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Politics - 30 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-10-30 12:39:13 · 15 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

And also what sides do these different parties take on these issues?

2007-10-30 12:31:32 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or would the world be better off with a declining pop, till we get back to 2-3B.

2007-10-30 12:24:52 · 13 answers · asked by amazed we've survived this l 4

Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich questioned President Bush's mental health in light of comments he made about a nuclear Iran precipitating World War III.

"I seriously believe we have to start asking questions about his mental health," Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, said in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer's editorial board on Tuesday. "There's something wrong. He does not seem to understand his words have real impact."

2007-10-30 12:23:26 · 12 answers · asked by oohhbother 7

I remember 9/11, seeing the first plane hit. It was certainly shocking. I was at work and we had a TV in the cafeteria. We wondered what went wrong in the cockpit. Of course, when the second plane hit, it occurred to us that it was a terrorist group, but hypothetically, what if it wasn't? Are we truly upset by the magnitude of the attack, or are we angry that it was deliberately done by foreigners? Are Americans angry or scared? It just seems that 9/11 is represented as an event that has Americans scared to death. I wonder if people are scared or mainly angry. Personally, I hate bin Laden and I'm mad as hell that he's still alive. Iraq and Iran have nothing to do with it.

2007-10-30 12:18:56 · 7 answers · asked by CaesarLives 5

Now Bush wants to grant Blackwater immunity, basically he is saying a private company is above international law and our troops are world cops free to kill who they please.

2007-10-30 12:15:04 · 18 answers · asked by The President 3

I saw a picture with mr O and three other with the caption of his middle name and wanted to check on the correctness of the picture.

2007-10-30 12:14:23 · 16 answers · asked by MONEYMAN 3 1

What’s Wrong with America?

I sure hope you like C-SPAN, reruns, and reality shows, because if we the Hollywood proletariat have our way, every writer in town is going on strike, perhaps as soon as this Thursday. If you ask me, it’s not a moment too soon.
Technically, we’re striking against the producers, the studios, and the networks — the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers — who have been trying to screw us out of our fair share of VHS and DVD residuals for years, and whose initial offer was to screw us even harder. With a brave new world of iPhone technology on its way, we want to make sure we don’t get fooled again.

But everyone knows we’re really striking against you, the ungrateful, reactionary, and probably crypto-fascist audience. You’ve let us all down by not going to see our movies.

The Kingdom? A disappointment at $46 million. Rendition? A huge antiwar belly flop for Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, and the guy from Brokeback Mountain playing in 2,250 theaters that hasn’t yet managed $8 million. Elizabeth: The Golden Age? The Catholic-bashing costume party with Cate Blanchett in high dudgeon and higher drag is a flopola at $14 million. In the Valley of Elah, from scribe du jour Paul Haggis? It’ll be lucky to make $7 million. At this rate, you probably won’t even go to see Brian De Palma’s Redacted.

Frankly, we’re tired of throwing our pearls before you swine. So we’re firing you.

I mean, come on: the fourth installment of a torture-porn series, a Steve Carell laugher, a vampire movie set in Alaska and a comedy aimed at the, ahem, “urban audience” are opening up cans of cinematic whup-*** on the finest, most passionate anti-American movies our smartest, snarkiest Harvard grads can think up. And Lions for Lambs hasn’t even opened yet! Heck, The Rock’s family-values comedy The Game Plan has made $77 million, more than all the antiwar movies put together.

It’s so sad: Here we were, on a roll, with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in command of Congress, the Clinton Restoration practically a fait accompli, and Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize to use as a doorstop alongside his Oscar — and this is the thanks we get.

Well, I just don’t get it. It’s not like our patriotism is questionable or anything. Like Bonosera the undertaker in The Godfather, we love U.S.-America, we believe in U.S.-America, just not U.S.-America the way she is now: a racist, sexist, homophobic bastion of white male privilege, built on the backs of Africans and Native Americans and exploited immigrants, seeking to export its murderous rage to the Middle East and beyond. And all right-thinking people — by which I mean “left-thinking” people, of course — agree with us. You certainly won’t get any argument on the west side of Los Angeles, and wherever I travel in this great land of ours — to places as diverse as San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, and the Upper West Side — it’s unanimous. America stinks!

