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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Im 33 weeks. I only gained 16 pounds so far and I do eat alot. (I have always been petite - not by choice but just dont gain weight --it runs in the family)
im 116 and was 100 when i got pregnant. doctor says its ok and everything is fine but im wondering if my baby will be a normal weight. I honestly cant even see the 16 pounds on my body. My stomach looks pregnant but is on the smaller side.

I was 5 lb 9 oz at birth. Will my baby most likely be the same?

2007-01-03 07:02:18 · 23 answers · asked by chan 1

The young teenager is lazy, I think she intends to live off the dole and have a life of ease

2007-01-03 07:00:38 · 19 answers · asked by Klaxonken 1

Why should pregnant women have to hide their bumps? I think they should show them off as they should be proud of their bump. When i was expecting my daughter i NEVER covered my bump and i don't care what anybody thought of me for it, why should i?

2007-01-03 06:58:58 · 24 answers · asked by minx_knitting_minnie 2

I just did a pregnancy test today . . . I peed in a washed out pickle jar and dipped the stick for the required amount of time. The 'you're pregnant' result popped in the window really quickly so I left the room and came back after 4 minutes to see if it had faded to just a 'no, you're not' result. It didn't!
So my question is this. . . Can a pickle jar be pregnant or is it really me? Pickles don't have the right hormone do they? I feel kinda weak at the thought! I want to be pregnant and I have never gotten a false postive before. I plan to try the test again tomorrow morning, minus the pickle jar.

2007-01-03 06:56:18 · 31 answers · asked by LeizyGriezy 2

How early can u start to get pregnancy symptons?

2007-01-03 06:54:54 · 20 answers · asked by Amy M 1

I just found out 2 days ago that my pregnant girlfriend is having a girl. She really wanted a boy and now she is very depressed. She already suffers from depression and is on medication. She has the feeling that the child will not get the same attention as a male would have. I am just glad that we are having a healthy baby. I tried to talk to her but it is difficult and we end up arguing. I just can't understand her thinking. She is very tom boyish and she dislikes "girlie girls". It is if she is judging our child already. She is due in april and I hope her feelings will change. Thanks for the help

2007-01-03 06:51:00 · 14 answers · asked by diehard311fan 3

i went to the doctor's for the 2nd time yesterday. he didn't do an u/s yet, but he listened for the heartbeat with the doppler and couldn't find it. then he asked me if i still felt pregnant!! this is my first pregnancy. i have to go back in two weeks to try again. is it typical not to hear it yet??? we are a little worried.

2007-01-03 06:50:22 · 24 answers · asked by rockstar 2

I am 16 days late. Me and my husband have 2 children already, our youngest is 3 yeasr old I was on the pill until August, when we both decide it was long enough for me to be on the pill so i stopped we aren't trying to have any more children yet, and we are using alternate protection. I took a pregnancy test a week a go and it was negative. I have had some cramping, I am not sick in the mornings, my breasts aren't sore. Help!!

2007-01-03 06:44:34 · 9 answers · asked by taraserbu 1

I took clomid for 4 months,the first months i had a period of 30 days,this month I had inter menstrual spotting from day 20 to day 28 ,really light spotting,now i am in day 38 and the period did not come yet,could I be pregnant.

2007-01-03 06:43:40 · 5 answers · asked by gogo 2

I've had cramping for two weeks now i'm 9wks and 2days pregnant, i went to the emergency room yesterday and found out there is a tear near my placenta, could i be the cause of this, Guys i'm so worried my baby might not make it, need some advice home can i make this better?????????

2007-01-03 06:42:57 · 9 answers · asked by Luz1219 2

Has anyone ever given bith to twins and neither you nor the father had twins in your families'? I've been on the Seasonale pill for 2 years. As you may or may not know.......with this birth control pill you only have a period every 12 weeks (3 mths.)...I've recently found out at the ER that I'm early pregnant while actively taking the pill. My HCG levels in my blood changed significantly in less thatn 48-hours as a twin pregnancy would. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound Monday to find out for sure. My husband is upset at the possibility since neither of us has twins in our families. My Dr. stated that I could've had eggs backed up from the type of pill I was on. Anyone ever conceived twins in the manner with out them in either family?

2007-01-03 06:33:56 · 11 answers · asked by Babyface 4

i went to the dr today, i'm one week overdue. i'm 1 cm dilated and i was just wondering if anyone knows if theres an avg amount of time it takes before labor starts once you've began dilating. i know every women is different, so it varies, but is there an average time? or how long has it taken in your experience? he said if i dont go into labor by monday, to come back in and we'll talk about inducing then. i've had contractions, some strong, but mostly mild-moderate, and they arent regular really yet. my cervix is softened and effacing also.

2007-01-03 06:31:07 · 7 answers · asked by veitedl 2

I've had an irregular cycle for quite some time now. Because I am overall healthy and none of my tests are cause for alarm, doctors have been unable to understand why my body does this. I have periods every 5-7 months if that. I say all this because I've been nauseated for the past week and now I'm experiencing abdominal discomfort, almost like cramping, but very light. I'm wondering if I could be pregnant. I've taken two tests, both negative. I've had intercourse 3 times over the past 3 and a half weeks. Has anyone experienced anything like this before?

I have a doctors appointment today, I just wanted some feed back. My nurse told me to begin monitoring my temperature every morning to see if I ovulate at all. Any advice or shared experience would be great.

