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Adolescent - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

need help?
i love a grl frm our class ( 9th class ) who of the same age as mine (14). we have been friends from 8 years, and my close frndship has turned into love for her.
i cant imagine myself widout her at all...
nxt year after school, we have 2 part, nd i keep getting worried.
what shud b my nxt step? i dont want her 2 think i'm bad and leave me, cuz her frndship is very imp. she is sooooo nice
my feelings arent sexual at all
i donno watta do.....
if i get 2 kno her feelings, at least i'll have peace of mind

i love her soooooo much
pls, help

there are 2 things i am worried about

1) telling her now may mean loss of her frndship if she gets angry and rejects

2) telling her later, i mean keeping it 4 later may b'cm too late

which is better?

2007-03-23 00:02:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 15 year old is quite demanding and she likes alot of material things!i dont usually ask such a question but i just thought,id like to know the views of other people?she gets normally about £10 a week from us and she gets another £10 for a job.shes into all this 'emo' stuff and i dont know how much that all costs haha!thanks guys. :-)

2007-03-22 23:35:48 · 19 answers · asked by sue o 1

However, no matter how many times she washes her hair, her head always seems to gve off a musty kind of smell, she is nearly 11, could it be hormones and what should I use to get rid of the smell?

2007-03-22 23:33:42 · 10 answers · asked by The Way 4

2007-03-22 23:18:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

What in the hell is with all these dumbαss kids!? They are getting pregnant, and not using condoms, and then saying that they can take care of the baby b/c they're 'smart' and 'mature'... even though some of them are like 13!! & 12!! What in the hell? Where are these kids parents when this happens!?!?!? And why in the hell are they having sex at 12, and up??

What happened while I was sleeping?

Seriously pissed and confused,

2007-03-22 21:37:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-22 20:17:42 · 7 answers · asked by carrie 4

ok so im 16 and me and my boyfriend have been together for 1 year and 7 months and i love him me and him have sex but lately i stop and think if i really want to be with him wat should i do? im really confused

Additional Details

29 minutes ago
what im trying to ask is what should i do cause im not sure about my feelings toward him but at the same time all i want to do is be with him!

2007-03-22 19:30:24 · 6 answers · asked by Erika 2

ok so im 16 and me and my boyfriend have been together for 1 year and 7 months and i love him me and him have sex but lately i stop and think if i really want to be with him wat should i do? im really confused

2007-03-22 18:47:52 · 9 answers · asked by Erika 2

I have a 7 year old and 9 year old and was wondering when you think it would be apropriate to have "the talk". i'm not planning on doing it now because they are so young but when should I?

2007-03-22 18:26:18 · 20 answers · asked by dancergirlanna 1

My boyfriend and I are currently in the united states air force. and i just found out that i am pregnant. i am curently away from family (i live in japan) and i just found out my boyfriend is going to korea for a year then finally getting out.(his time is almost up) i am scared because i have never been this far away from family before and nobody in my family has met him in person yet. also our relationship was kind of rocky at first but it got better. i think it was because he was scared. all of our family is really happy and are already talking about names, i just feal like it happened to fast. it hasn't reall sunk in yet, you know the factthat i am pregnant. i mean i am excited but can't believe it's happening, in my family we have problems on the women side, we have problems with our cervix, just 3 years ago i found out i had cervical cancer. i thought then i would never be able to have children and if i did maybe only one. i am scared and don't know what to do?

2007-03-22 18:05:45 · 9 answers · asked by mummy2B 1

do guyz experience pain too, or is it just girls who hv to go through it???

2007-03-22 17:51:41 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think i might be pregnant...or i might b panicing....well it happened on the 10th.... i was supose to get my period on the 16...i have been a little late before...
afterwords, i wiped myself off...he did pull out...and he used a condom some of the time...and 3 hours later after i got home i sat in a warm bath.
i havnt been feeling any different, but i am so scared.
i need to know symptoms that i would be noticing by now... PLEASE DONT MAKE ME SOUND LIKE A BAD PERSON
i feel guilty already and i regret it. i never realy thought it was the best idea but i did it any way
what should i do???

