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I have a 14 year old who was diagnosed with BiPolar and ADHD. She seems to want to do whatever she wants to do and thinks nothing she does has consiquences. She leaves home weeks at a time without letting anyone know where she is. When the cops pick her up she says she didn't do anything wrong. When we try to disipline her she says we are child abusing her and she has no life. We have tried taking her tv, cell phone, VCR and everything else she has as a luxury but nothing works. She if very mouthy and has no respect for anyone. I just don't know what else to do. I have had it!! Please HELP

2006-11-03 10:11:04 · 13 answers · asked by CheeCha 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

13 answers

When my daughter was a teenager I stayed on my knees so much that I know God would say, "Oh it's you again". I have worked in a school for 22 years and even the most wonderful kids when they become teenagers just seem to go crazy. With your daughter having medical problems that makes it worse. I sometimes think we should lock them up between thirteen and twenty and not turn them a loose on the world. ha Good luck honey and I'll be praying for you.

2006-11-03 11:10:33 · answer #1 · answered by Pearl 6 · 1 0

The problem is that you created the problem to begin with, you GAVE her the cell phone the vcr the television as basic rights rather than privliges to be earned. Now you take away those rights. You don't like it when the government tries to take away YOUR rights do you? Basically it's not different with your daughter. I never had to take anything away from my daughter because televsion, computer, phone, stereo, videos, games were all privliges and in order to be able to have time to do them she had to behave. If she didn't behave she earned nothing. If she did behave she earned an hour of her choice of privlege during the week and she would get six hours on the weekends.
Consequently we never had to take anything away from her since she never got them in the first place

2006-11-03 20:09:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Either one of those disorders is difficult, but both is more than doubly hard. Don't listen to those that say it is your fault, it is not. Your daughter has medical problems. Saying it is your fault is like saying a child with cancer is the parent's fault. Make sure that your daughter is taking her meds and that the dosage is right. You all need to be in counseling. This is a big problem and you can't do this without help.

2006-11-03 21:00:16 · answer #3 · answered by Kalliope 3 · 0 0

Is she in regular ed or in an ED class at school? If she's in ED, try working some kind of rewards system that could be used at school and and home with her teacher. If she's in regular ed, maybe you need to talk to the school about putting her in and Emotionally Disturbed class.
Have you looked into "tough love" She needs to learn that there are consinquences for her behavior.
good luck!

2006-11-03 18:42:57 · answer #4 · answered by angelica 4 · 0 0

You have a teenager. Me too. She's the same way. We've been trying to make her accountable for her actions and we keep taking more and more priviledges away. Her grades are coming up finally and she's not arguing as much. But still does. I hope she grows out of this. Good luck to you!

2006-11-03 18:22:50 · answer #5 · answered by notenuffcaffeine 1 · 0 0

When I was 13 I was diagnosed with adhd and I am also mouthy etc. She probably acts like that because she is bipolar. Is she a prep or emo punk? If she is a prep then she is just being a slut. if she is emo punk then have someone stay with her at all times.I'm emo punk. I don't have anyone with me at all times though. but then again i am not bipolar

2006-11-03 18:15:46 · answer #6 · answered by alternativepunk 3 · 0 1

since you said you have taking stuff from her that means you have given it back you need some back bone stop letting her get teh best of you take everything away today and tell her she has to earn one luxury at a time and if she says it is child abuse hand her your phone and have her call she will change if you are consistant....

2006-11-03 19:12:09 · answer #7 · answered by christina c 3 · 0 0

You need to make sure your daughter is being treated medically. Is she on the correct dosages of her meds? Next, she needs therapy. My prayers are with you.

2006-11-03 18:15:50 · answer #8 · answered by Melissa W 2 · 3 0

i think you should give her a good *** whiping because you shouldnt try to be your childs best friend you need to be the boss and do what i say she shouldnt be trying to boss so take control and get her in line ps. get her some meds if dat dont work

2006-11-03 18:22:52 · answer #9 · answered by JASMINE W 1 · 0 2

Is there any type of boot camp-style school around your area? if so send her to that. she needs to learn respect.

2006-11-04 00:18:38 · answer #10 · answered by zxcvzxcv 3 · 0 0

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