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Newborn & Baby - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

well, my baby is due on may 9th and my husbands cousin (his best friend from childood) is getting married on july 22nd. we would really like to go, the only thing is that we live in TN and the wedding in in Palm Beach, FL. has anyone traveled this soon with a newborn? how did it go? what precautions should i take?

2007-03-08 02:49:31 · 10 answers · asked by TN girl 4

Our son's estranged wife will not let him have unsupervised access to his 3-month old baby daughter. Her reason is that he has no experience or ability to change or feed her and is incompetent. Since our son is an intelligent 36 year old man, but tends to be all thumbs due to inexperience, we wondered if there was anywhere close to Poole or Bournemouth where he could be shown in a patient way? If he had any sort of certificate, say from a trained nurse or professional, to prove his competence, then maybe things could progress as well as possible for him and our grand-daughter. Please help! We can't think of anything other than him practising on our bad-tempered cat. Not a good idea, unless we want to invoke the wrath of the RSPCA as well as our ex-daughter-in-law!

It seems so unfair, especially as her ex-husband has now moved back in with her, and regularly changes and feeds our grand-daughter.

Unfortunately, our son's ex's family are all in the legal profession!

2007-03-08 02:32:28 · 14 answers · asked by lizzyunderhill 1

I know someone just asked this question and I agreed with all the answers:) BUT I was wondering this... I live in N. FL and my little girl (yay!) will be here the end of May. It is already going to be in the 90s by then. I have a 4 year old and we are really active in the summer- going to the beach etc. How soon can baby go on these activities? I also was kinda wanting to go to on a mini vacation to Panama City and to a water park while on maternity leave- How soon can baby go?! Thanks for your answers:)

2007-03-08 02:26:45 · 10 answers · asked by Dolphin 2

2007-03-08 02:17:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 6 week old baby (Spencer) and was wondering is he too young to start a routine? I'm braest feeding him also so does this make it harder to get him into a routine? I feed him for about an hour at 7pm so he is usual asleep by 8.00-8.30 he then wakes up mid night and has a feed but then sometimes wakes up at 3.00-3.30 and again at 6am if i feed him more will he sleep for longer? I don't reallly find it a problem just tiring sometimes and thought if anyone had any handy hints, tips or advice that might help. Many Thanks

2007-03-08 02:17:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

just letting you all know the good new wish me luck

2007-03-08 02:13:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have one and love it. Trying to buy another and stores arent carrying them anymore, and online places say out of stock - although bjorn still has them on their products page.

2007-03-08 02:11:32 · 3 answers · asked by lillilou 7

I don't have a physical store as everything is done online. Would you consider doing an online layaway having the policies the same as an in store layaway? I appreciate your input!

2007-03-08 01:54:04 · 4 answers · asked by Diaper Delivery Services 3

So, I was breastfeeding but my 3 week old daughter was having some major issues: blood in stool, jaundice that wasn't going away, etc. I tried giving up dairy but it wasn't working. So, I had to give breastfeeding up. I started her on Enfamil formula and she seems to be doing fine. No gassiness at all, blood is gone from stool, jaundice finally going away. BUT for the last two nights she has projectile vomited at 2-3am both times. The first night I thought it was just because she ate too much and didn't burp enough, but last night she hardly ate anything and the same thing happened.
I guess my question is this: does anyone have any experience with infants on formula who only throw up once a day and don't seem to have any other problems? Any way to fix this? Should I switch to another formula? Maybe this is just her way of still getting used to it since she has only been on it for three days now?

2007-03-08 01:37:17 · 12 answers · asked by abcdefg123456 2

2007-03-08 01:35:52 · 11 answers · asked by t h 1

My 7 week old has been having a hard time taking naps recently. She's doing the same thing at night. I haven't done anything different. All the sleeping methods that worked, are not working anymore! Why could be a reason that she's not napping well?


2007-03-08 01:17:29 · 2 answers · asked by alexis513 2

2007-03-08 00:56:24 · 14 answers · asked by MICHAEL K 1

Hello, Is anybody able to help me? my 7mth old son is still up every 2-3hrs everynight. He wake up and usually has 10mins breast milk from me but most of morning time he just wanted to be cuddle. I heard fomula will make him full and tried few times. and still up eery 2-3hrs. I think maybe co-bedding is waking him up? ( I prefer co-bedding than leave him alone in crib in his room) He's getting big in our queen size bed for all of us to sleep together anyway... my husband think he has gas problem, so suggest feed him single thing like rice while I feed him all protein, carb, and veggie mix twice a day. like rice cereal with sprinkle of tofu and carrots. he will be 8mth this 16th. will you suggest anything?? thank you.

2007-03-08 00:39:46 · 5 answers · asked by raindrops 1

Okay, my breastfed, solid food eating 9 month old is constantly changing her sleep schedule. She usually goes to bed by 9:00 at night (sometimes earlier, sometimes later). Lately she has been waking up at 6:30 a.m. ready to start the day, but is super tired again by 8:00 a.m. Has anyone else had this problem? What should I do? It seems like 8:00 is too early for a morning nap. Any suggestions?

2007-03-08 00:38:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 2 month old son keeps gaging while he is sleeping. Is this something i should be concerened about or is it ok?

