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Pregnancy - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

2007-02-08 11:25:33 · 7 answers · asked by pyxiegyrl 2

I am on Birth Control (orthotricyclin) I have been on it for about two years or more now! I usually start my period b/w monday and wednesday. It is now almost friday and I haven't started. I have just started my classes back at college and I have been under a lot of stress. I have had the usual signs that I was getting ready to start my period like cramping but I haven't started yet. I have a knot down in my pelvic area around where my left ovarie is. Does this mean that I could be pregnant. Yes I am sexually active.

2007-02-08 11:21:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is even a not so clear line considered as a result?

2007-02-08 11:17:44 · 7 answers · asked by AnoBangGagawinKo 1

okay, i got AF on Nov. 11, Dec 10, Jan 7, so i figured i'd get it again oround Feb 7, but its Feb 8th and i don't have AF yet. i had some cramps like on and off on the 6th and 7th, and hardly any today. i've had a slight back ache since Friday, but im pretty sure thats from tennis. i've been running about a mile a day for the past 2 weeks, so i think that could've thrown it off some. i'm haveing no other symptoms of pregnancy, but i'm terrified because i haven't gotten my period yet. i'm 14, and i don't need your comments about how i'm too young to be having sex, i know this. and i'm not having sex anymore and i've already told my boyfriend and he's okay with it, for now. i've also already told him about my late period, and he just says we'll deal with it when we have to. i KNOW if i am i'm aborting. i just really need someone to talk to..


2007-02-08 10:59:47 · 9 answers · asked by youmakemesmile :] 1

at my very young age 0f 17 i didnt know how will i raise my future child, ive talked to my x to kindly help me tell my parents my situation but he refused..there are even several times he said that when i gave birth to our child he might kill it because he saw our baby as the biggest mistake of his life...even though i wanted just to let go of him im scared specially when the time comes my childwill go and ask where is his father.Im also very ashamed telling my parents bout my situation because i gave them such problems, they are also the one who will bwe blamed by our relatives and i dont want them to short out the financial needs of my future baby and i.

2007-02-08 10:58:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 10:56:00 · 8 answers · asked by makalasmama 1

how does this work. i am pro-life, i think children deserve the right to life and dont bash my opinion because the world has given you a chance to have your opinion. my question is about pregnancy and fallopian tubes...if a child develops in the fallopian tubes will this potentially kill the mom and the developing child? is abortion the only way...what are statistic and do you know any websites dealing with this topic thank you.
God bless

2007-02-08 10:45:46 · 16 answers · asked by cheesesticks320 2

2007-02-08 10:34:56 · 5 answers · asked by Jake & Jamie T 1

I am 9 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with Bacterial Vaginosis on Tuesday. I had an ultrasound Monday because of the spotting and we saw a healthy baby with a heartbeat.

I can't take the medication for 3 more weeks but I'm worried about letting this infection go 3 more weeks esp. if it causing me to spot.

Reaaallly scared!

Also, what can I do other than shower twice a day, and NO sex to help until I can take the medicine?

2007-02-08 10:26:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my last period was on january 19,2007 to january21

2007-02-08 10:26:04 · 5 answers · asked by chiquita 1

my friend asked me this question and even though I have had three babies, I can't for the life of me remember - When you are pregnant is your urine dark in color or light?
She may be pregnant and was wondering, but I can't remember. And when does the color change?

That is something I didn't pay attention to, and I thought maybe some of you that were pregnant now could answer it for me!

2007-02-08 10:25:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 10:21:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

pro-lifers, can you please xplain to my why you think abortion is murder.

just so everyone knows, i am asking this out of curiosity. i am pro-choice 100% and plan never to change my mind. i dont think im a murder, can you please xplain to me why so many people accuse me of this. no rude answers please. ive done millions of debates on abortion in classes, so i dont need people to tell me i dont know my stuff.

thank you for your time.

2007-02-08 10:08:33 · 21 answers · asked by Bear 3

Theres like a 1% chance your baby could have so many different diseases and conditions. I watched a show last night that made me sad because one baby had a heart problem another a spine problem, the other came out with in ambilical cord around its neck (potentially fatal) ANYONE know what are the chances of having a baby with NO medical problems or issues and normal non-life threatening delivery? Any stats?

2007-02-08 10:04:06 · 14 answers · asked by ChrissyLicious 6

i had my period on the 29th of January, it was light but seemed normal the next few days, it ended on the 2nd of February. This monday i woke up very sick and slept all day, i went to the doctor and they couldnt find anything to be wrong but didnt test for pregnancy. I've been feeling sick all week now, i get very nasuated (sp) all through out the day, i feel hungry but i dont want anything, and food makes me want to throw up, i've also been super moody.i know its not very likely but could i be pregnant? has anyone else ever had a period while pregnant?. please dont say anything like, no you cant be pregnant if you had your period, i know this but i've herd that its happened to some people...thanks so much for your answers!

2007-02-08 10:02:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Right i know many women on here will think i am out of my mind, but i think i fell pregnant a day before my period came.....

That will now be just over a week and a half, for 4 days now i have been having cramps in my lower tummy and alternates between the middle and left and right it feels like i am still on my period.which i am not.

I have been feeling really tired for the past 3 days actually make that exhausted, and i keep getting bouts of feeling really sick and generally dont feel myself.

I know that i do not have anything wrong with my overaies and that surrounding area as i had a ultrsound scan about 6 months ago with the all clear so nothing like that can be making these period like cramps.

