we just had out homecomeing pep rally and I'm a varsity cheerleader. We were3 doing the "shake your bootie" cheer (you know, the hey people, hey people sake your bootie, shake your bootie.) well....... some of the cheerleaders were asked to pick a few peolpe from each grade to caome shake it with us. well I went up into the stands and I got one of these guys that I have a crush on (only a little one) and he was down there with us and he stayed with me the whole time...... for the rest of rally. well, anyway, (we're jrs) my cheer coach was like, "jrs, you win the spirit stick!! so turn to your nebighor and give them a hug!!!!!" anyways, i turn to him and we hug each other, adn I huess that I mush have hung on for too long, b/c he kinda pulled away. And now.... I don't know what to say to him. did I just make a REALLY big fool of myself. I think that he likes me too, but IDK. maybe it's just me want something to happen, you know.
He has a GF, and I just broke up with my BF. (more v)
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asked by
♥femme fatale♥