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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

so me and my mom can not get along. she has a need to control and a need to prove that she is better then i am, which she does by trying to get me to completly loose me cool. she knows she can get me like that if she touches my journal (i'm a poet, my journal contians my entire soul) my music (the only thing besides my best friends capable of calming me down) or by dissing my friends. so she does that all the time and i end up having to storm out of the house so i don't literally beat the living crap out of her. but when i leave, even though i tell her that im just going for a walk to cool off and will be back in ten minutes and dont take anything with me, she calls the cops and tells them im a runaway. the same cop always comes and he always takes my moms side since shes small with big eyes, fragile looking and crying, while im muscular, in all black, and look like the deffinition of an uncontorolable teenager. he said next time my mom calls, he's going to take me to juvie.

2007-12-20 05:25:49 · 26 answers · asked by LmeL 2

Ok her is the scoop......I had a baby 3 year ago with this guy Jason.Whick is her biological dad.We split up when she was 2 months old.And I got with this other guy that I am currently still with.So she knows him as dad and not her biological dad.He has seen her once this whole time and that was even before she turned one.So I got a phone call the other day and it was her biological dad wanting to know how she was...I think that after3 years that it will confuse her to much.I think that he will just be in her life for awhile and then poof...What do I do???

2007-12-20 04:50:26 · 10 answers · asked by felicia_finuf2002 1

I've lost 7lbs in 2 weeks. The funny thing is I'm not trying to lose weight! I'm 5'4 and I weight 116lbs. I told my mom that I've been losing weight, but now she's almost force feeding me. She's making more for dinner and making me eat more of it. I'm eating more then my 21 year old brother >.< How can I get her to realize that my weight is fine, that I'm not underweight?

2007-12-20 04:20:21 · 13 answers · asked by Small♥Town♥Girl 6

tomorrow there is a function going on at my church. the Pastor said to bring someone you know that may not have been "saved".

My question is: Should I ask my ex gf? Just as friends. I really think she would enjoy it.

It's the Christmas celebration at the church.

2007-12-20 04:19:10 · 12 answers · asked by Will 4

I'm 5"1. My mom is 5"4 & my dad is 5"6. How much more will I grow?

2007-12-20 04:09:50 · 8 answers · asked by ♥sAvAnNaH♥{sExY cAn I} 3

I'm in 9th grade i'm failing and i'm dropping out...

and answer if you think this decision would ruin the rest of my life
oh yeah, be honest

2007-12-20 03:34:55 · 31 answers · asked by Come again 4

I'm 17 and 6 weeks pregnant. I feel so stupid already so please no one judge me. My boyfriend and my parents are pressuring me to get an abortion but I don't think i could live with myself. My parents have already said no abortion then no place to live. I need some guidance from someone on what I should possibly do.

2007-12-19 19:15:49 · 15 answers · asked by Boo Peep 1

Jamie Lynn Spears and her pregnancy?

Personally, I think that shes pretty stupid but I can't blame her completely, after all she was raised by the same parents Britney was and she has britney as an influence in her life.

2007-12-19 17:02:00 · 8 answers · asked by RebelPrincess 6

My 12yo has just had her first kiss. It was just a kiss on the cheek thanking another 12yo for the Christmas gift her got her. I want to get onto her, but I want her to feel like she can tell me anything without me getting upset.

2007-12-19 16:45:10 · 13 answers · asked by billie b 4

my dad is really abusive likes to hit me around has also done some other things i'd prefer not to say and my mom has m.s. and drinks and smokes a lot with her meds...shes also hit me around and recently i started to fight back against it i called cps (who didnt even investigate the claims) ive tried and tried to get out any way possible & nothing works its been really pushing me to my limits and on thursday i had a choir concert and i just broke down i didnt leave my room until tuesday afternoon i also didnt go to school friday monday tuesday wensday and i got really weird when i was cutting i couldnt control myself and then i got this horrible nightmare that became a hallucination (i think?) and my shrink doesnt believe me like he ever has and everyone has stopped listening to me so today i just snapped i got in a fight with mom and wrote on her door some awful things in my blood and started breaking christmas ornaments and and yelling and i borrowed without permission the car and

2007-12-19 16:32:00 · 10 answers · asked by Raitlin B 1

Ok, I like my bff's dad a lot more than my dad. We actually talk a lot more and I hug him all the time. I still respect my dad but he (my dad) barely talks to me and when he does it's really awkward, or he is yelling at me. Help?