What i wanted to know was has anybody had these kind of symptoms before they got a positive test??

I did take a test today and came back negative did anyone have that happen before a positive??

Sorry for all the questions.

I did

Additional Details

3 hours ago

2007-02-08 09:59:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can anyone think abortion is wrong and should be legal when all of the facts point to the "thing in the womb" is human? At the end of Roe v Wade the Supreme Court Justices came out with a statement stating, "If, at any stage of pregnancy, It can be proved the the thing inside a womans womb is human, we would rule abortion illegal." That was in the 70's. It has been proved human 7 minutes after conception yet since roe v wade, 50 million unborn CHILDREN have been aborted. Also, if you didnt know, people who murder a pregnant woman are charged with TWO counts of MURDER.

2007-02-08 09:56:47 · 25 answers · asked by fenderbass4 1

2007-02-08 09:53:26 · 27 answers · asked by cassiehartman 1

am I losing my mucus plug?

2007-02-08 09:51:15 · 7 answers · asked by cirnrab 3

I just got back from the doc's, saw my baby (it's beautiful). The doctor said at the next visit he's doing a blood sugar test but didn't say what it was. Is it just a simple blood test, do they take more blood than normally (dreading it)?

2007-02-08 09:46:31 · 18 answers · asked by nyyankeesg1rl 3

I mean no birth control pills, no condoms, nothing...

I bet ppl will come in and scream "HELL NO!"

But what of the ancients? They had no condoms or birth control pills.. Yes some of them must have found a way, otherwise the world would have been overpopulated by now. ;)

I know there's a certain time during every month when a woman can have sex without getting pregnant. ("period"?)
However, I also heared that sex during this time can be quite messy and bloody. How does this thing work?

Provided the two partners are clean, and there's no fear of getting an STD, how would they go about having sex during the above mentioned time?

2007-02-08 09:42:47 · 25 answers · asked by Mr. Curious 3

I want to either register at Target or BabiesRus. Here is my dilemma... Target is good because it is accessible to everyone but last time I went they had hardly anything. I love babiesRus because they have a great selection, great atmosphere and cater to just babies, but the cloest one is about 15 mins away... So Im wondering, should I just register at babiesRus and hope people go all that way (or shop online) or register at target knowing everyone can get there?

What were your experiences with both places?

2007-02-08 09:38:18 · 15 answers · asked by shugarmagnolia420 4

Im only 7 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd child. Its been 10 years since my last pregnancy. Im already showing! All of my jeans are already too tight and alot of my shirts are tight around my belly and breasts. My bras dont fit and Ive switched from thongs to bikini panties already. I hate to buy maternity clothes already and have them be too small later on in my pregnancy. Any suggestions? Do they make maternity clothes now that will adjust with size? Oh and my hubbys clothes are way too big...Ive already tried lol..If you are a thinner woman, do you tend to show sooner?

2007-02-08 09:19:23 · 13 answers · asked by tulips♥77 5

nagging your partner that you might be pregnant? do you every do that or you just wait? it really destroys the relationship but it is a product of different kinds of fear

2007-02-08 09:15:38 · 10 answers · asked by LadyPandora 2

I've been breast feeding my 7 week old from the start!! And lately for the past 1-2 wks or so, he's been fussing a little while nursing then screaming after he's done for about 10-15 minutes?? I do try and burp him, sometimes he does and sometimes not, but whether or not he does he cries. He's not constipated, but he does spit milk out sometimes while nursing, or it'll drip out too. And he spits up too. I didn't think breast fed babies got gas much anyways?? So, I don't know what's bugging him? No fever or anything else I've noticed going on? Any advice or insight? Thanks this is my first too!!!!!

2007-02-08 09:13:34 · 4 answers · asked by Melissa t 2

I am 2 1/2 weeks late, but pregnancy tests have come up negative. How long would you wait before seeing your MD? (There is only a very small chance that I would be pregnant anyway since we have been using protection.)

2007-02-08 09:05:42 · 10 answers · asked by NJ 4

ok well i posted awhile ago about how i bled for awhile.well the last time my period was due i bled for about 12 days.which was about 33 days ago.so i should of been due for my period on the 4th.i still have no sign of my period no cramps no nothing.i dont know if i should be worried now.since i did bleed for 12 days does this mean my cycle is all screwed up and i will get my period later than the usual due date.or could this be a sign of pregnancy?i dono know what to do usually my cycle is normal.please if anyone is going to judge me on all this and be rude about it please dont answwer my question.

2007-02-08 09:02:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had a dream last night that i was pregnant...very pregnant. i was just wondering if this was a sign of a pregnancy in the near future.

2007-02-08 09:02:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

she called me all happy talking about he loves me. i asked her how she knows he really loves her .she tells me "he had sex with me unprotected he wants me to be his forever" im scared for her she is so happy cause she might be pregent shes been vomiting for 2 weeks now.oh god she only 13 he is about to be 29 on march 8.there gathering money to move i know i should tell but i dont wanna lose her.also her mother is asking me if she ever had sex or if she just has the "flu" .im scared to death while she is so happy shouldent i be happy for her or should i tell someone or move out the way and let it be.im lieing to everone left & right cause me and her been friends since we were 5 .help me or should i say help her. shes to young to be a mother and to move out with him.this year hes gonna be 29 and she only gonna be 14 with a kid.......a kid with a kid ......they actally love eachother :(

2007-02-08 09:00:31 · 42 answers · asked by i need to know this 1

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