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Pregnancy & Parenting - 10 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My period is due in 3 days. Usually at this time I have cramps, sore breasts and pretty bad pms. I also usually have very little discharge.

This time I have no cramps, my boobs don't really hurt. I'm extremely wet. It's too late for me to be ovulating and the amount of vaginal discharge is so much I put on a pad. It's clear so I'm not thinking infection. I'm sooo tired. I seem really hungrey as well. Today I think I feel nausaus, but maybe that's just because I want to be pregnant.

My Fiance doesn't want to buy a test until after I'm late. So, do you think that these symptoms are enough to wonder if I'm pregnant?

2006-12-10 17:56:43 · 6 answers · asked by kadan 2 in Pregnancy

he is 3! and he as total control because i dont like to see him upset!!the other night he didnt sleep at all!! he was awake for 24 hours! its wearing me out because when he eventually does fall asleep!! i dont sleep cause its my only free time to relax!!i need advice! but i dont want to hurt him its my fault hes this way because he as been a sick child and had an operation 2 months ago!!so im a big softy but its draining me now!!! please help look im still up at 7am! i havent slept yet and wont today!!

2006-12-10 17:54:16 · 15 answers · asked by amanda7005 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

i would love to have suggestions for a boy AND a girls MIDDLE name. MUST be Native American *preferably Cherokee*
first name is to be Avelyn for a girl
for a boy first name is will be Zavier.
those are set in stone...so to speak. lol


2006-12-10 17:51:09 · 11 answers · asked by Nascha Grey (Grey Owl) 2 in Baby Names

This may sound odd, but it is a legitimate question.

My chest is a 34 A - not a whole lot basically. Can anyone tell me how this will affect my ability to nurse, if at all?

Will my breasts be able to produce enough milk to nourish a baby?

I haven't had any children yet and was just wondering. Thanks for any advice or help!

2006-12-10 17:50:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

my 9 month old daughter has a pretty nasty cold & I have been giving her Tylenol 4 her fever & Vicks on her chest 4 her stuffy nose & I think it might be the flu everything that has been going on is

*stuffy nose
*& VERY cranky

Im going 2 make her an apt. in the morning but what can I do to help her & what do yall think is wrong

2006-12-10 17:43:34 · 24 answers · asked by Heather'smommy 1 in Newborn & Baby

My fiance and I are leaving for St. George, Canada early next year to work.

We are planning to have our first baby when we get there but the problem is, we are not really sure if I could still keep my job while I take care of the baby.

Having a baby-sitter or nanny is an option but we really don't know how much it would cost to have one.. On the other hand, would it really be safe to have a baby-sitter or nanny while I go to work? What do you think?

2006-12-10 17:42:26 · 2 answers · asked by Charmaine * 3 in Newborn & Baby

My son's first birthday is this saturday, and we're having a HUGE party for him (ponies, petting zoo, jumping balloon, etc.). The only problem is I have no idea what games to play with the kids, or how many. It's a western themed party so I'm looking for games that go with that theme...any suggestions?

2006-12-10 17:42:16 · 10 answers · asked by cowboynpony00 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I have concerns that i feel i have to explain my decision, particularly to my husbands family who will probably not agree with my decision.

I feel judged by them and i havent even had the baby yet. I have considered breast feeding but know now that its not really for me. I will try it but my sister has 3 healthy children and all were bottle fed, as was i as a child.

2006-12-10 17:29:31 · 35 answers · asked by Boo Boo 5 in Newborn & Baby

i just went to the doctors and found out that im pregnant. i should be two months when i use to lie down mi stomach went compleatly flat now i have a little bump not noticable unless you are looking for it should i have a bump at only 2 months??

2006-12-10 17:28:07 · 11 answers · asked by baby_girl 1 in Pregnancy

Okay so I decided on my girls name Alexa Grace!

