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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

yesterday i had my 1 year review & apparently im not elegiable for a raise (i make $12.00 an hour, and i am a receptionist/ everything else that needs to get done i do) i told them at the VERY end of my review & when i told them , they told me the typical congrats, then went into the leave topic, boss says to me well you can use your vacation time & sick time as a leave, then i told them that in the handbook (& im sure state law, i live in CA) it says that if i have been with the co for over 12 months & if i come back to the co within 12 months of my leave that my position & benefits would not be jepordized. then then tell me that they will oviously need to find someone else while i am gone & that if there is still a position left in the co when i plan on returning then im more then welcome back. is it not required by law that i am allowed maternity leave??? is it just me or is their attitude really ****** up? any advise on what i should do?? should i look for a new job after baby?

2006-09-15 10:36:44 · 10 answers · asked by miss me! 4 in Pregnancy

There seem to be alot of men who think that the money they pay in childsupport is for their ex to go shopping with. They don't stop and think that a child needs food, clothes, and a bed to sleep in, and this stuff isn't free. What is worse is the men who had one night stands. They seem to think that since it was a one night stand, that the woman either needs to abort the baby, give it up for adoption, or deal with it herself. Even with men who were there in the beginning. There seems to be so many men trying to get out of childsupport. My ex-husband changes jobs every time I turn around. He told me once, that he wished I had to give him reciepts of what I spend his childsupport on. PLEASE!!! I get $200.00 a month. That doesn't go far, especially when he doesn't help with school supplies or clothes. I have filed to have the attorney general review his child support but they are dragging their real. Why don't some men think they should pay childsupport?

2006-09-15 10:30:13 · 27 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5 in Parenting

I had an exam today and I had to make a perfect score and I didn't. I feel realy sad because I feel like the only one who's gonna be left out. I feel so low. Advice please?

2006-09-15 10:29:44 · 8 answers · asked by Hellfire 3 in Adolescent

after all that stressing ive found out that im finally pregnant, so i want to thank all the yahoo users who gave me their tips and their magic baby dust.
i was just wondering if you can epilate or wax when your pregnant?
also how long is it before one starts showing?

2006-09-15 10:23:21 · 16 answers · asked by cinderella 1 in Pregnancy

My friend she is pregnant and is going to have a baby in February....with her being pregnant it made me think, how do I tell my husband when I become pregnant? I want it to be a special moment, a surprise if you will. He took the time to surprise me to ask me to marry him. I want to have it a neat, fun, exciting experience when that time comes in our lives. Do you have any suggestions or ideas? {Or how did you tell him?}Thanks!

2006-09-15 10:20:44 · 23 answers · asked by starmoonpm 2 in Pregnancy

I heard once that if a female has a baby too young, like pre-teen and teen years, she can have major pregnancy complications or even die because her body is not full grown enough to carry and have a baby.

What about the baby?

Can the baby die or be premature because the mother is too young?

Any truth to this?

(this is not about me, my wife is in her 20's)

2006-09-15 10:19:46 · 27 answers · asked by HappyHippo 1 in Pregnancy

Last month Aug 8th n me n my boyfriend had sex and he came inside me 3 times, and that Saturday Aug 12 i started my period. now its September and my period was suppose to start(last week) last sunday/monday around those dayz and it hasnt started, its a week late. Could i be pregnant??

2006-09-15 10:14:50 · 14 answers · asked by Lil Mama 1 in Pregnancy

i have lots of problems with sleeping. every night i go to bed at 10:30-11:00pm and i wake up at 6:00 am. i tend to not sleep very well in the night, so i wake up a few times and drink some water. i want to get rid of this haibit and sleep tight, so in the morning i can be satisfied with my sleeping hours. also, when i try to go to sleep, i'm not sleepy.can anyone help on these problems? ;;)

2006-09-15 10:09:35 · 36 answers · asked by KK 3 in Adolescent

She's 14 mo, same age as mine, and she screams as soon as her mom says "bye bye". Is there anything I can do to comfort her??? Rocking and singing won't work. Music doesn't help either.

2006-09-15 10:09:23 · 16 answers · asked by teeney1116 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

I am almost 2 months late with my period (which is expected on September 21st) and have take quite a few HPTs and still come up with negative results.
I plan to take another one on the day of my expected period and if that comes up negative, get a Dr's appt.
My question is this:
has ANYONE ever gone without your period for more than a couple of months and gotten negative HPTs (about 4!) and still ended up actually being pregnant after getting multiple negatives?
This is making me nuts!

2006-09-15 10:09:02 · 10 answers · asked by Sheila G 2 in Pregnancy

for me to have my baby I have dilated to 1 cm this is my 3rd child and my mucus plug has came out

2006-09-15 10:08:51 · 3 answers · asked by Terri L 2 in Pregnancy

I have had nothing but stress and frustration since my stepson moved in with us in May. We took custody of him because his mom was at her wits end dealing with his behavior and we thought a change in environment would help him. We also put him in counceling, but nothing has changed. It has been getting worse. He lies, steals, and just out right causes trouble. The first 6 weeks is not even out and he has been given detention, got suspended from the bus, and is about to be removed from the bus permanently. I have felt like a prisoner in my own house since he came here. He disrespects us, has stolen from me so much that I don't dare leave anything valuable out in the house, and he shows no remorse. We laid out groundrules, gave him consequenses of breaking them, and even offered rewards for good behavior. He didn't care about any rewards, he just wanted to do what he wanted to do. I tried and it didn't work. Am I suppose to feel bad? I feel nothing but relief to have my life back.

2006-09-15 10:07:23 · 14 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5 in Parenting

How dangerous is it not to recieve prenatal care--with the assumption the woman who is pregnant is eating healty, taking over the counter prenatal vitamins, and not doing any high risk activities?

