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Pregnancy & Parenting - 6 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I went into hospital last sunday (1st Oct) with terrible cramps and bleeding severely. I had internal scans and bloods taken and told that i was having a miscarriage at around 8 weeks.
I came home and have been trying to do the best I can to get on with things for my 16 month old sons' sake.
I went back to the hospital today with the same symptoms and they did more scans, only to be told that i was carrying twins and the second one had been missed on the first scan.
I have now miscarried both twins but how could the hospital have missed the second baby??????
I'm at a lose and completely devastated because now i am grieving for the lose of a 2nd baby, how can i get over this?

2006-10-06 15:48:50 · 29 answers · asked by Nimsay 06 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

We have a bassinet right by our bed but I just like her sleeping right next to me better. Daddy doesn't like it but when I'm lying in bed and breastfeeding me and the baby both fall asleep and she seems to sleep better when she is next to me. What did you all do?

2006-10-06 15:45:40 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

We have an attorney to take it to court for him to get visitation, but my mother in law seems to think that if my husband wants to really see his son, he would go too his son's school and see him there. We are affraid to do this for fear that his son's mother would press charges on him and have him arrested for going to the school to see him. What do you think? Does he have a right to go to the school and see his son? It has been 6 years since he has seen his son, and that is only because my husband gave up on going over to the house because she always starts a fight, he agrees he should have never done that, but at the time his son was 6 years old and he did not want his son to go through that. Even though we have an attorney is there anyone out there that can help us by giving us information on how he can see his son before the courts give him that visitation right on paper? And if the answer is to call her and set it up that has already been tried and she will not return his calls.

2006-10-06 15:44:38 · 19 answers · asked by Ronda B 1 in Parenting

we met on the internet and talked and we got in a fight over stupid stuff and now I'm crying she says she is too....

2006-10-06 15:44:17 · 13 answers · asked by kairi fanboy 1 in Adolescent

I have a 27mo old son and a 9 day old baby. How do you find time to take a shower? I can't leave my son unattended with the baby (I WONT because he loves him, but he doesnt realize how rough he is) and I dont like waiting til my hubby gets home because I like to feel clean when I go to the docotrs or wherever it is I need to go. When it was just myson and I , i would usually just let him stand in the back of the shower that way I knew where he was. I cant realy do that now. help!

2006-10-06 15:42:12 · 22 answers · asked by mommy of 3 boys 3 in Newborn & Baby

2006-10-06 15:38:36 · 8 answers · asked by brian t 1 in Trying to Conceive

know any other "answers" sites similar to this yahoo site that you can get good advice from other ttc women?

2006-10-06 15:35:00 · 4 answers · asked by stephdavenrylee 2 in Trying to Conceive

I have a question about International Adoption. I am a 26 year old single mother (by choice!) to a 9 month old little girl. I live in a 3 bedroom condo, that my mother also lives in with us. I am thinking about adding to our family through international adoption, probably from Guatemala or Haiti (I think you need to be 30 there). I was wondering, if the fact that my mother lives with us will affect my chances of adopting?

I don't understand why it would, but I dont want them thinking that I can not support my family and that she helps out with money. That is not the issue. My mother has lived in apartments her entire life and I wanted to get the stress of being only a rent check to the landlord off of her, and I wanted her to only have to work part time. The only thing she really helps with is with my daughter when I'm at work. I make about 60k and can very much support my family.

I've done hours of reasearch and could not find out anything about others living in the household.

2006-10-06 15:34:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I had sex for the first time on Sept 23 and he didnt come but I was told I could still risk the chance of getting pregnant, I started my period Sept 30 but it only lasted 4 days and it always last 7 days. I was told you can have some spotting around the time of your period or if you miss your period because you are pregnant and was also told that you can have your period and still be pregnant is this spotting or just my period isnt normal or am I pregnant? I have had pretty much every sign of pregnancy Nausea and vomiting,Feeling exhausted or sleepy,Food cravings, Increased need to urinate.What do you think? Im scared to take a pregnancy test so I thought I would ask advice on here before I took that step.

2006-10-06 15:33:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My husband and I are trying to conceive and there are 7 days before my next period is due so it's too soon to take a test. I have had mild cramping that feels a little like mentrual cramps. I have been soooo tired for the last two days and I have breast tenderness and I can't stop eating which is VERY abnormal for me. -But no implantation bleeding yet. I know that it can take between 5-12 days to implant and I am on my 11th day today.Has anyone here found out they were pregnant and never had implantation bleeding? This two week wait is a killer! Thanks in advance!

2006-10-06 15:30:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

Since April, my husband & I have been ttc. From charting, I think I am due to ovulate within the next couple of days... Last month we had sex 4 days in a row with no positive results. Should we try again everyday or try every second day leading up too, during and after ovulation this time around for a chance for his sperm to produce better swimmers? Serious answers please?? Thanks!

2006-10-06 15:27:34 · 6 answers · asked by MrsO 2 in Trying to Conceive

I want to plan a special day with each of my kids more often. It's easy with my daughter, we get manicures, do lunch, you know, girl stuff. But I'm at such a loss for things my 11 year old son would like to do. I ask him for ideas, but he always says whatever I want to do. I don't want to do a movie, the point is for us to have time to talk and give him some one on one. Don't have much to spend either. He's a really good kid, helps out a lot at home. Can anyone help?

