The first day of my last period was on May 22, 2006. I had sex twice on June 2, twice on June 3, and once on June 4. According to my cycle my ovulation occured on June 5. While ovulating are there any symptoms?? What is the earliest day that I can take a home pregnancy test. I am wanting another child, and I am hoping that I am. I am just so anxious to find out really soon. I dont really want to wait, but if there is anyone who knows when the earliest day that I can take a pregnancy test please let me know. And if there are any symptoms that a woman can have to let her know when she ovulated on the day the of her ovulation? Today is June 8, 2006. Thank you so much!!!! Also after ovulation, does the cervical mucus go back to being like eggwhites?? I have an increase in that and in my saliva. Could I possibly be pregnant??? And those dates that I had sex, how long could the sperm live?? Could they have possible lived until June 5 or later??
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