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Pregnancy & Parenting - 5 January 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

If you looked at my other question... my cousion is having a baby, i'm thinking about Abby, do you the French meaning?
P.S. It's a girl =D

2007-01-05 03:16:11 · 6 answers · asked by Paris Peep =D 1 in Baby Names

I had an ultrasound done yesterday I was 12 weeks. The doctor said there was a sack but no baby had formed inside so I would miscarry or get a dnc. Does anyone know info on a blighted ovulum? Did it affect your chance of getting pregnant again? How soon after this were you able to try to get pregnant again? thanks.

2007-01-05 03:15:42 · 4 answers · asked by proudmom 2 in Pregnancy

For those of us who do intend to start the weaning process at one year, why are we villified? If you want to be an extended breastfeeder, then more power to you. But it seems as if something is missed here - the AAP says, as long as it is "mutually" enjoyed by both mother and child. If one member of the team would like to have out - for whatever reason - at that age, they can and the child we be just fine. In fact, I really don't see the correlation between breast milk and intelligence. Health benefits, yes..fewer ear infections being one of them. But my husband was formula fed and he went to UT-Austin (and not on an athletic scholarship), and I was breastfed for six months and I went to NYU. Point being, we both did well and it wasn't because of how we were fed. I am nursing my daughter because that's my choice and I think she is getting optimal nutrition. For those who formula feed, they are doing what they can. I consider myself a moderate, respectful of all.

2007-01-05 03:14:08 · 13 answers · asked by MomofOneSpnkyGrl 2 in Newborn & Baby

2007-01-05 03:13:54 · 16 answers · asked by CalifGirl! 2 in Pregnancy

I have a docters appt on monday and i will be 18 weeks pregnant, will i be able to tell what sex the baby is? and my other ? is that i know they dont do the ultrasound at the obgyn you have to go to the hospital and get it done, but how do you go about doing that, does your obgyn give you a pass or appt thing confuzed lol Help!!

2007-01-05 03:13:54 · 16 answers · asked by itz_nena 1 in Pregnancy


do u know what age group is the hardesnt to raise kids or babies?

2007-01-05 03:12:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I have a an 11 year old daughter and a 12 year old son. They fight ALL the time. It seems to be some sort of power struggle. I am a single mom and don't know how to best handle it. Do I stay out of it and let them handle it? Being a referee gets very emotionally exhausting. They yell at eachother and call eachother names quite frequently. What do I do? they are supposed to love eachother, not hate.

2007-01-05 03:12:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

cook, clean, laundry, folding clothes and more and taught them at an older age like teen or adult

2007-01-05 03:12:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I am looking for a new booster for my daughter. She weighs 24 lbs so she can be in the booster seat now. She is taller for her age around 34inches. I am looking for one that we will beable to use for quite a while and will grow with her. The last one I had was kind of difficult to use and it wasnt a tall back one so her head was coming close to the top of it. Any advice or site would be helpful.

2007-01-05 03:12:15 · 11 answers · asked by brandy 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I'm almost 7 months pregnant now. My 9 yr old daughter and I were at the book store. We sat down to look at the books that caught our attention. Of course I was looking at a pregnancy book and she asked me where does the baby come out. She's never seen an actual childbirth on TV or in person for that matter, so in the most simplest of terms I told her that a baby comes out of the woman's "privates". She didn't believe me, then she asked where exactly down there. I explained where vaginal canal was located and attempted to decribe it unsuccessfully. She thought I was referring to where #2 comes out.
After that I promised that I would find a good book that would assist me in explaining all of this to her, because I wasn't doing a very good job obviously and I did not want to confuse her any further. This is is the reason I've come here today to ask you, how do you explain all of this in a way a child can understand it?

2007-01-05 03:12:08 · 10 answers · asked by Under Construction 1 in Parenting

Hi i am 3 months pregnant and already have a 7 month old baby i am really excited but i go back to work next week and have just told them i am pregnant. my boss was really shocked and just asumed it was unplanned. I think this was ignorant as you should have your family when the times right for you.why do people react like that?

2007-01-05 03:12:00 · 15 answers · asked by gemma l 1 in Pregnancy

Isn't it time to worry more about you and whats good for YOUR families health and wellbeing then being concerned about what sally jo thinks of the way you are raising your kids? Of course everybody is going to have an opinion, who doesn't...but who says you have to tailor your parenting skills around what others think, isn't that a waste of time?

2007-01-05 03:11:17 · 14 answers · asked by ? 6 in Parenting

I am having the worst allergies down here in Texas, and I am 12 weeks pregnant. Is there anything OTC I can take ?? I really dont want to spend $30 to have my doc tell me to buy some OTC meds. Please help me !!! I am dying to breathe and sleep again !!!!!!

2007-01-05 03:09:59 · 5 answers · asked by Ladee_N_Texas 2 in Pregnancy

2007-01-05 03:09:31 · 2 answers · asked by Cartman 3 in Newborn & Baby

I have also been haveing iregular contrations for days now, this is my second child.