So we want to change this country into something new and beautiful and socialist, a liberated America in which we middle-class Hollywood people (for so we like to think of ourselves; we’re not really rich) can live safely in our patrolled communities and send our kids to private schools while making sure your tax money goes to pacify the howling mob beyond the gates. An America, in other words, that looks more like South America or South Africa than Bedford Falls, condemned to eternal punishment for its moral turpitude. Who could possibly object to that?

Another reason we’re striking is that there’s just too much competition these days from journalists. Who does this clown Scott Thomas Beauchamp think he is, pitching anti-war movies in the guise of writing a “Baghdad Diary” for The New Republic? He might have fooled his editors into thinking he was doing straight reporting, but anyone who lives within 50 miles of the intersection of Fairfax and Melrose can smell a scenario when he steps in it. It’s hard enough to make your bones and get into the Writers Guild of America, a closed-shop union that civilians can’t join, without worrying about a bunch of hacks making stuff up that makes America look bad and passing it off as truth in the hopes that some producer will come calling. That’s our job!

So as the days dwindle down to a precious few, it’s looking more and more like we’re going out. The studios have stockpiled all the bad scripts they can get their hands on, the writers’ rooms are going 24/7 to churn out enough episodes to get the networks through Festivus, and nobody’s taking any pitches until this thing is over.

It may be a while. Last Thursday, the producers have told us to forget about upgrading the DVD residuals, or any other residuals. For our part, the Guild membership has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike — the last one was in 1988, and lasted five months — and all over town, people are consulting their accountants and business managers over how they’re going to make their $20,000 a month mortgage nut if they’re not working.

Both sides have called in a federal mediator when negotiations resume tomorrow. But unless this stooge of the Bush Administration waterboards us, it’s on to the picket lines at Paramount, ABC, and Warner Bros. We’re going to hit the AMPTP where it hurts, right in the pocketbook, and make ‘em remember that it all starts with the writer and if you think actors can invent stories and ad-lib dialogue, you’re a die-hard Robert Altman fan.

But, even more, we’re going to hit you where you live: on your sofas.

No more Letterman. No more Leno. No more Lost. No more great movies like Rendition to alert you to the evils of the Chimp-in-Chief and the Grand Vizier and their Illegal War in Iraq. The hell with you. We’ve knocked ourselves out for you, and this is how you repay us. Serves you right

2007-10-30 12:13:45 · 10 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Why not torture our enemies when we want to? Other countires do. We might learn something valuable. Why should America not torture bad people who want to do us harm?

2007-10-30 12:07:25 · 13 answers · asked by Uhlan 6

Also, why don't they know preemptive surrendering does not work when dealing with world threats?

Europeans learned that during Hitler's reign.

2007-10-30 12:06:17 · 12 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

He's a republican and a baptist minister, and he far enough to the right for them overall, so why are they criticizing him rather than rallying around him?

The argument goes something like "Huckabee may have a conscience for helping the poor, but the real religous right doesnt like him because he's not consumed with contempt for gays,pro-choicers, and low taxes"

Kind of seems like Huckabee is not respected by what SHOULD be his base because he's too literal with his religous beliefs!

2007-10-30 11:56:50 · 6 answers · asked by Zinger! 3

2007-10-30 11:53:08 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

He sent thousands off to war and never served himself. For that matter has any president that did not serve that sends troops in harms way a chickenhawk?

2007-10-30 11:46:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

When was the last time someone was beaten up or killed by someone who had had too many cigarettes? When was the last time someone was killed by someone driving who was over the nicotine limit? When was the last time a family broke up over someone's nictotine dependence?

Once you're done with smokers and the drinkers, who's next? The obese? The lazy? Those with special needs?

2007-10-30 11:45:59 · 17 answers · asked by slıɐuǝoʇ 6

It would seem like Bush's policies may not be the best for America right now, but then again, it seems like his goal is to line the pockets of his corporate buddies, and to be elected twice with low popularity and maintain an unpopular war during the tenure of a democratic congress is no easy feat.