Now I dont know what I want for the boys name for sure.
My boyfriends name is Todd. I have decided that I would like that to be the middle name. He is over in Iraq and wont be here for teh birth, and I know it would mean a lot to him. So what names go good with Todd as a middle name??

2006-12-10 17:24:06 · 24 answers · asked by Grace123 3 in Baby Names

Well one day i was at my girlfriends house and we got cought up in the moment so we decided to have sex without a condom (i know i shouldn't have.) i pulled out a few second before i released anything and im not sure if she is pregnant. It happened about 5 days after her period. i was wondering if you think she is pregnant and if so how can she tell? (any help and advise will be greatly appreciated!)

2006-12-10 17:23:29 · 9 answers · asked by crazy_guy 1 in Pregnancy

He practically sleeps, but before giving in for a deep sleep he does such banging several times with short intervals between each one. Does anybody know why he is behaving in such way?

2006-12-10 17:19:16 · 11 answers · asked by mimemamomu 2 in Newborn & Baby

i'm 13 and i'm depressed... everything is seemed to change.. my big brother who i looked up to, moved out and he is never around anymore i rarely see him and when i do he doesent act the same.

also i lost alot of my old intrests japanese animation, action figures, watching hockey,baseball and basketball, bike riding,
playing football, and even playing video games

its like i dont have any hobbies or anything i enjoy doing its been this way sense last year in 7th grade this started.. its like all i do is when i get home from school, stay home, watch the simpsons all day, and every now and then go on the computer and eat from all this i'm getting fatter and weaker..

Also my best friend left me... we where in the same 7th grade class.. but then over the summer i guess he decided to switch schools without even letting me know..

its like everything is changing so fast.. what can i do?

2006-12-10 17:18:11 · 9 answers · asked by danny b 1 in Grade-Schooler

2006-12-10 17:16:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

PLEASE HELP!!! My six year old daughter whines and cries constantly. She rarely stops talking and drives me, her step-dad and two older brothers crazy! I have tried to take priveledges away, I have tried to ignore her until she uses a "big girl" voice, i have yelled, put her in her room...what else can I do???

2006-12-10 17:15:22 · 11 answers · asked by surgicalmommy 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

My husband cant seem to get excited! and my moodiness is driving him nuts. He promised me he would never leave me when I needed him, but apparently, I'm just annoying to him. I keep crying because he didnt kiss me good bye when he left. And I keep reminding him about his promise. Am I making it worse? What can I do to make it better for both of us? I dont want to sound too needy and too emotional. We have 5 pg tests that say I"m pregnant but he tells people that I might be. The dr. confirmed it. but he's in denial?

He is also going through the stress of getting our house situated and his new business started. Should I just keep hush about baby stuff until he clears his mind?

Didnt I say it....Very Emotional...hehe.

2006-12-10 17:13:27 · 5 answers · asked by Laurellamags 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

if you were at a very young age like around 12 or 13 and you lost your virginty and you just kept having sex...does it effect on you having a baby? just wondering

2006-12-10 17:11:06 · 20 answers · asked by may may 1 in Adolescent

She is only going to babysit my daughter for 3hours from 6:00am-9:00am. So I just want to know how much should I pay her a day. I go to her house and pick her up and then drop her off.

2006-12-10 17:04:18 · 9 answers · asked by mrs.rios 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

im 24 weeks pregnant....i always get these horrible pains right underneathe my waistline on he right side... when im sitting walking doing anything. They never go away. so someone said lay on your left side to get the baby to shift over, well i do that and he does but i still have the pains. Is there any other reason why i could have them

2006-12-10 17:01:35 · 3 answers · asked by Jessica D 2 in Pregnancy

or harder?
I mean you dont have to ask anyone if (....)is ok to do, you dont need permission from the babies dad, you are the boss, you make all the descisions in your kids life.
Im not a single mom, but I think it would be easier as a single mom...esp, if your husband ALWAYS went against you like mine does...
Just to spite you.