2007-01-05 03:09:02 · 4 answers · asked by Saycha A 1 in Pregnancy

2007-01-05 03:07:21 · 10 answers · asked by Ashley J 1 in Newborn & Baby

What should I expect of the girls that are in second grade? They get their feelings hurt by each other quickly I hear, including my daughter. But she wants to have a sleepover. What activities, food, bedtime hour, noise???

2007-01-05 03:06:46 · 28 answers · asked by Sharon S 1 in Grade-Schooler

My baby has such a hard problem making a bowel movement. Pretty much every time he has to go, he strains so much and he crys and is so stiff and his belly is real hard. I don't know if it's the formula or what but is this normal or should he go to the doctor?

2007-01-05 03:06:14 · 12 answers · asked by silknlacechick 2 in Newborn & Baby

My daughter is 7 years old and all she does is watch tv. She seems to be Obsessed with it. In the morning if she wakes up before me or her dad she asks to put it on. I am pregnant at the moment and I don't want this baby to follow in my daughter's footsteps, we have tried to get her to do other things like play games with us or reading and drawing but after a while she wants her tv back on. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

2007-01-05 03:06:03 · 45 answers · asked by FIONA C 4 in Grade-Schooler

I went to a party on new year's eve to new years day, and this woman had 3 children a 7 yr old girl a 3 yr old girl and a 5 month old boy. When I went there at 8 the baby boy was on the couch sitting in his carseat. Dangerous of course. From 8 to about 1am I was taking care/playing with her children including mines. When they would ask her something they would distance themselves away from her, and if they did something wrong like not throw their cup away or bring a barbie to the living room they would get beaten..severly. The children don't even have bed sheets. With my children I nutured them and when they sleep I take them to bed and tuck them in, like a mother should! When my 2yr old was standing by the front door he got hit by it when someone opened the door, I gave him a hug and the mother said I shouldn't do that, Tough love she said. Aren't we suppose to nuture and give love to the children? Why show tough love?

2007-01-05 03:05:55 · 13 answers · asked by fourcheeks4 5 in Parenting

I am a single mother, I have been recieving daycare assistance from the state of michigan while I work part time, but recently found out that after 3 years I am approved for social security due to a mental illness I have, my social worker has told me that childcare assitance is only available for working, and not school? I am no longer working but starting school next week, and will be attending one day a week for now, I am wondering if I qualify for any kind of childcare assistance while just attending school? if not I'll have to pay $35 a week, for just the one day, and even more when I decide to take more classes... Thanks for any info!

2007-01-05 03:05:51 · 6 answers · asked by xtina51279 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

since we already have a girl my husband and i want to try for a baby boy.and i want to have intercourse on the day i ovulate.(cause i read that there's a good chance to concieve a boy on that day).and i don't really understand when a woman ovulates.could someone please give me some info on this plz.

2007-01-05 03:05:19 · 5 answers · asked by inquistive 2 in Adolescent

If you were to go back to college, what would you major in and why? I plan on going back this fall to finish my degree in nursing. I've always wanted to be a nurse specializing in labor and delivery.

2007-01-05 03:04:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My daughter in the past week has started hitting me, the dog, the highchair, the couch, etc. She doesn't seem angry it's more like she's testing me but I don't want her to think that this behaviour is ok. She has also knocked several people in the head by throwing her toys. What's the best way to correct her behaviour?

2007-01-05 03:02:34 · 5 answers · asked by 10 pts for me? 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

my daughter is almost 4 1/2 mo and i was reading on her carseat the other day and it says that it is only good for a child smaller than 29 in and 22lbs..my daughter is already 26 in...when should babies grow out of their infant carrier? and what is the next seat for them?

2007-01-05 03:00:48 · 14 answers · asked by Shina Beana 4 in Newborn & Baby

hey guys my husband and i are trying to conceive but i am not having periods, not sure why..had everything checked out and things were perfect..Have not had a real period in over a year and i'm only 20..maybe my size is the reason i'm 5'3 110lbs, i am not stressed or anything. I do drink(on the weekends) and i smoke regularly. I have been pregant befor but sadly i lost them due to abuse(not by my husband)...I have tried ovulex which obviously was worthless and a waist of time! have tried vitex, dong quai, red clover once, female toner which had chamomile, red raspberry ect and had a extremely light period, i did not have to use anything it was so light..want clomid but dont have money to go to gyno right now, could i ask my regular doctor at first choice to prescribe them for me or anything else that would work wonders????please help

2007-01-05 03:00:29 · 2 answers · asked by Kasja 5 in Trying to Conceive

My cousion is having a girl!!! =D I want to give her some ideas, she will stay in France so she wants a French name. Can you help?
Thanks! =D

2007-01-05 02:59:53 · 31 answers · asked by Paris Peep =D 1 in Baby Names

2007-01-05 02:58:16 · 2 answers · asked by RHONDA M 1 in Pregnancy

while having period cramps when 39 weeks pregnant doct says these are contractins should i be feeling the baby move still or will the baby stop while contracting? or should the baby just remain the same and move nomore or no less?

2007-01-05 02:57:45 · 20 answers · asked by proud mommy 3 in Pregnancy

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