My daughter is almost 6 and weighs 55 llbs. but she is also extremely tall. She has always been the biggest one in her classes but her weight is very proportionate and she is active in soccer, gymnastics, and tennis. She is just built bigger, but she also has a 7 yr old sister who is very small for her age. I am 5'3" and pretty small...always have been and her dad is 6ft, about 190. She is beautiful, but the comments she gets sometimes are so hurtful and since I've never had to deal with these issues, I don't know how to handle this in a positive manner. Kids don't say much very often, but she is now realizing that she is just bigger, not really even fat, just tall and bigger. She was in a class where she was the oldest (by almost a year) and of coarse big for her age as well and that's when her concern (and mine) began. How can I help her be more confident?
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