2007-03-22 17:17:43 · 13 answers · asked by Mel051293 2

im black and he is Italian. im scared of what others might think. he is gonna be 18 at the end of this year and im going to be 18. my mom has no problem with the age diffrence. But what will others think of me being black and him being not black? i have no problem with it..But im afraid of what his parents might think.what should i do? me and him agreed on having a baby together.

2007-03-22 16:58:56 · 34 answers · asked by Angel_princess 1

My mom gets mad at me for EVERYTHING but my sister does the same stuff and doesnt get in trouble. I feel like she hates me and I hate her back but I dont want to hate her, I want to like her, but I just cant. I'm going on a class camping trip and want to leave on good terms, but she is making it soooo hard. today I asked her for something simple (to stop at starbucks) and she said all I do is ask her for stuff and blah blah blah. I am 13 and at my final year at my school. were finally starting to do fun stuff and my mom says I'm grounded over a dumb fight we had and that means over break! she is seriously recking my life. I have hated my school but now people are starting to like me and she is recking it. and on top of that I have to watch my sister get away with murder! I really need some advice!!!

2007-03-22 16:55:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think i might be pregnant...or i might b panicing....well it happened on the 10th.... i was supose to get my period on the 16...i have been a little late before...
afterwords, i wiped myself off...he did pull out...and he used a condom some of the time...and 3 hours later after i got home i sat in a warm bath.
i havnt been feeling any different, but i am so scared.
i need to know symptoms that i would be noticing by now... PLEASE DONT MAKE ME SOUND LIKE A BAD PERSON
i feel guilty already and i regret it. i never realy thought it was the best idea but i did it any way
what should i do???

2007-03-22 16:53:45 · 20 answers · asked by Mel051293 2

Well, this girl has been harrassing me for almost 2 years. She told her mom that she was staying the night with me [ i didn't know about it], the next day her mom calls and asks where she was at. I told her that the night before she said something about going 50 miles away from where we live. Ever since then, she has been my enemy. She threatened to beat me up, she threatened to do it while i had my little sister with me. She calls my house. I admit I have a fear of her. I have never said anything back and I have tried walking away. For the last year I have not been able to go outside alone. I hate it! My mom refuses to tell the police because the girl does not care. The girl has already been to jail 3 times. Should i take self- defense classes?? Any advice?? Thanks

2007-03-22 16:49:53 · 11 answers · asked by I luv me some chris breezy 2

ok please dont pick on me

i think i might be pregnant...or i might b panicing....well it happened on the 10th.... i was supose to get my period on the 16...i have been a little late before...
afterwords, i wiped myself off...he did pull out...and he used a condom some of the time...and 3 hours later after i got home i sat in a warm bath.
i havnt been feeling any different, but i am so scared.
i need to know symptoms that i would be noticing by now... PLEASE DONT MAKE ME SOUND LIKE A BAD PERSON
i feel guilty already and i regret it. i never realy thought it was the best idea but i did it any way
what should i do???

thank you,
dumb-*** 13 year old

2007-03-22 16:32:41 · 7 answers · asked by Mel051293 2

Okay I asked questions similar to this one probably close to two months ago. But I'm asking again because it's a little different scenario. Ok my mom died when I was 8 I'm 15 now. She died of a brain tumor. She had the effects of a brain tumor for a little over two years making mine and my families’ life pretty hard. Well last year we had some neighbors move in that are affecting me. Well not them in particular but their mother. She is the kind of mother that I have always dreamed that my mother would be like as I got older. She takes her girls (10 and 12) shopping at least once a month. Gives them small surprises every once in awhile. Just does all the motherly things that I have missed out in my life. I get jealous when I am around her. Sometimes it just feels like I want to sit down and talk. But I don't want to bring it up, I want her to figure it out for herself, but I know that it won't happen. I get so jealous of her girls sometimes that I just leave their house and don't visit

2007-03-22 16:11:43 · 9 answers · asked by Truthordarelover 2

ok my best friend is 5 months pregnant, and she is only 15 turning 16... how does she tell her parents?

