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Pregnancy - February 2007

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I'm almost due to have my baby and I want to know what is a good way to induce your baby naturally that really works

2007-02-08 17:02:04 · 19 answers · asked by shadepm 1

I had an ultrasound on Friday. My doctor called me today and said that there was a "tiny tiny tiny amount of blood in the gestational sac" (i think thats how you spell it) anyways she is not an OBGYN and said that she had called to make sure i had an appt. with an OBGYN which I do on the 26th 3 weeks from now. She didn't advise me to get a sooner appt. nor did she say it was an emergency. This is my first pregnancy and I am very scared...has anyone heard of this before...or had it? She said she thinks it's from implimentation. I am in my 8th week of pregnancy and saw the heart on last firday's ultrasound. Only serious answers please.

2007-02-08 16:32:37 · 4 answers · asked by Sara M 2

Five weeks ago this Sunday (about Dec. 31) I took the morning-after pill because a condom failed my partner and I (it broke). We went to the pharmacy first thing in the morning, I got the pills and took them as prescribed. I even had my period Jan. 8, exactly when it would have come (my cycles are usually perfect-28 days). I've taken the M.A. pill before and it screwed with my cycle but didn't this time. So should have started my period this past Monday and haven't. It's almost Friday and I've got no signs of my period coming. I haven't been stressed, haven't changed my eating habits, and haven't done any hard-core working out. What's goin on here? Could I have gotten knocked up even after taking the pill???? I posted this question a week ago or longer, because I've felt..well... pregnant. I took a test last night and it came out negative..but it was also only $1!! What should I do, buy a better test? Wait another week? Can the pill mess up your next couple cycles?

2007-02-08 16:32:14 · 8 answers · asked by wickidgrrl82 2

Like during the first 3 months or throughout the pregnancy.

2007-02-08 16:21:12 · 10 answers · asked by ~Lucky_Gurl~ 1

i took two of the clear blue tests and then i took one of the wal-mart brands of first responce and they all came up possitive but the next day the possitive results dissapeared on the clear blues and the day after that the possitive result dissapeared on the wal-mart test so what is up with that and am i pregnant or not?

2007-02-08 16:19:52 · 17 answers · asked by Kristen S 1

I have had no cramping at all until today. It is not excruciating, actually it's just like a dull period like ache. I have no bleeding at all. Has anyone else had these symptoms at this stage of pregnancy. Am I worrying about nothing?

2007-02-08 16:01:17 · 12 answers · asked by SunshineCoast24 1

ok i havent had my period scince december 22 so i am about a week late on my period i took a test tonight and it was negative. what are the odds that is would be a flase negative? also do u have any stories about flase negatives?

2007-02-08 15:58:03 · 5 answers · asked by brittany1121 2

ok i am almost a week late on my period i took a test tonight and it was negative this is the first time i took one has anyone else had this happen? is this normal. i think i might be pregnant b/c my boobs are sooo sore!! but i really just wanted to no what the chanes are that the test was flase and also wanted to hear how many of u this has happend to! thanks!

2007-02-08 15:52:20 · 2 answers · asked by brittany1121 2

I'm going to be induced in 2 weeks because my dr is going outta town, what's it feel like? is it any different from natural? this is my second baby... i'm just curious

2007-02-08 15:44:54 · 13 answers · asked by Mandie 2

Well I am 4 days late on my pd and I took a home pg test tuesday it showed negative but i was told in some women that the hcg hormone doesnt show that early that i would need to get a blood test done how likely is it that it would be positive do you think?

2007-02-08 15:41:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 15:24:08 · 18 answers · asked by LadiesLoveMySlasher 2

Believe it or not, I'm pregnant with my 3rd child and forgot what my baby's first moves are suppose to feel like. My youngest son is 6 so I'm guessing it's been too long for me to remember. I'm 19 weeks and I figured by now I would feel something major going on in there. Someone Help!!!

2007-02-08 15:21:57 · 13 answers · asked by concerned 2

Well I was on the Depo shot for 3 months and I got of it 9 months ago and I never have had a period in 9 months. So I figured that the Depo has messed up my system and that was why I was not having my period. Then I started bleeding on Jan 22 and it went to the 26th so I thought is was my peroid. Then on Feb. 3rd and went to the 7th so I do not know if maybe im pregnant or if this is just my period starting and my systom is still trying to figure out what is going on.