2007-03-08 00:28:31 · 7 answers · asked by Kristen G 1


hi my baby is 9 weeks old and she has been a brilliant baby. she only ever woke up once a night and slept really well. up until now her last feed was at 11.30ish when i wud put her to sleep and go to bed myself and she would wake up next at 8 am for a feed. everybody then at 8 weeks said we need to get her into a routine because we have bottle fed always and she needs a earlier bed time. so now she is on 5 feeds a day her last one at 8pm and put her to bed between half past and 9 depending how long her last feed takes and for the past week since doin this she wakes up at 5am wanting attention or general maning. she doesnt cry for food just messes about and my husband says she should go into her own room now maybe to help her settle and so we dont get disturbed at 5amm?
any advice on this? or any help with routines? or what ages they work best at and what time is best to be on their own? she is in moses basket next to me.
Our friends baby was sleeping 7-7 from 8 weeks old

2007-03-08 00:27:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has been caring for our 1 month old from about 11 pm to 7 am since she came home from the hospital 1 month ago. I wake up at around 6:30 and by 7 am; I am ready to take over so he can sleep. Last night I heard my baby crying constantly so I got up and asked him what was going on. He said to me that he was mentally exhausted with our baby. she does not sleep unless she is being held. She won't sleep in her swing or her crib. When he lays her down, she is awake and wanting to be held within 5 minutes. He said that she was spoiled by me holding her all of the time, and so he was going to let her cry herself to sleep. Is this ok? I did not do that with my first 2. They were twins and I still held them if they cried.

2007-03-08 00:04:33 · 15 answers · asked by robyn_fresh 2

my baby is 5 and a half weeks old. Due to bleeding nipples that he refused to take I had to express, and now am able to breastfeed a little and top up with formula. My son weighs 10lb 5oz, but feeds at the breast for half an hour, and then easily takes 5oz sometimes closer to 6oz from the bottle. His weight gain was slow at first but now is rapid. birth 8lb4oz, 1wk early He put on 15oz last week. He cries and is very fussy when I stop the bottle to wind him, or think he has had enough. Am I confusing wind and being hungry? I'm very confused, I don't think so as he roots for the bottle and makes smacking noises, but surely he is getting too much milk? He does suffer with wind. Also he sleeps so much, and there is little time when he is alert and not crying. Is this normal? He feeds about every 4hours, and 6 at night. so he gets about 6 feeds in 24hours. I'm worried that I'm giving him a bad tummy, and that he is so full he just sleeps too much. Am I just being a fussy first time mum??

2007-03-07 23:59:28 · 11 answers · asked by bingo_smit 1

2007-03-07 23:55:06 · 4 answers · asked by sunnydays 2

My 5 month old WAS very good. As soon as i put her down in her cot, she would go to sleep and only wake once for a feed then go back to sleep immediately. Recently she has started waking up crying several times every night and as soon as I put her down in her cot, she starts screaming - even if she is already asleep. On the other hand if I put her in the bed or on the sofa, she sleeps peacefully.
Could it be that she hates her cot? Has anyone else experienced this?

2007-03-07 23:50:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

why arent they called "baby shoes"?

2007-03-07 23:32:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have read many websites and magazines and they all give out conflicting advice on what to take to hospital and the lists seem to be endless! What did you take in your hospital bag? Please let me know what you used and what was a waste of time! It would really help if you could let me know quantities of things you used ie, did you take 5 baby vests and use 1 LOL

I am 32 weeks pregnant and thinking of packing just in case, how many weeks would you recommend to be to pack your bag, am I doing it to early??

2007-03-07 22:09:35 · 14 answers · asked by kimbo1605 2

im 23 weeks pregnant and i am leaking milk from my boobs and this has been since i was 17 weeks is this normal?

2007-03-07 22:08:26 · 14 answers · asked by gwyneth w 1

2007-03-07 22:05:08 · 7 answers · asked by nitin g 1

I also am almost 32 and feel that the gap between our kids would be too much. I am not maternal in the slightest and would love to get sterilised. Help

2007-03-07 22:04:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the water is a mixture of hot & cold - so long as the hot water has just been added, the powder will sink down. But if the water is only cold, the powder just sits on top - even if there is quite a lot of it - for some minutes before sinking in.

2007-03-07 21:51:36 · 3 answers · asked by C_P_HOOD 1


hi my baby is 9 weeks old and she has been a brilliant baby. she only ever woke up once a night and slept really well. up until now her last feed was at 11.30ish when i wud put her to sleep and go to bed myself and she would wake up next at 8 am for a feed. everybody then at 8 weeks said we need to get her into a routine because we have bottle fed always and she needs a earlier bed time. so now she is on 5 feeds a day her last one at 8pm and put her to bed between half past and 9 depending how long her last feed takes and for the past week since doin this she wakes up at 5am wanting attention or general maning. she doesnt cry for food just messes about and my husband says she should go into her own room now maybe to help her settle and so we dont get disturbed at 5amm?
any advice on this? or any help with routines? or what ages they work best at and what time is best to be on their own? she is in moses basket next to me.
Our friends baby was sleeping 7-7 from 8 weeks old onwards.

2007-03-07 21:28:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-07 20:58:14 · 8 answers · asked by Concerned 2

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