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My exhusband had not been in my sons life since my son was 3 years old..My son is 10 now and my current husband has been raising him..My ex husband died 8 months ago and now my son would like to have the same last name as me and my husband..do we need a lawyer to do the adoption..there is NO ONE to contest this and my son wants it very very much

2007-05-31 11:20:58 · 6 answers · asked by KFD 2

My father asked me yesterday if I would allow him to adopt my son. He said it's for his financial well-being. He would receive a SSI check for almost one thousand dollars and a check from the military plus his college tuition would be paid, and he would receive a check for going to college. My thing is .... what if I make a decision, and they (my parents) go against it, and tell my son something entirely different, KNOWING that I told him not to do something? I know that I would have given up my parental rights, but this is only for his financial well-being. (I am pregnant w/ my 2nd child, and my son is a teenager) What would you do in this situation? Serious answers only. (I am thinking hard and strong about this, because I don't want to make the wrong decision.)

2007-05-31 03:27:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is my situation, please read before answering:






should i try my best to make it on my own. or turn my self in and the kid(s) into social services. i don't want to risk being separated from him/her/them, but i don't want to hide from the police or do anything illegal. thanks for your advice.

2007-05-31 03:11:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin's parental right have been terminated and her daughter is with the grandma temprarily.. And we are now looking into possibly adopting her daughter. The grandma wants us to parent and adopt the child. Her daughter is 6 months older than my baby. I am trying to research and find out what we need to do and if we would be able to get subsidies or not for my cousins daughter. This would be an interstate adoption and not sure of the steps to take. The grandma and I are going to talk more in depth next week, but didnt know if anyone else would have any ideas or have been there. We had been researching int'l adoptions and have no knowledge on domestic. Would it be different since we are cousins?
Thank you for your serious answers,

2007-05-30 17:23:28 · 8 answers · asked by *G* 3

I know it's mostly couples who adopt but some single people do adopt kids.Like George Lucas and Sherly Crow (I know there Millionares).But I'm ready to raise a child.What chances do I have?

2007-05-29 22:33:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my bf are getting married in 3 months and we wanted to adopt a baby even tho both our familys are against it....and we adopted twins but nobody else knows about it...i know we have to tell them sometime but how do we tell them without them getting even madder for doing it before we told them? plz help?!?!?

2007-05-29 10:28:47 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son was adopted out without my permission sometime between 1961 and 1966. A false signature was used for this purpose, and I was never notified, I was ill and in hospital at this time. He lived in Lynn, Mass. when he was born. The hospital no longer exists, I cannot get his birth record.

2007-05-29 10:02:50 · 5 answers · asked by loiswillick 1

2007-05-28 03:24:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Posting this for a friend... please help!

I'm a teacher and there is a foster child, K, at our school with whom I've made a real connection. K is a mixed-race male. I've always known I wanted to adopt, & adopting from other races isn't an issue with me or DH. However, my dad will probably have a big problem with it.

I love my dad. He has faults, but who among us doesn't? His major fault, IMHO, is his racist views of African-Americans. I am torn between honoring my parents and taking care of an orphan. My parents are Christian, which is where I got my views, but my dad was shot at during the race riots & went through many other things that instilled this wrongness into his psyche. I'm not excusing his views, just explaining. Now ith K entering the picture, I need to talk to my father about the reality of this adoption.

I'd love to hear advice, stories of your similar experiences, how you dealt with them, and how they are going. Please don't bash my dad! I know he's wrong.

2007-05-27 12:14:32 · 20 answers · asked by Janci 3

I have 3 children.My 4 year old adopted daughter Abigail is going through a rebelious stage and she has recently started saying to me and my husband that were not her parents so we cant tell her what to do.she knows shes adopted because we have told her this because we felt it was wrong if she didnt know.we did explain though that we love her and take care of her so no matter what we are her real parents but she wont listen.Please HELP!