2007-02-08 15:17:48 · 9 answers · asked by Amy 1

I have been realy sick, I have tried crackers and ginger.... I just don't know what to do, I am sick all day and night... Any suggestions? Oh, and I'm 6 wks along with my second. I was really sick with my first too, and never could find anything to help..... :(

2007-02-08 15:14:22 · 18 answers · asked by ME 5

Ok i'm an adult.. although my concerns may be a bit childish! lol. I am 30wks pregnant and i am so concerned about giving birth. I have some terrible bruise-like discolouration on my upper-inner thighs due to some medical things when i was younger - looks absolutely awful and very noticeable. I am so worried about being on a delivery table - displayed - because of this awful discolouration. I'm even been trying to think of ways to avoid the doctor seeing it under the harsh lights (i know.. impossible but i can dream! lol).

Any advice at all?

2007-02-08 15:12:42 · 19 answers · asked by Smiley One 3


I'm 4 and half months pregnant, and on monday i had a routine (for me, at least) cervical biopsy. everything seemed to be going fine. i had a little excess bleeding the next day, which worried me, so i called the doctor, and she told me that as long as it didn't continue for more than 2 days, not to worry. Everything seemed to be fine (the bleeding had stopped that night), but tonight as i was going to the bathroom, i noticed blood when i wiped...there wasn't much, but it was very red.
i'm not sure if this is normal, or if i should be concerned.

any opinions?

2007-02-08 15:12:23 · 11 answers · asked by Just a girl 2

i just was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, got a phone call from my doctors office today. i am 27 weeks pregnant, but not overweight and exercise. this is my first pregnancy. what should i expect? did anyone have this and was your baby healthy? large? and when they get older were they obese? i heard this is something that could happen..... any advice, suggestions, or experiences would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

2007-02-08 15:01:23 · 11 answers · asked by sknight0385 1

I know this is not a question - but just want to share with my good news that im having a boy :) and going named him Erik Joseph. He had 147 heart beat, 1 lbs. How that sound? Doctor said Erik is healthly baby. Yay! :)

2007-02-08 14:52:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i started taking yasmine a month ago and finished my first pill packet...i went to the website and it said that after the first week you couldnt get pregnant...but my doctor said that for the first three months i should use my back up method. what do you think?

2007-02-08 14:50:36 · 5 answers · asked by STACEY H 2

What is the soonest you can try and find out if it is a boy or girl? I used to think it is 5 months usually but alot of times I have heard of women finding out really soon like 3 months or so. But I know that is too early on ultrasound, is there other ways at all? I dont know how but you never know with todays technology.

2007-02-08 14:49:09 · 12 answers · asked by J. 4

I had a d&c and i just reached my 6 week point. I haven't had a cycle yet. So i took a test and it was positive. I have been using protection just so you know. So i called my dr and they said some people can have a false positive. And to wait until i'm 10 weeks and take another test. I feel like i'm pregnant! Tenderness, nausea, hormones! Has anyone heard of this or had a false positive after a d&c?

2007-02-08 14:45:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 14:31:13 · 10 answers · asked by pantherpurplepink 1

2007-02-08 14:30:25 · 11 answers · asked by brian h 1

2007-02-08 14:16:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

im gonna be 7 months on the 25 of feb..it is normal for the stomach to feel firm..or like it is hard..? it just started doing this in the past couple of days..

2007-02-08 14:13:40 · 7 answers · asked by ~Ashley~ 5

I have been off work since my 6th mo of pregnancy due to complications and my doctor recommended bed rest for my personal safety and of course more important my baby! It just been that my mother has been nagging me that sitting or laying down all day is going to make my labor harder and that in some bazzire way the baby is going to stick to me like glue and it won't be able to come out and she is freaking me out! Has anyone out there heard anything similar to this? She annoys me with the same thing over and over she wants me to walk around the corner and she always say you will be sorry when that baby comes and you can't push it out!!!

2007-02-08 14:09:03 · 18 answers · asked by adri012980 2

I was with my ex for 4 years and never had one through sex only through oral twice ,and i had three partners afterwards and i still havent had one through sex...

2007-02-08 14:01:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

its my best friend, she's not with her bf anymore but knows he will be a great dad and surport her.

2007-02-08 13:59:10 · 46 answers · asked by SHY1 2

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