2007-10-30 11:41:32 · 14 answers · asked by mannzaformulaone 3

Educate me. This site seems to harbor extremists roundly rejected by the mainstream.

I know I know, I'm a "commie" for even questioning the orders your masters gave you (eyes roll)

2007-10-30 11:39:56 · 11 answers · asked by Zinger! 3

Is it because they are generally more informed and EDUCATED? Maybe they are more "well-to-do" and are not as influenced by money.

2007-10-30 11:29:59 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

...Either seriously or less seriously.

2007-10-30 11:23:29 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

other than because war has been privatized


2007-10-30 11:22:04 · 18 answers · asked by Banned from yahoo 5 times 2


2007-10-30 11:20:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

The National Writers Union is the trade union for freelance and contract writers: journalists, book authors, business and technical writers, web content providers, and poets. With the combined strength of nearly 2,000 members in 16 chapters nationwide, and with the support of the United Automobile Workers (UAW), the Union works to defend the rights and improve the economic and working conditions of all writers.

War Will Hit Working People
February, 2003
By a vote of 55 to 16 (with 4 abstentions) the NWU's national governing body, the Delegates Assembly, adopted the following resolution opposing a war against Iraq:
WHEREAS, over 100 trade unionists from 76 local, regional and national unions, central labor councils and other labor organizations (see details below) representing over 2 million members gathered in Chicago for an unprecedented meeting to discuss our concerns about the Bush administration's threat of war; and
WHEREAS, union members and leaders have the responsibility to inform all working people about issues that affect their lives, jobs and families, and to be heard in the national debate on these issues; and
WHEREAS, the principal victims of any military action in Iraq will be the sons and daughters of working class families serving in the military who will be put in harm's way, and innocent Iraqi civilians who have already suffered so much; and
WHEREAS, we have no quarrel with the ordinary working class men, women and children of Iraq, or any other country; and
WHEREAS, the billions of dollars spent to stage and execute this war are being taken away from our schools, hospitals, housing and Social Security; and
WHEREAS, the war is a pretext for attacks on labor, civil, immigrant and human rights at home; and
WHEREAS, Bush's drive for war serves as a cover and distraction for the sinking economy, corporate corruption and layoffs; and
WHEREAS, such military action is predicted actually to increase the likelihood of retaliatory terrorist acts; and
WHEREAS, there is no convincing link between Iraq and Al Qaeda or the attacks on Sept. 11, and neither the Bush administration nor the UN inspections have demonstrated that Iraq poses a real threat to Americans; and
WHEREAS, U.S. military action against Iraq threatens the peaceful resolution of disputes among states, jeopardizing the safety and security of the entire world, including Americans; and
WHEREAS, labor has had an historic role in fighting for justice; therefore
We hereby establish the "U.S. Labor Against the War" (USLAW); and
Resolve that U.S. Labor Against the War stands firmly against Bush's war drive; and
Further resolve that U.S. Labor Against the War will publicize this statement, and promote union, labor and community antiwar activity.

2007-10-30 11:20:25 · 4 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2


2007-10-30 11:20:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are so many young people who hate Bush. When I ask them why, they just say he's dumb. I'll ask what makes him dumb and they'll shrug their shoulders and have no answer. They have no answer for anything. I personally respect anyone who makes it to the presidency. I don't care if they're democrat or republican. No matter what president we have, people have problems with them. But it seems to be the mainstream thing to hate Bush. All the celebrities hate him, so all the kids do. No one ever thinks for themselves anymore

2007-10-30 11:16:20 · 16 answers · asked by Answer me this 3

Well, is there any chance you could stop it because you're doing far worse to me and my family (and the environment) than a billion smokers ever could hope to achieve? I am sick of sucking in your carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other fumes. PLEASE STOP DRIVING AND USING ANY TYPE OF TRANSPORT NOW!


2007-10-30 11:09:54 · 22 answers · asked by slıɐuǝoʇ 6

fedest.com, questions and answers