common for bipolars to hide/mask feelings?

2007-03-13 13:46:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

What if your relationship is rocky and the clock is ticking?

2007-03-13 13:46:37 · 2 answers · asked by so tired 2 in Gender Studies

Where I live, in Canada, the snow just starting to melt. And according to a theory that I believe in in the winter everyone (generally speaking) is doing good with their grades in school and do well in sports, good behaviour, etc. When the snow melts, everyone starts to act differently, their marks go down a little bit, their performance in sports isn't as great as it normally is. And some cases, people misbehave worse than they usually do. This is because of people being excited, because summer is coming, it is getting nicer outside, and the fact that the snow is melting. My question is how do I overcome these
obstacles, so I don't fail anything at school, and so I can do better in sports (ex: bowling), and how do I cope with other people's behaviour's?

2007-03-13 13:44:57 · 7 answers · asked by ? 6 in Psychology

2007-03-13 13:42:39 · 16 answers · asked by john r 1 in Psychology

Can any theory in psychology be valid, if so, then which one and why or why not?

2007-03-13 13:39:08 · 2 answers · asked by tsjt_tsjt 2 in Psychology

Personal examples are ideal
but I have been told
-travelling solo for a weekend and just forcing yourself to think
-going to a monastery
more? examples that have actually worked?

2007-03-13 13:35:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

If one of your friends has alot of stresses in their life like work, school, relationships, house payments, car payments... and they out of the blue in a complaining way say, "I really don't see a point to life." Are they suicidal or just being an annoying pesimist? If they are suicidal what should you do? Turning them into a psychiatrist would probably just put even more stress on their life.

2007-03-13 13:35:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I just took 3 different tests on Asperger's Syndrome online. On the first one, I scored just above the line, 2nd one I scored just below the line, and on the third one I was WAY over the Asperger's line. I'm really scared right now, because I've read that people with Asperger's grow up lonely and things like that. Should I be concerned about the results, because I'm freaking out right now.

2007-03-13 13:33:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-13 13:31:26 · 6 answers · asked by lil chris 2 in Sociology

This is just something that i have wondered for a long time. I am 20 years old and in college and i have believed for a long time that i need to work as i can now if i am to satisfied with my life later. Is that true or are most people who are in their 30's and 40's very satisfied with where their lives ended up?

2007-03-13 13:26:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

For example, big oil companies that sabotage the development of alternatives to oil. Other examples?

2007-03-13 13:22:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

2007-03-13 13:22:23 · 1 answers · asked by mikey 1 in Anthropology

Can someone tell me what these dreams mean? i am only 13 if this matters at all.

1.I go to sleep by my bunk bed by the window, then a wolf scratches at the window and breaks in and eats me.

2. We drive home, wolves surrond the car, I get out they don't attack. I get inside and they are running through the venting system. I rush to my room and there is a wolf standing there with my half eaten cat in its mouth.

3. At super market, elevator music is playing, standing by a giant aisle of toliet paper. Grey and White wolf rush by, my parents tell me to be quiet. Am at the top of the toilet paper, there is a blue chair and a red couch. My dad's corpse is half eaten and right in front of me. Wolf at attacks my sister and mom then I rush into the blue chair and the wolf walks toward me.
I have been having these dreams since i was 10, and i live in the country for the dreams with my house and all. And the super market was completely white. The wolfs are usually grey and brown.

2007-03-13 13:21:55 · 11 answers · asked by Tom 4 in Psychology

2007-03-13 13:19:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-13 13:17:09 · 11 answers · asked by soulgirl76 4 in Other - Social Science

Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

2007-03-13 13:16:58 · 2 answers · asked by lanemahnke 2 in Economics

2007-03-13 13:16:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

How are federal budget surpluses and deficits affected by the business cycle?

2007-03-13 13:15:01 · 4 answers · asked by lanemahnke 2 in Economics

Why does a reduction in taxes have a smaller multiplier affect than an increase in government spending of an equal amount?

2007-03-13 13:14:08 · 2 answers · asked by lanemahnke 2 in Economics

Where is evidence

2007-03-13 13:12:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Anthropology

Behind every face you pass, behind every stranger...there is a story. Strangers are people too. Every person suffers trauma, pain, happiness and joy. Everyone has experienced love or hardship. People have endured failure and rejoiced in success. What is your story? Next time you encounter a real jerk in public...remember there is a reason he is a jerk and wonder what kind of day/week/year he has had. I often wonder what other people's lives are like and if they are getting what they deserve. II sympathize forthose that can't smile and for those who relish in hatred and betrayal. What have you learned through your experiences in this thing we called life?

2007-03-13 13:11:58 · 5 answers · asked by Ashley 2 in Psychology

I was in my psychology class and today we're talking about the meaning of love i just want to know your guys opinion and the definition of love from your persperctive.

2007-03-13 13:08:17 · 9 answers · asked by Vanessa 2 in Psychology

I have a bad habit of putting myself down. For example, when I answer a person's question, I always hesitate, thinking my answer might sounds stupid.

I don't trust myself much either..In class, during chem lab, I have to answer questions, and I always doubt my answers..I think my answers aren't good enough, and other people's answers are better than mine. It's not only in chem lab, but outside in real life also..especially I'm in a middle of making a tough decision. I don't trust my problem solving skill either..