2007-12-19 15:52:25 · 8 answers · asked by Carey 3

I got a gift certificate to Red Robins for Christmas and have thought about asking this guy I like to have lunch with me sometime over break. I've already been to his house for dinner a few times and his mom wants to meet my mom, so they could chaperone us. We are both 8th graders. Do you guys think we're too young to go out together somewhere though? Although I do like him I think having a friendship with him is more important for now especially since we're pretty young and there's more time to get to know each other in high school anyway.

2007-12-19 15:19:41 · 11 answers · asked by moon_walker 3


2007-12-19 14:25:43 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to help my sister in law with a project for her school. She is supposed to bake mimi cakes for a home-ec project. Does anyone know what the heck a mimi cake is?

If you don't know, feel free to collect 2 points.

2007-12-19 14:00:57 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

There humans. They learn from theyre bad judgement nad parents don't help them by punishing. They know more than you think.

You may ask do you no how to crack a egg? DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

So how was your day at school?

You are not allowed to watch TV for a week?!
Uhh okay... Ill just use the other TV. Duh?

Want me to help you peel that orange?
No thanks I know how DUHHH.

Where your helmet!!!
No thanks....

Can you pay for the gas? Tell them you want to pay $20.00 on pump 6.
Sureeeeeeeee. I can read. DUH

Why did you get a bad score of 92 in your test?
Uhh.... I didn't study enough?

You can't use myspace !
Okay ... Uhh do I have to show you? Duh

Look before you corss the street!
Uhhhhh.. I think I know that.

Come on people! We are smarter than that.

2007-12-19 12:56:03 · 17 answers · asked by sillyup100 2

my kids aged 11 and 13 CONSTANTLY fight and argue with each other, they give attitude when asked to do the simplest of chores, my daughter does not turn her assignments in on time at school, my son disrespects all authority, even as I am typing this they are screaming at each other, the screaming almost always turns to physical aggression that I have to intervene in, at this point, I have told them that the only things they will get for christmas is new socks and underwear, and a new outfit to wear christmas day, has anyone else ever taken such severe action towards their children, and if so, what affect did it have.

2007-12-19 11:45:22 · 22 answers · asked by Winter Glory 7

seriously youd think the girl would learn from her sister's mistake! Lordy! I mean shes pregnant at that age that is crazy. my mom had me at that age but she didn't give the whole story to a magazine and expect PRIVACY!!!! anybody else that family is crazy idiots? Her mother was actually going to write a parenting book. right now they put the book indefinately on hold. like that book is ever come out. i actually thought jaimie ws the sane one in that family. now did she prove me wrong. anywho comment below if ya think im right or absolutely crazy

2007-12-19 10:06:06 · 23 answers · asked by *jazzyy :) 2

Monday night she texted me and told me she cut herself and that she was really upset, she asked me to get on msn that night and i said i would. I also said "well jeez that was real smart" when she told me. I didn't get on msn that night and I didn't get on till about 11:30p.m last night. Her display message was "sick of always f*cking waiting around* with a broken heart as her pic. She's grounded right now, thats why we can't actaully be together. I don't think I did anything wrong, but she won't even talk to me. I used to cut and she helped me through it and got me to quit. We've been together for 7 months. She's never done anything like this. Did I do something wrong? What did I do?