2006-09-15 10:04:44 · 21 answers · asked by .vato. 6 in Pregnancy

Over the last two weeks I have not been feeling to well in the morning... Usually I feel sick in the morning for about 1/2 hour, have to lay down, and then the rest of the day I am prefectly normal ... It wasn't that bad, until this morning when I did get sick. I was told that it may be acid reflux, but it isn't. I also have had tender breast and over the last three days I have had a metallic taste in my mouth at night. I have had a really heavy period two weeks ago, and have not had sex with my fiance since.... I am really confused, and not sure what to do. Any opinions?

2006-09-15 10:02:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i took a ept test it was neg but the next day it was postive i know it says dont read it after 10 min has this happend to anyone and what was the outcome i don't think am pregannt thou!

2006-09-15 10:00:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Okay So my last period was on aug 18th and I still haven't started my period I am not even experiencing premenstrual symptoms (cramping,bloating,etc...) Should I take a pregnancy test or wait a few more days??? My cycles last 21 days and are very regular! What do you think??

2006-09-15 10:00:23 · 6 answers · asked by crystleblu 1 in Trying to Conceive

thank u for giving me good advice. but i have another question , i want to know for examlpe i get my period every month and the end of the mont any where between the 27-31 of the month. But this month (September) i got my period late. It came down on the 6 of September. I know sometime that happens but i had my hopes all up and the month of August nothing no baby. Well i just want to know from ur exp. to see if it's normal. I alreadyhad a pap done the last month and i;m ok, on prenatal vtms for about a month now. I will try to relax. So thank you for listing to me. please only to women who r active and mature. Thank You.

2006-09-15 09:59:53 · 3 answers · asked by >>..<< Wilmy 2 in Trying to Conceive

and i see how he acts around other children hes so happy do you think i shoud see a doctor im taking anti depressants for post natel depressino could this be affecting my chances in any way

2006-09-15 09:58:26 · 3 answers · asked by boosbecca 2 in Trying to Conceive

I have been potty training for a week now. Starting yesterday I pulled out one of her potty's instead of using the big potty (actually using a little of both) when she gets up and before a bath she'll use the big potty. Today she got up at 11:00 and I put her on the potty. Nothing. She had a bath and sat on the big potty nothing. SHe has been sitting on the little potty for at least 10 mionutes at a time sometimes up to a half hour depending what's on tv. The thing is she hasn't pee'd on the potty but she hasn't had any accidents anywhere either. She is panty and diaper free at the moment. Is something wrong.

2006-09-15 09:56:13 · 11 answers · asked by niknac 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

I want to do the entertaining myself.
I'll leave the knives off my fingers for the face painting.
Would Jason from Friday The 13th be a better choice?

2006-09-15 09:52:27 · 41 answers · asked by SilentRunning 3 in Parenting

There are a million thing that I could get him but I'm looking for something that my soon to be three year old son will not want to steal. Or is he doomed to play forever with hand me downs?

2006-09-15 09:52:10 · 13 answers · asked by Dainlynn 2 in Newborn & Baby

I feel really tired and i had nausea this morning and hertburn and everithing. I need your guys help. Thanks for the answears..

2006-09-15 09:52:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive


I had sex with my boyfriend on the 19th of Aug. My period had ended on the 18th, so I know i wasn't ovulating. The condom didn't break, and nothing leaked out. But now it's the 15th of Sept. and I should have started about two days ago. I'm so scared that I'm pregnant, even though it was protected sex. I'm not on the pill, but I'm looking into it now. I've been stressed from school so I hope that's the case...but how worried should I be? Also, how long should I wait until I take a test if my period never comes??

2006-09-15 09:51:28 · 8 answers · asked by xopinkcarnationox 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I don't have children, yet. But I've been thinking about something for a while now.
When I do have my first child, I plan to be the best mother possible to him or her. Me and my boyfriend talk about what kind of parents we want to be and discuss different parenting skills all the time. I realize it will ultimatley be up to our child to follow our guidance.
I guess my question is no matter how perfect our parenting will be, won't society ruin all of our hard work? I mean, when our child starts school, won't the other kids who didn't have such great parents pass along their bad behavior and habits?
As a parent what do you do to ensure only YOUR parenting stays etched in your childs brain and not someone else's lack of parenting?

2006-09-15 09:50:11 · 179 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

at least 1 hour a night, becuase I don't think she is learning much in her preschool now.

2006-09-15 09:48:41 · 13 answers · asked by Pretty me :) 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-09-15 09:48:06 · 11 answers · asked by cakewiz03 1 in Newborn & Baby

What exactly is it? My husband and I last had sex about 2 days ago. Well today when I went to the RR when I wiped there was a little blood. It was very light pink and when that happened I got mild cramps. Could that be implantation bleeding and mean that I might have concieved? It can't be my period because I just finished my period about a week and a half ago and I can't take a pregnancy test because it's just too soon to show up. Does anyone know what this could be?

2006-09-15 09:48:03 · 6 answers · asked by I smile because of them ♥ 5 in Pregnancy

i know your say don't let her snack all day but if i don't she still wont eat her dinner what i call proper food,she snacks on yogurt fruit sandwhich crisps.any idea's please

2006-09-15 09:46:44 · 15 answers · asked by diane o 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

Is there a way to make your period come sooner? We're going on vacation to the beach on Thursday and I really don't want to be laying on the beach in a swimsuit while I'm ridin' the cotton pony (if you know what I mean). Anyway to make it come sooner this month? I know this doesn't belong in this category, but I figured there are alot of women in this section :-)

2006-09-15 09:46:09 · 15 answers · asked by SweetSicilian 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

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