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Pregnancy & Parenting - 3 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I had peanut butter crackers in the hospital after my daughter was born and she cried all night long. A few weeks later I had a handful of cashews and the same thing happened. I am breastfeeding her so I assume she is sensitive to nuts. I am wondering how long I should wait before I try to eat nuts again. She will be five months old on the 7th and I was curious if anyone else had a baby sensitive to nuts and if they out grew it or if it turned into an allergy. I haven't had anything with nuts on or in it since the second time and I am planning on breastfeeding for at least a year. She has no problem with rice cereal or anything else I eat. Any advice would be wonderful. Thank you so much.

2006-11-03 10:43:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anna S 1 in Newborn & Baby

Is there any urine test that is 100% accurate?

2006-11-03 10:42:56 · 9 answers · asked by lilmoma4202006 2 in Pregnancy

I did and I felt horrible.

2006-11-03 10:41:30 · 17 answers · asked by Jacks036 5 in Pregnancy

in natural labor with no meds.

2006-11-03 10:40:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my grandson rejects all finger foods and solid foods.

2006-11-03 10:38:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

is it rare? nice?

2006-11-03 10:36:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I was wondering...I am 38wks and 5 days pregnant, And was wondering if getting REALLY upset could cause labor to start?

I got extremely aggravated with my fiance, And yelled and screamed and ended up crying about an hour and a half ago, And ever since, the top part of my belly has been tightening up, and I've had some uncomfortable (not unbearable) pain along with the tightening...I had a routine check up yesterday, And I was dilated 2cm...If that makes any difference...

Anyone have any advice or any input?!!?

Thanks in advance.

2006-11-03 10:35:47 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3 in Pregnancy

Just wondering.


2006-11-03 10:33:45 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

What kind of spot should you use for a girl who's caught short?

2006-11-03 10:30:28 · 33 answers · asked by valerie 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

why do you think this is true/untrue?

2006-11-03 10:30:24 · 11 answers · asked by .:.:.Mizz_undaStood.:.:. 4 in Adolescent

We're trying to make a baby. I had my last normal period Sept 20 then had dry, brown discharge (no itching or any odor) went on for about 12 days starting Oct 22. I'm feeling bloated and discomfort in my lower belly, it hurts but nothing severe. Is it too early to tell if I may be pregnant? I'm not the best with home tests, have tried in the past, they dont work for me. Please advice. Thanks!

2006-11-03 10:26:55 · 11 answers · asked by Lala 1 in Pregnancy

I have to answer 4 questions in this essay, which are:
1.) How would you characterize the style of parenting under which you were raised?

2.)What specific behavioral effects of your upbringing can you identify in yourself?

3.)How about your parents' upbringing? How would they, or you, characterize the style of parenting used by their parents.

4.)Now think carefully about who you might have been had you been raised by other parents. Prepare 3 brief descriptions of how you might have developed, one for each of the remaining styles of parenting.

OKAY... I know most of them.. well actually all, are answers you guys would ahve no idea about because you do not know me or my parents.. but How in the hell am I supposed to write a 1000 word essay on those simple questions. I don't even know how to elaborate on some of them without getting completely off topic!!! HEEELPPP!

2006-11-03 10:25:01 · 4 answers · asked by Ally, THAT girl 1 in Parenting

i really love my husband im expecting any day know our second child but the thing is that i dont know what to do anymore im alone all the time and i really can take it anymore i really would like to spend more time with him i feel that its not that i want to its just that i need time with him he is working 6 days a week from 8 to 7 or from 11 to 9 it depend on the week we dont go out anymore because the day he is off we are both exauted im 36 weeks pregnant and because he is out all the time im in charge of a 2 year old with chargin\g batteries and the day he is off i want to rest and he to because of how much he works. i love him but i feel i can keep up with a relationship in were there is no romance no time alone and not even sex anymore its like i can becuase i dont feel intimate with him anymore we are so much apart i do love him alot and i know he loves me but i need more of a relationship and i have let him know how i feel but i dont know what more to do any adviced?

2006-11-03 10:24:21 · 11 answers · asked by user 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

my son says he hates me and doesn't love me, but delights in telling everyone else how much he loves them, usually in front of me. He is being assessed for possible Asperger's Syndrome, does anyone know if there could be a link with this behaviour as I can't see what I've done wrong?