2006-10-06 15:24:32 · 11 answers · asked by Chocoholic 4 in Parenting

I have had multiple symptoms including moodiness, headaches, cramping, acne, bloating, nipple tenderness, lower back pain, salt cravings, and tiredness. I got a blood test at a planned parenthood last week. It was negative. I am not normally late. I think the blood test is wrong. I need to know what you all think? Ever heard of this before? What should I do?

2006-10-06 15:21:43 · 12 answers · asked by rascal 2 in Pregnancy

My daughter is 8 months old and extremely healthy. She is very much spoiled by love. I usually either rock her to sleep or lay next to her and sing. My fiancee strongly disapproves of both, but he can't object too much, because it works. Lately she's been very picky about where she wants to sleep. If I put her in her crib, she'll sleep for about 2 hours, wake up, cry and scream for about an hour, then repeat the cycle. If she sleeps next to me, she'll sleep a full 12 hours. I understand that SIDS is a risk, but is she in the safezone? I don't want to endanger my daughter, but we're both teetering on the edge of insanity from lack of sleep. Should I continue the crib or let her sleep with me? Extra Info: Yes, I've tried letting her cry herself back to sleep. I let her cry for intervals of 10 minutes, then attempt to soothe her, then let her be for another ten minutes. It doesn't work very well.

2006-10-06 15:10:24 · 20 answers · asked by BarelyMakingItBy 2 in Parenting

I am 38 weeks pregnant and went to the Dr. last Wednesday for my weekly check up. I am only dialated as my Dr. decribed "tip of the finger" not even 1 cm. I am not due until October 16th. My Dr. told me that she was going to try to help my "move things along". She pushed on my cervix w/her finger and I have been having "false labor" contractions since. I went to the hospital a few days ago when they got really bad, like 2-3 minutes apart and they checked me. I thought for sure that I would be further dialated, but no, I wasn't. But the contractions were very painful. The nurse told me to walk for 45 mins. which I did, but to no avail. They told me to go home, maybe if I was more relaxed at home, my baby would shift into position and I would dialate more. It is now going on Sat. n I am still having contractions, but not as painful as they were that first night after my Dr. did that to my cervix. I was told that most women go into real labor 4 days after the Dr. does this. Is that true?

2006-10-06 15:09:53 · 16 answers · asked by Brooke's Mommy 3 in Pregnancy

i got the implant in on july 2004 met my fiance and got it out on the 3rd august last year and my period cicle was normal until they never came. i was 3 months late i went to the doctor and he said it was a mole(the after birth was growing but the baby wasent)anyway i had a miscarage and now i am 3 months late. i have took pregnancy tests a came up negative and been to the doctor he said not pregnant is this normal after a miscarage if not what can it be

2006-10-06 15:07:12 · 3 answers · asked by pauline 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My little boy is 8months old and i have always rocked him to sleep with no problem. He is 24lbs now and can over power me. He is very stong and can wiggle out of my arms. I have tried letting him cry, holding him tight when i rock him and just letting him lie there in the dark. He has never given me problems before in this area and i will not be able to rock him much longer. Can anyone give me some tips on putting him to bed with some ease. Besides drugging him. Kidding, i would never drug him!

2006-10-06 15:07:00 · 20 answers · asked by micah z 4 in Newborn & Baby

Early behavioral psychologists demonstrated it is easier to modify behavior when the expected behavior is rewarded. For example, you compliment your child for doing well in school, or you get coupons for your next purchase because you spent so much at the grocery store. What are the benefits of using rewards as a form of behavior modification? Also what are some negative affects that can occur if the wrong behaviors are rewarded?

2006-10-06 15:05:06 · 7 answers · asked by Little Birdie 2 in Parenting

I hate asking questions at this time of day..because some of the wierdos come out of the woodwork...but here goes...

I am feeding my baby pumped breastmilk because we failed to breastfeed properly. Anyway, there are many times where she does not finish the bottle. Do I need to discard it? If not, can it be put back into the refrigerator? If so...for how long?

Also...can it be left out of the fridge (aka at room temp)? How long?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

2006-10-06 15:03:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

if someone was 5'8'' and weighed 100 pounds would they be overweight?

2006-10-06 15:01:44 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

i could be the best loving parent to my 2 year old but as for all of us, we have our days and sometimes we just get fed up of repeating ourselves over and over..i could be very patient with him most of the time but on other times how do you other parents do it when those bad times come??

2006-10-06 14:58:38 · 18 answers · asked by Christian 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Brainstorming. any idea big or small welcome

2006-10-06 14:56:13 · 10 answers · asked by MamaJupe 5 in Adolescent

after taken the morning after pill dose it mess up ur cycle? and if TTC after will it have an effect on how long it takes to conceive

2006-10-06 14:55:11 · 4 answers · asked by babys_girl88 1 in Trying to Conceive

I feel like I have failed my son. He got in trouble today for leaving class to go to the bathroom and he was returned by another teacher because he never returned to class, but instead was socializing with other kids. He does not concetrate in school and I can not get him to eat at home. Any advice?

2006-10-06 14:49:09 · 25 answers · asked by mcgrawm7 2 in Grade-Schooler

2006-10-06 14:48:14 · 51 answers · asked by Amanda D 1 in Newborn & Baby

2006-10-06 14:43:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

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