2007-01-03 06:29:23 · 6 answers · asked by Shilom 1

my 43 year old mom is prego and my fiancee is expecting my child. my child will be born before my brother. so the uncle will be younger than the nephew LOL. My mom and my fiancee both needs me. I have to split my time between the 2 women. Because my mom is divorced and feels alone (she had a one night stand with someone and got knocked up) she puts guilt trips on me if I don't go over there and visit and takes care of her. I told her to call my sister but my sister and mom have issues. And I work 2 jobs and the 2 women are mentally and physically draining me. If I want to go relax and chill for awhile. My fiancee will put guilt trips on me saying that I don't love her as well.
Where do I go or what do I do if I want to relax?

2007-01-03 06:28:14 · 6 answers · asked by Pedro Xavier Ramirez 2

I don't want to do too much, I just want to stay healthy. Also, is it ok for me to work out at all during the first trimester when miscarriage is more likely

2007-01-03 06:27:59 · 16 answers · asked by I love sushi 4

how long could it take to get pregnant after i stopped feeding my son breastmilk. its been 2 months since i have stopped. any information on the subject would be great any ideas how how hard it is to get pregnant if you havent gotten your period yet. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE

2007-01-03 06:27:15 · 5 answers · asked by miraclebaby_2006 5

My periods are messed up I don't have regular periods and I have some feelings in my lower tummy and I have been very very tried even after i get a good night sleep I have to go to the bathroom all the time and I cry at the drop of anything. I took a home preg test and they came up neg. I know I need a blood test to be sure but right now I don't have the money until next month. And I was sick in the frist part of Dec. I was just wondering if this are signs. Thanks

2007-01-03 06:26:23 · 7 answers · asked by dreamer 2

I am 38 weeks pregnant, been losing my mucus plug slowly, 2 cm dilated and 50 % effaced. When in preterm labour @ 35 1/2 weeks on Dec 16th. The doctor stopped it through IV. The doctor and nurse don't think I will make it to my due date (Jan 18)

Been having contractions off in on everyday, but they do not increase in strength. Contractions seem to be getting worse everyday. Back Pain and having a lot of soft frequent bowel movements. Is labor right around the corner?? ( I hope so)

2007-01-03 06:25:40 · 11 answers · asked by erica d 1

Whenever I want to talk about how I'm feeling..hormanal, fat, cravings, bigger breasts, etc. my hubby rolls his eyes or changes the subject. When I ask him why he says "I'm a guy we don't like talking about that kinda stuff" He does not seem that interested going to appoitments with me or talking about baby names. What's up?

2007-01-03 06:24:11 · 18 answers · asked by mrs michelle 4

2007-01-03 06:23:53 · 13 answers · asked by graeme r 2

I'm 13 weeks pregnant an today I felt (while I was walking to a filing cabinet) some weird "rustling" or fluttering-(not like gas either...this was different) in my lower abdomen? I can now feel the top of my uterus above my pelvic bone and that's where I felt the "movement". Is it possible to have been the baby? It's been very, very active on all my ultrasounds!

2007-01-03 06:22:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 13 weeks pregnant and I want to work out with my friend, doc's said due to my diabetes and being pregnant I need to get on a workout schedule. Is step aerobics ok? I don't need advice on any other workout, just step aerobics. Thanks.

2007-01-03 06:20:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend are in a finacial bind. My mother-in-law said she would pay our rent for us (due 2 days ago) because we didn't have the money but she forgets alot i feel bad for asking her about it what can i say to ask her without asking her if you know what i mean?

2007-01-03 06:20:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that you are not supposed to mess with cat feces or clean up a litter box, but how about a puppy or dog??? I have a little chihuahua puppy and I have to clean up his pen. Of course I always wash afterwards but I was just wondering if there are any risks? Also, what is a good safe face wash to use while your pregnant? (I go to my Dr. next Tuesday and I will ask him this also) but I need some info till then. Thanks!!!

2007-01-03 06:13:20 · 6 answers · asked by Tammy 2

I primarily always answer pregnancy questions that's why I am asking you guys this.....How can one of your answers get deleted by someone other than yourself? I answered a question this morning and then when I signed on this afternoon, it said I had lost 12 points. I was like....what the heck, so I go to that question I had answered and poof.....my answer had been deleted. I hadn't used in bad language or said anything derogitory...I had only pointed out that the person asking the question seemed to be making stuff up based on their previous questions that I had looked at.

Anyone else had this happen?

2007-01-03 06:11:58 · 17 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 Boys 4

I would like to know what leads to a c-section? What if the baby is too big? Will they still make you try naturally? Has anyone had bad side effects with the epidural?

2007-01-03 06:11:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

say for example I had sex on the 11th of this month can I find out that I'am pregnant in the same month

2007-01-03 06:11:01 · 12 answers · asked by Sherry 1


well late in my pregnancy i started getting veins showing up on my breasts, mostly from the nipple outward. its only gotten worse since i had my baby three weeks ago. i would assume that it is a result of breastfeeding and having small breasts pre-pregnancy, so they are stretching and everything...is there a way to reduce the showing of the veins and some minimal stretchmarks or are these here to stay? thanks in advance for your help :)

2007-01-03 06:09:40 · 4 answers · asked by Love my Family <3 4

I just found out I am pregnant yesterday morning. This is my first pregnancy and I am very nervous about losing the baby. When did your fear of miscarrying disapear? What can I do to calm my nerves??

I know this is a normal fear but what can I do to relax?

2007-01-03 06:04:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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