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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Im 17 weeks pregnant, my doctor just called me and told me my HCG level is higher that normal. He says that later in pregnancy there is a chance my placenta could stop working and my baby could be born smaller than normal. Has anyone gone through this before and what was the outcome?

2007-01-03 06:01:21 · 1 answers · asked by **Starmomma** 2

Will it come out on its own&what will it look like??And I get a pelvic check next week to find out if I dialated, do u think I will be ready to go in??First time pregnant

2007-01-03 05:56:48 · 9 answers · asked by playagurl062003 1

i went to the dr today, i'm one week overdue. i'm 1 cm dilated and i was just wondering if anyone knows if theres an avg amount of time it takes before labor starts once you've began dilating. i know every women is different, so it varies, but is there an average time? or how long has it taken in your experience? he said if i dont go into labor by monday, to come back in and we'll talk about inducing then. i've had contractions, some strong, but mostly mild-moderate, and they arent regular really yet.

2007-01-03 05:55:04 · 2 answers · asked by veitedl 2

He wants me to have an abortion. He says I wouldn't understand why. I want to have this child. his words are please I can not stand this anymore death is better then this please.

2007-01-03 05:54:34 · 13 answers · asked by ANA 1

2007-01-03 05:53:35 · 4 answers · asked by COOL BREEZE 1

I am supportive and happy for her..I am throwing her a huge baby shower this month. But I am jealous because I want children so so badly but I don't know if it's possible b/c of some health issues. I'm also jealous that she is happy in a relationship. So women (or men, lol) have you experienced this?? Or am I just a biotch??

2007-01-03 05:52:18 · 12 answers · asked by goldengirl 4

what is it? can i get it at walmart?

2007-01-03 05:50:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think I may be pregnant, have had a lot of symptoms, but couldn't get a straight answer from home tests so I went to doctors.

Explained everything including symptoms, but doctor dismissed my worries out of hand and focused on the stomach cramps i said i was having - linked it to a stomach bug I had a while back and gave me tablets, but the symptoms I have now are different to then. Should I see another doctor about it?

Need to know because I am supposed to be on cholestral tablets but should not take them if I'm pregnant, so I'm not really sure what to do now?

Hope someone can advise me.

Sarah x

2007-01-03 05:49:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-03 05:45:42 · 10 answers · asked by RoOgUrL85 2

my last period was 12/19/06 and I just feel like crap and my hubby said last night that he thinks I look preggers but I want to know if it is too soon to take a test?

2007-01-03 05:44:36 · 12 answers · asked by cieraf 1

Okay I asked earlier if it was normal to have perios like cramps early in your pregnancy I got some good answers but now I have another question. I am suppose to start my period of jan 6, I took a hpt and it was postive, yippie, I go to the doctor on the 10th of january. The cramps have somewhat decreased and i can hardly feel them anymore just every once in awhile. I guess you could say that i am worried that i am going to end not not being pregnant and start my period. Just wandering what other women have experienced with period like cramps before there actual missed period. Just being overly cautious i guess.

2007-01-03 05:41:06 · 10 answers · asked by Just hanging around 1

Im wondering if anyone can help me with this......im having a baby at the end of march (or early april whenever she comes:) and my job wont pay maternity leave...but for @ least 6 weeks i will not be able to work. Is there any sort of programs or something (like enemployment???) that can help me out? I know WIC for things like milk and cheese but there is no way we can make it on just one income...kind and helpful answers appreciated.

2007-01-03 05:40:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is no way at all that I could be feeling my baby move yet. This is my fourth pregnancy and I am 15 weeks tomorrow, and i just sat on the couch and felt little flurries of movement for about 2 minutes straight. For those of you with multiple pregnancies under your belt, how soon did you feel movement with your second or third or fourth..etc?

He also then did laugh and say he learned long ago not to argue with motherly instincts. hes a good doctor, but i am pretty sure he is wrong on this one.

2007-01-03 05:40:21 · 12 answers · asked by sally h 1

2007-01-03 05:37:17 · 4 answers · asked by Ali 1

im 38 weeks pregnant and soo uncomfortable i cant take it anymore. im very crampy, having tons of braxton hicks been in preterm labor twice already...im just over it. im at -2 station 1-2 cm and 80-!00% effaced...what can i do to get things going?