2007-05-27 10:35:32 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

just asking and i don't mean by themself i mean when they are living at home with family and how old do you have to be to adopt a child

2007-05-27 10:21:53 · 12 answers · asked by sakura 2

l'm not saying l don't feel for them, l do, but l think it's unfair to want your cake and eat it too. Just because you had the baby, if you choose not to keep it, it's not yours any longer. Some birthmothers keep act like they have a stake in that child's life and they don't, they're not the parents anymore.

2007-05-27 08:10:09 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do people mean about loving 'their own flesh and blood'? l think it's completely selfish and self absorbed. Are you saying you can't love a child unless it has your dna? l think that is pathetic. If people want children, they should have to at least adopt one, the world is so overpopulate, and people just keep adding kids that they can't look after.

2007-05-27 07:22:12 · 11 answers · asked by bunnyears 1

Such as, it should be a last resort, only in certain circumstances, always have contact with birth family, etc etc.
Why can't people realise that just because a child is born to a family doesn't mean they belong there if they not well looked after. Any idiot can get pregnant (l'm not bitter, l have childen), it's the easy part of having a child! Children DO NOT have unconditional ties to biological families, they have ties to their family, the people who raise them well! Blood does not bind people together, blood simply carries oxygen around a body. My point is, if people are stuffing up their kids, they should be given to someone who can give them a real upbringing. What are others thoughts?

2007-05-27 06:11:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Your fiance is adopted and he does not want to try and locate his birth parents.He does have wonderful adoptive parents I think for medical reason it should be done. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2007-05-26 07:38:13 · 16 answers · asked by Janice 10 7

id like to find out information and costs on adopting a child from Vietnam........ does anyone know .i was adopted from there myself and live in australia

2007-05-25 14:58:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok well I just found out recently from my sister-in-law that I am adopted. But I am really scared to tell my parents because I don't know how they are going to react. I mentioned it to my mom years ago that I had suspicions but she got a little upset and told me no. Everybody is telling me to tell them but right now i'd rather not. Should I tell or just ignore it?

2007-05-25 10:19:14 · 34 answers · asked by LovelygalCA 3

I want to know what my medical history is, but I refuse to talk to my biological mother. She is a lier and something I wish never to speak to again. But I am getting older and a few things seem to be poping up. I have a 2 year old daughter also that has some medical problems

2007-05-23 06:22:38 · 5 answers · asked by Megan N 2

I'm 18 years old.I'm still in school in Groton CT. I want what's best for my child but I don't have enough anything to take care of it.I want them to go to a good home and everything but I would like to stay in my babys life and maybe get them back one day when I can handle taking care of them. I don't know what I should do.......

2007-05-23 02:45:05 · 44 answers · asked by Mommy Of A Princess 1

I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago and we have a son. We had custody battle for our son and the judge gave me the sole custody of my son because my former girlfriend was found to be incompetent to take care of our child. Lately, I am having some financial problems because I was out of work for about 4 months now. My question is, can my parents adopt my son? I am worried that my former girlfriend or his parents will take me to court to get custody of my son since I am not capable at the moment of taking care of him.... Thanks in advance for your replies.

2007-05-22 21:34:45 · 19 answers · asked by Bokyo 1

A. It is ok to have an abortion just not to have a child.
B. It is only ok to have an abortion if it risks the mother's life.
C. Absolutly no abortions allowed.
D. Dont want a child give it up for adoption.

2007-05-22 14:17:07 · 25 answers · asked by rocky mountains 1

My friend is 27 years old, her mom just past away, she doesn't want her teen brother and 8 years old sister to go into the foster care, is she able to adopt them. Their dad left them and never came back when they're were young.

2007-05-22 13:32:32 · 14 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5

do agecies frown apon interracial couples adopting a child? will this make it harder for my husband and i to adopt? im caucasion and he is african american.

2007-05-22 08:08:04 · 18 answers · asked by imyournighttime.yourmystar 1

2007-05-22 08:04:52 · 14 answers · asked by Rachel M 1