2007-12-19 09:26:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, my neighbors moved like a year and a half ago. Me and her were best friends and always hung out. After she moved, we talked on AIM for a while. Then my other friends told me she was in his classes. I told him to tell her I said hi and ask her why she hadn't been on AIM latley. The next day he tells me she said she blocked me and then called me a fag. I'm really sad and stuff. What should I do?

2007-12-19 08:13:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

can a 19 year old go to jail if he got a16 year old pregnant in LA. do you think fair for him to be a sexoffender for the rest of his life even tho shes a *****

2007-12-19 08:01:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 18 years old I gradated high school, I work, I live with my mother and I am 4.5 months pregnant. I also pay my Mother rent and I am not looking to her for any help. My mother is very supportive of me and so are my family because I am very respondsible and independent. Not all pregnant teens are irrespondsible sluts and hoes so why do adults try to make them out to be that way? I am not saying that it is right to be having sex at 14 or 15 but every one has different lifestlyes. Some people may not have been brought up the same way as others. Why do adults sit there and criticize teen mothers when they should educate them on how to be good responsible parents? Do you think they will get off the governments help if we keep on bashing them instead of trying to help? there are so many programs talking about teen prevention. Why aren't there any programs to educate and encourage teen mothers?

2007-12-19 07:22:18 · 9 answers · asked by Slim 2

not another teen movie or the american pie movies????

2007-12-19 07:12:20 · 12 answers · asked by whats going on? 1

Are they going to think its "cool" to be pregnant young?

2007-12-19 07:11:07 · 26 answers · asked by ©smegma 1

Give the best advice possible for a teen involved in self mutilation.

Best answer will be chosen approximately in one hour.


2007-12-19 07:10:45 · 8 answers · asked by Violet 4

i started having sex at 19. i was happy with my decision to wait because i ended up marrying my first! my aunt has found out that her twins 16, are having sex now and neither are really taking using protection seriously. i feel that teens are starting so young now and finding people like jamie lynn spears pregnant worries me. why is it so popular to start early. isn't that disrespecting your body in a way? why not wait until you find someone you truly love. even if it's at 16, fine. but take responsibility and protect yourself. 16 is too young to become a mommy. i am not dissing anyone who has started young and is a mom now. my aunt was 13 when she became pregnant. she's now 19 and has two and both are healthy and happy babies. i by no means am trying to offend anyone. i guess i'm trying to understand why it's the "cool thing".

2007-12-19 06:33:53 · 26 answers · asked by Deb M 3

I am a pregnant teen!
I am 17 and 5 months pregnant I live with my husband
I have been on my own since 15 and living with him He is 20 years old not really a teen He makes enough money to support us and the baby and have plenty left over. He has one more test to get a licence to add to the other he has and he can start his own heating and air business.We are not struggling to make ends meet. We dont get checks from the government I do have Medicaid because Im not old enough to go on the insurance with maternaty.MY HUSBAND PAYS TAXES TO.We only use my insurance at the doctor not medicine and such We have our own house and land that we are buying We will own our land before age 30 thats better than a lot of others Im going to college to be an Accountant and will pay out of pocket not with a check from government tax payers.
NOW why do people have such a problem with all this. I am doing better then the majority of parents that are not teens. NOT all teens are irrisponsible I know many

2007-12-19 06:17:25 · 45 answers · asked by moon_star_black 3


I still haven't got my bessie a present for Christmas. She knows I can't get it till the weekend, she gave me my present today and it was really nice....... What should I get her for about €20/£15/$30?

She's a 15 year old girl, likes horses and girly stuff...

2007-12-19 06:11:56 · 11 answers · asked by Ciara 6

I think that sends an awesome message to every teenage girl, because now its ok to be pregnant at 16. Nickelodeon is going to have a huge mess to clean up after this completely circulates. I guess you can take the girl out of the trailerpark, but not the trailer park out of the girl.

2007-12-19 04:45:57 · 17 answers · asked by wrathofwonka2002 4