So, I left the house this morning to run to costco and target for baby food. I was on an empty stomach and was going to pick up thai food for hubby and I. Being that I am 4 months prego... you tend to turn into a different creature when you mix pregnancy and hunger. So I am about 25 minutes from home and I call my hubby to get everything set up for our lunch.... I tell him I'm staaaarving! When I get home, my drink was set out and that's it. (Football today...) So, naturally I'm irritable because baby is crying, I'm hungry babies hungry, and hubby is irritated that I'm irritated, he says he's been getting everything ready the whole time. So after I eat I ask him if he was watching football or getting ready and he still claims getting everything ready and gets super mad at me and says "What just because you want to stuff a cheeseburger down your face, you have to get all bitchy." Just curious what all you pregnant women would say, or if you've ever been preggers!
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Other - Pregnancy & Parenting