2007-01-03 05:37:13 · 11 answers · asked by kelly c 2

i've had people tell me that it does hurt worse to be induced and others say it's no different. this is my 2nd child, so doc says i should be fine. any suggestions or comments?

2007-01-03 05:37:10 · 13 answers · asked by kllyklch 1

is it ok to travel all these hours it will be about 15 hours....

2007-01-03 05:36:12 · 2 answers · asked by dinafathy2003@yahoo.com 1

i will get hungry, feel like i am starving and then when i get food i barley eat anything and then a half n hour later i am eating again, i snack quite often actually cause i am not always hungry enough for a full meal, i am getting confused, is this behavior ok or how do i get myself on a diet that is better for me?
btw i am 13 weeks.

2007-01-03 05:36:06 · 2 answers · asked by puppy love 6

I just read a comment that a girl responded to, and she said that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy baby. Well, I'm 15.5 weeks and I never had naseua but once or twice. Does this mean that not having morning sickness is a bad sign?? The only thing I have had a lot of is headaches. Anyway, please offer me your opinion. Thank you.

2007-01-03 05:11:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am pregnant with my second child. I am 26 years old and have been married for almost 8 years. My daughter is 2 and my second child is due about 3 months before she turns 3. I have a good marriage with no problems. Anyway, my sister is 33 and she can't get pregnant. She has had one miscarriage and she is in the middle of an adoption. We are close, but she is very negative of every decision I ever make. I understand she wants to look out for me but she actually got mad when I got pregnant with my daughter. So now I am pregnant again and I haven't even told her because I don't want to listen to her mouth. I love her but I don't look forward to telling her because she is going to get so mad. Every one says she is jealous of me and that's why she acts like she does, but it's not my fault she can't get pregnant. I don't feel I should put what I want on hold in life because I feel sorry for her. How should I go about telling her about my pregnancy? How should I deal with her negativity?

2007-01-03 05:05:20 · 65 answers · asked by sweet_and_fabulous_female 3

How did anyone else feel at 12 weeks? I know every female's body is different, but im just curiouse to know.

2007-01-03 04:47:45 · 36 answers · asked by hanna 2


I was wondering how long did you really bleed after having a baby? Was it a natural birth or C-section? Were you miserable afterward? For how long?

2007-01-03 04:46:25 · 5 answers · asked by 1st time momma 4

I know they say not to eat a lot of fish while pregnant cuz of the mercury..blablabla...but I have a problem, I'm hooked on the McDonald's fish sandwich...I don't eat out all the time, but when I do, this is what I want!! Is it Okay?

2007-01-03 04:35:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Took a pg test day period was due and result was positive. Had very slight brownish blood in underwear this morning. No bleeding since. now just 3 days since period was due pg test still positive. What is this blood and am i pg?

2007-01-03 04:24:52 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 9 weeks pregnant.Just recently, the bottom of my foot, in the soft arch part is pulsing. I can see it moving! Like you know when you have a muscle twitch you can see it contract and let up, well thats what is feels like on the bottom of my foot! It happens all day off and on.I am starting to get worried and it is really bothering me.Any help?

2007-01-03 04:21:36 · 14 answers · asked by ♥It's a boy♥ 3

First off, I have my next doctor's appointment tomorrow so I will be consulting him. I'm just looking for suggestions to get me though the day and night!

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and over the weekend caught a horrible cold! I cannot breath through my nose at all, if I can it's very short lived! Since retuning to work yesterday I've gone though almost an entire brand new box of Kleenex. I'm trying to breath though my mouth here at work and at night but it's not easy! Does anyone know anything that I can do to help me just make it though today and tonight ntil I see my doctor tomorrow?


2007-01-03 04:20:06 · 3 answers · asked by kista_1 4

I missed my pill a couple weeks ago and now i am spotting both kinds of blood, and i usually have my period later in the month. It is way to early for any blood to come and it only happens when i go to the bathroom. Can i please have a doctors opinion. I did take the pill i missed the usually time i take all the others and i took it with another pill, so i dont know if that has something to do with it..but the thing is, is that i have missed a couple days before and doubled up on pills and i never had any spotting then, so i dont know whats different this time. I havent had any signs of my period yet, the light pink bleeding came out of nowhere

2007-01-03 04:09:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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