I want to be a doctor, and here I am doubting if my intelligence is high enough to get through pre-med studies or medical school

I always underestimate myself..I guess this is low self-esteem..

What shoud I do?

2007-03-13 13:06:35 · 5 answers · asked by ocean09 1 in Psychology

uhhhhhh whats even the point anymore, let it just die. I feel like giving up, i dont care about school my grades my social life anything, not that i have one. i cant take this feeling, whats the point of wasting my hours looking for info to help me relax, reading self-help books, practicing like a hudred different things and yet i still feel anxious? and then practicing speech for like two hours which they say careful preparation reduces 70% of nerves and yet my nerves clearly leap out of my throat and make me sound like a weird sshaky dying person. WHATS THE POINT? And this never happened, I was always able to handle talking in presentation, couple years ago and now its feels differnet and my self-esteem is like dropped to 0. wahts the point. I practiced so much, I even felt more or less ocnfident. Why do they say, make a positive attitude and you will succeed if it isnt even true!? I made my body language relaxed and said good things about myself in my mind, I smiled, kept my chin up and yet still the damn adrenaline rushes come which I accepted and makes me come out in a panicy voice. i noticed someone smile, probably laughing at me inside. wahts the point of doing this, I did abdominal breathing, I stayed positive and took a kava kava pill. seriously whats the point of even buying it, it doesnt even work, its useless. And I have been pressing pressure points on my hands to calm down and exercises and I thought nothing could go wrong, and I lose control of myself. its just so unpredictable, its frightening. so then i could probably lose control one day and it will be so sudden and random and unpredictable, even though i was happy, it doesnt make sence. No one understands me. Let them have their bad thoughts about me, pity me, think what ever crap they want of me, or on the other side, dont care, see me as invisible, not notice, not care. No one likes me, not even me. I said "I love you" to myself the other day but I dont feel the same today. I thought I was confident but today I couldnt even speak, besides the wavery awkward words that I forced to spill. And all these nerves from one dam class, the other classes im like 12% as nervous as this one. Why? It doesnt even make sence, its like unlogical, it insults my inteligence. Then I must be stupid. No one even tries. No one like me. No one tries to understand me, to take an interest in me. They could care less. maybe its all my fault. Its all my fault. Im the one to blame for everything. I dont let anyone, I cant express myself, im a damn introvert, im totally insecure too. But today I felt good, I was nervous, I knew that was normal but I accepted it but then I learned it was all a big lie. I really wasnt confident. I was smiling throughout the day, trying to trick my brain; first of all it didnt work and it was a big lie without me even realizing it. i spent hours researching and memorizing the info. I was like an expert, my info was so important, more than anyone else in the class, and i managed only to share one small point, not even the meat of it, nothing. Just give me an F, just give me the damn F. Give me and F even though I spent so much hours went through mental torture preparing for it and then got humiliated with my statement i did make. I could have easily got a B like my previous year doing talks. I was good at it. No im not an obsessive person about their grades, let me to tell you that,I've always been a C student. thats not why im upset. I care too much about waht other people think of me. I saw a smirk from a person, I would too if I saw this weird person. This is not me..And now all this mental torture. From one class? No but this incident probably unleashed all my hidden emotions. I came home cried, could have cried for hours but I stopped because i dont want my eyes to become swolen which would make me more self-conscious and i dont want anyone to know i cried. Even though I have touchy-feely crap about me I dont like to share it with others, even though im yearning for someone to understand. Too many thoughts, make it go away.This is not me..its not me..I wish I could take a knife and cut out whatever it is inside of me thats making me so irrational and disoriented in a way. i used to be confident. Just this beggining of the year I made an excellent debate, the teacher said it was awesome, I felt good about myself. Ironically the years kept getting worse, rather than better like I thought. Freshman year I had my best friend, I was happy. Sophmore year at least I had my best friend for half the year and although I fought depression, I had aquaintances and spoke with ease. This year I feel different. I keep feeling unable to control these obsessive thoughts in my head. I feel more ignored, no friends, not even any aquaintances, nothing and I get obsessed with certain people who dont even really know me because again, im not myself, I dont know why I react to certain people the way I do. At lunch (alone as always) as I walked to the park, I looked up at the tree and said, "Just fall on me...just fall on me." I feel so invisible in school, whats the point of going. I definately have more style and tastes and am a more interesting person than my previous years but yet i am more insecure, awkward and lonely, and no one like me, not even me. And these obsessive thoughts have been circling around my head for the past hour. I doubt anyone will read all this or respond, I just had to get this down before I explode

2007-03-13 13:01:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

My grandmother is seriously ill and as a result we've come to expect the worst. The possibility of her passing away had never occurred to me-I mean I've always thought of it as something that belonged to the distant future-and now it seems closer than ever. I started crying as soon as I realised its probability and the effect it could have on my mother-losing a parent can be nothing but painful. I know I have to be strong; I just don't know how.

2007-03-13 12:53:40 · 19 answers · asked by maggie 4 in Psychology

I am just finding clothes completely UNCOMFORTABLE. When I am at school, I just can not wait until I get home so that I can take my clothes off.

I have never been like this until now... what is going on?

2007-03-13 12:50:47 · 24 answers · asked by Sloane 1 in Psychology

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