2007-03-22 16:03:17 · 34 answers · asked by roxy_fuzz 1

I'm a highschool gir l and I've notice w/ my guy friends that they're always accusing each other of being gay or making gay jokes (like pretending to try to cuddle w/ another guy while we're watching a movie).

Why are they so obsessed with who's gay & proving that they're not gay? Teenage gir ls don't do this to each other.

2007-03-22 15:45:25 · 15 answers · asked by Kayte 3

So like the other day I was out tanning forever and got a huge sunburn on my face and then the pain went away and now its peeling..

have I lost my nice tan, my skin is still peeling and the stuff thats peeling looks like the tan stuff and then my new skin is white but i still look tan in the mirror lol

what do you think?

2007-03-22 15:02:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do a lot of masturbation, and I have sex with boys a lot. I Have realy serrious makeing-out seccions on the couch with boys. I have been doing stuff like this since I was 12 years old, I am 16 now. I think that I am rubbing off on my sisters in a bad way. My 13 year old sister is on the verge of having sex and I have given her tons of condums and lots of different kinds of birth control so at least she is safe, but I don't know what to do!!!!

Help me PLEASE!!!!!!!

2007-03-22 14:45:22 · 11 answers · asked by amandaco45 2


i wash porn. but i like girls with girls than with boys. um i have to masturbate like for like 3 days. is that normal. im not gay!!!

2007-03-22 14:27:34 · 19 answers · asked by Traveling girl 2

To name some of the stuff I consider to immature for a 14 year old:
he runs around the house wearing only his underwear

he walks outside the house in only a shirt and underwear to get the mail

he screams around the house like a little kid playing with a toy

hes small and looks like he is 9 sure this cant be helped but he dresses immature

Despite all of this he does great in school gets only A ands Bs but no Cs on his report card

How does he get such good grades when he never bothers to study and usually copies off others?!

Do you consider the way hes acting normal? (I know he still can be considered young but isnt this crossing the line)

Should I do anything about it? or just let him be?

2007-03-22 14:25:54 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend says she ant but i thank she mybe and i was hoping someone could help here i also need a way to get her to take a pr test to tell for sure HELP !!!!!! it my be for my better helth also

2007-03-22 14:19:57 · 9 answers · asked by nathaniel w 1

My son is 16 years old (im his dad, his mom died a long time ago)
Hes dating a 19 year old girl
She has a 1 year old son
and is pregnant with my sons child
I tried to tell him to leave her
But he doesnt listen to me
He says he loves her
and she says she loves him
He wants to marry her and adopt her son
I still keep trying to tell him to leave her
She got herself into this mess, shell figure it out herself
My son still has the rest of his life in front of him
Hers is already ruined
How can i get this through my sons head ?

2007-03-22 14:13:56 · 25 answers · asked by Beeraw 1

k here it goes im on birth control pills been on them since jan or feb my mom 4got get get them on monday its thursday i havent toook them in 4 days i have sex with my boyfriend tomorrow im staying @ his house if i take all 4 pills will that still protect me thanks byez~

2007-03-22 14:12:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

LIke they did in the middle ages!?

2007-03-22 14:08:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do the cherries mean? This week cherries started showing up everywhere around my high school. I DON'T GET IT!!!!! I have an air freshener in my car of two cherries on a stem with a leaf, should i take them down? WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!?!? Is it some kind of like sex thing??

2007-03-22 14:05:15 · 11 answers · asked by ♥femme fatale♥ 2

Law implies self-discipline, obedience to authority, and a favor of logic and reasoning over impulse. On the downside, lawfulness can include closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, indecision, and a lack of adaptability.

Chaos implies personal freedom, self-reliance, and emotionality. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward "legitimate" authority, and arbitrary actions.

what do girls like more?

2007-03-22 14:04:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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