2006-11-03 10:22:22 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I just started my first round of Clomid 50mg at the end of October. I was a raging B**ch! I flipped out at my father in law for not pushing in his kitchen chair. Yelled at my husband for crumbs on the counter and every other little thing! I cried a lot and then would think to myself gosh I am so mean but it still didn't quit. I am finally done with this cycle but I am still having outrageous hot flashes at nightmostly and some during the day. Anyone else have these side effects? I talked to someone at work who took Clomid for months and never got pg- she never had side effects. Just wondering if the side effects mean its WORKING?

2006-11-03 10:21:03 · 9 answers · asked by jacque7305 1 in Trying to Conceive

Hi. My mom is pregnant and we are currently trying to decide names for the baby. It is a girl. I suggested Justine. What do you think of this name?

2006-11-03 10:18:06 · 29 answers · asked by Isabel G 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i am 14 and my mother is OVERRRPROTECTIVE! i have all a's and b's in school but if i miss 1 assignment she acts like the world willl end! she makes me stay in my VERY tiny neighborhood i have to come in when the streetlights come on even when im over a friends house!i havent spent the night ver a friends house in years and i dont go to ANY parties! i have never done anything on the past so does any1 kno y she acts like this??is it because she underestimates my ability to handle myself or what??its driving me nutzzz

2006-11-03 10:17:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Is it normal for a kid at 18 who hasn't lost his virginity? Does that make him a late bloomer?

2006-11-03 10:16:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2006-11-03 10:16:21 · 9 answers · asked by mimigreeneyez@sbcglobal.net 1 in Pregnancy

I know a girl at school, that im sure i can trust, but she told me the other day that she thinks that she is pregnant, but she still claims to be a virgin. Is that at all possible, or is she lying?

2006-11-03 10:16:10 · 20 answers · asked by Shag 2 in Pregnancy

we just had out homecomeing pep rally and I'm a varsity cheerleader. We were3 doing the "shake your bootie" cheer (you know, the hey people, hey people sake your bootie, shake your bootie.) well....... some of the cheerleaders were asked to pick a few peolpe from each grade to caome shake it with us. well I went up into the stands and I got one of these guys that I have a crush on (only a little one) and he was down there with us and he stayed with me the whole time...... for the rest of rally. well, anyway, (we're jrs) my cheer coach was like, "jrs, you win the spirit stick!! so turn to your nebighor and give them a hug!!!!!" anyways, i turn to him and we hug each other, adn I huess that I mush have hung on for too long, b/c he kinda pulled away. And now.... I don't know what to say to him. did I just make a REALLY big fool of myself. I think that he likes me too, but IDK. maybe it's just me want something to happen, you know.
He has a GF, and I just broke up with my BF. (more v)

2006-11-03 10:15:03 · 10 answers · asked by ♥femme fatale♥ 2 in Adolescent

I used an OPK and according to it I ovulated 7 days ago. My period is due today and hasn't shown up yet. If we got pregnant this time, wouldn't it be too early to test? Implantation would be happening or just completed, right?

2006-11-03 10:13:56 · 6 answers · asked by tld76 2 in Trying to Conceive

Or for that matter, ANY parent who smokes around their children?

I think they should. It makes me sick to see a pregnant woman smoking or both parents smoking in the car with children in the back seat and the windows rolled up.

2006-11-03 10:13:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

and a lot of discharge too

2006-11-03 10:12:29 · 9 answers · asked by AMALIASCOLI 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I have a 14 year old who was diagnosed with BiPolar and ADHD. She seems to want to do whatever she wants to do and thinks nothing she does has consiquences. She leaves home weeks at a time without letting anyone know where she is. When the cops pick her up she says she didn't do anything wrong. When we try to disipline her she says we are child abusing her and she has no life. We have tried taking her tv, cell phone, VCR and everything else she has as a luxury but nothing works. She if very mouthy and has no respect for anyone. I just don't know what else to do. I have had it!! Please HELP

2006-11-03 10:11:04 · 13 answers · asked by CheeCha 2 in Grade-Schooler

When i went for the 1 hr gestational diabetes test i was diagnosed with an out of range glucose level of 175 mg/dl.My doctor then asked me to go for the 3 hr gestational test ,and the results came back normal and the nurse said i dont require any modifications in terms of diet and exercise.Is there is a reason for discrepancy in the the two results?Diabetes runs in my family though.

2006-11-03 10:10:53 · 10 answers · asked by gulliver 2 in Pregnancy

this kid that im babysitting is going nuts he is ADHD or something and his parents didnt tell me he was phyco!

2006-11-03 10:09:12 · 26 answers · asked by Shurbie 2 in Adolescent

2006-11-03 10:09:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

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