2006-12-10 16:55:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

2006-12-10 16:52:28 · 9 answers · asked by i'm crazy for monkeys 1 in Grade-Schooler

Im due in june, no big hurry, but, having some problems with a boy name. If its a girl it would be Danica and her middle name Anne (which is my middle name, passed down from a 6 times great grandmother) so Danica Anne. I wanted 2 middle names, but my husband thinks its to much, for example (Danica Shayla Anne) too much?

BUT....... a boy? my husband doesnt want it to be named after him, but maybe I can intergrate it somehow?

I like :

Angel, and
Ramsey. (or Ramses)

what do you think?
I looove the name Aiden, but my husbands name is James. does Aiden James go well? or Maybe Aiden Ramsey.. Im stuck.

2006-12-10 16:50:42 · 33 answers · asked by Mary Moon 2 in Baby Names

I baby sit a 9 month old. She has formula feeds as well as solids. She is happy to eat veges all day but when it comes to her bottles i struggle. She is in a pretty good routine but when it comes to her bottle she clamps her mouth shut and wont take it. i have to hold her with the bottle on her lips until she SCREAMS for me to let her go and then shove it in. After a few more screams she is fine and drinks the whole bottle. She is not old enought just to eat solids. What should i do?

2006-12-10 16:50:40 · 10 answers · asked by ce_ben1 5 in Newborn & Baby

i dont wanna gross anyone out and im waiting for a call back from my doctor i juss want to know if anyone else has pooped when they were pregnant and all the water was bloody? im really worried.. i havent had any pain or anything when i go to the bathroom.. juss has this happened to anyone? please help me

2006-12-10 16:50:00 · 10 answers · asked by RiDeOrDiE 1 in Pregnancy

It is 10:45 where I live right now and early I'm sure I was having contraction not big ones but I had troubling standing up and sitting down. and the pain would last 30 seconds or so with each one. But this was a few hours ago and nothing much since then could have those been contractions or was it something different. I was due on December 5th. I'm hoping this is it, with my daughter I didn't feel my contractions till I was in full tilt labor.

2006-12-10 16:46:06 · 6 answers · asked by niknac 1 in Pregnancy

Once upon a time, HPT's did not exist. (What people like us did in their spare time we may never know.)

To determine if a woman was pregnant, her urine was injected into a (female) rabbit. If the woman's urine contained hCG, the rabbit's ovaries would react by producing little pockets of blood. (These were harmless to the rabbit.)

Unfortunately, this was in the day before see-through rabbits, so the only way to see the ovaries was to kill the rabbit, cut her open, and peek inside. So, the rabbit actually died whether or not the woman was pregnant.

Somewhere along the line that little detail was lost, however, and "the rabbit died" became slang for "being pregnant."

2006-12-10 16:45:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

He will be awake for 6 hours at a time starting at about 7 pm but getting worse at 9 and unbearable at 11. At first he is just fussy and then it escalates. The Drs have said it's just colic and it will go away in time. We are now a very unhappy family. I can't find anything on-line about babies this young and crying and sleeping - or letting them cry to sleep. Or what to do if choices seem to be disappearing.
He is formula fed - we've tried the soy and the lactose free. He seems to do best on the soy. Over the last 2 weeks - we have tried rocking, the bouncy chair, a drive in the car, a pacifier, holding him while he sleeps sitting up or lying down or however he seems the most comfortable, the swing, the crib, the bed, etc... all have not worked for more that 15 to 20 minutes.
We know that our baby is sweet and wonderful and this is just a phase but we don't want to hurt him in any way developmentally and we are all getting worn out!

2006-12-10 16:45:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Ok...Ive bled lighly(spotted)for two days,i've been really tired and sleepy,my breasts are a little swolen and tender, and i have been feeling nauseated for the last week and a half.

2006-12-10 16:45:26 · 7 answers · asked by middle1_90 1 in Pregnancy

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